Whoever heard of such a thing?
Matthew Yglesias is throwing a hissy at his place because of some former Bush “officials” who won’t support Obama based on a New York Times article by Peter Baker who writes;
A half-dozen former senior Bush officials involved in counterterrorism told me before the Christmas Day incident that for the most part, they were comfortable with Obama’s policies, although they were reluctant to say so on the record. Some worried they would draw the ire of Cheney’s circle if they did, while others calculated that calling attention to the similarities to Bush would only make it harder for Obama to stay the course. And they generally resent Obama’s anti-Bush rhetoric and are unwilling to give him political cover by defending him.
Yglesias writes;
It’s really staggering what this says about the ethical caliber of the people we’re talking about. These are the toughest issues out there. Obama is, they think, doing the right thing. But some of them don’t want to say he’s doing the right thing because that might make Dick Cheney mad and they’re timid, gutless careerists? And others don’t want to say he’s doing the right thing because their feelings are hurt that a Democrat said bad things about his grossly unpopular Republican predecessor? For this they’re going to undermine support for policies that they themselves believe are keeping the country safe?
Staggering? Really? Six people who Baker calls “officials” (they could be Pentagon janitors for all we know) and that’s supposed to be staggering.
What about the scores of “gutless careerists” that opposed the Bush policies for eight straight years on the public airwaves even though they knew in their tiny black hearts that what Bush was doing was an appropriate response?
What about that list of Democrats who came out for attacking Iraq in 1998, voted for Saddam’s removal in 2002 and then spent six years crying crocodile tears over the Bush policy of preemption? What about those Senators who spent more than six years crying about the PATRIOT Act after they voted for it? Did those three congressmen who stood on the roof of Saddam’s palace really think Saddam was more trustworthy than Bush – or were they being gutless careerists?
There are tons of things they can be crying over in regards to Republicans, but this is nit-picking.
Category: Media, Military issues, Terror War
Forbes.com has a current article online entitled, “Serious About Security: Americans are losing faith in the Democrats’ ability to fight terrorism” at http://tinyurl.com/yhrxskt.
What I found more interesting than the article itself, actually, was the fact that the article is being carried in today’s bi-weekly issue of the Homeland Security News email put out by Security Solutions International.
As for those six former senior Bush officials involved in counter-terrorism who are supposedly comfortable with what Obama has been doing (the same ones comfortable with what Bush was doing prior to 9/11?), I’d sure like to know what they think about the Gitmo detainees being released to Yemen in spite of the fact that the terrorist threat emanating from elements in Yemen is supposedly so serious right now that they are temporarily closing the embassy.
HELLLOOO!!!! Is there anybody out there???? HELLLOOO…!!!!
I have some very serious doubts sometimes that anyone in our government knows what the hell they’re doing.
And Obama’s executive order giving the International Criminal Police (INTERPOL) immunity within the US (also reported on Blackfive)…is sounding ominously like preparations being made for Obama eventually signing the US on with the International Criminal Court (ICC). This is an absolutely terrible idea (understatement of the year). I have always been dead set against the US being under the jurisdiction of the ICC and spoke out against that even as I was out protesting the Iraq war. Nobody ever agreed with me.
I can’t make up my mind if I should start drinking, repeatedly bang my head against a brick wall, or go quietly insane…
“I have some very serious doubts sometimes that anyone in our government knows what the hell they’re doing.”
Thank God they’re going to fix healthcare. The are obviously the only ones who know enough…. uh, excuse me, I have to go get my dog. I seems the “Global Warming” Owlgore warned us about has frozen his balls to the flagpole here in Georgia.