Sunday FGS
Lincolnton Police: Shop employee shoots at robbers
Morgan Fogarty
LINCOLNTON, N.C. – An attempted robbery was stopped thanks to an employee who fought back. Lincolnton Police say two men went into Dave’s vape shop to rob it Thursday afternoon, while a third waited outside in a getaway car. At least one had a gun.Police say they assaulted an employee in the store, stole merchandise and cash. But as they ran from the store, the employee fired a gun at them, hitting one of the robbers. The two robbers later showed up at a local urgent care to get medical help, where they were arrested.
The getaway car driver was also located and arrested. 20-year-old Kwan Monteith, Junior and 20-year-old Jacorrian Montgomery are now charged with robbery with a dangerous weapon. More charges are pending.
0 / 3 / 0
WCCB Charlotte
Thanks again to our own Gun Bunny for the link, and a tip of the hat to David for the ugly gun inspiration this week.
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
‘One of them turned around so I shot him before he could shoot me’ would sound but Lilcolnton ain’t Asheville so maybe honest employee will be okay.
“Speakin’ troof to power”.
[…] This ain’t Hell… has your feel good stories. And stupid people of the week. […]
The Pirate’s Cove
Those Whiz Wheel candidates got smoked by the vape shop clerk. Give it a spin, Claw Daddy, inquiring minds and all of that.
“However, a lousy trigger won’t necessarily sink a gun — what will sink a gun is an unreliable design.” And it will; Every.damn.time!
Nothing at all wrong with the design of that young tender roonie Ms Thang that’s giving The Gun Bunny a “Come Hither” look. And yes, I do think that she is high maintenance and that I do have tee shirts that are older than her.
Still have some from the National Lampoon and Farside days.
Only thing that honey lamb might need is some wax and a buff.
Does that honey lamb come served with a side of mint jelly?
Gotta bring your condiments 🙂
I have grandchildren older than she.
Ugly pistol? Looks okay. Then you read about it. Uuuugly.
12 lb. trigger pull? That’s what happens when you get a pistol designed by lawyers. Seemed like it was on the cover of every gun mag during 1991-’92 time frame.
Sounds like they took their inspiration from ::spits:: Walther ::spits:: that trigger pull.
Haven’t read the article, but that gun just looks ugly. Samuel Colt weeps.
Whiz Wheel®™ had to pull a little Google-Fu to get the middle names (which was easy once you go to the “Recently Booked”) which bumps up the score by a little bit. Anyway, here’s the scores:
Kwan Davalle Monteith, Junior (WRT) 48 x 2 = 96
Jacorrian Rasean Montgomery (WOT) 42 x 2 = 84
Junior? You mean to say there’s a Senior?
And what was HE like?!
From Junior’s example, I can only imagine.
Senior prolly doing 25 to life at The Gray Bar Hotel right now.
Without the ducktail and palm safety, it just can’t be right.
Well, for some of us, the finger tip safety is a nice touch along with the delightfully refined, minimalist elegance of a Glock 🙂