Half of bombplotters were Gitmo alum

| December 29, 2009

According to that bastion of right wingnuts at ABC News, two of the four leaders of the plot to bomb a flight into Detroit on Christmas Day, graduated from the Guantanamo Finishing School;

American officials agreed to send the two terrorists from Guantanamo to Saudi Arabia where they entered into an “art therapy rehabilitation program” and were set free, according to U.S. and Saudi officials.

Art therapy rehabilitation doesn’t appear to be effective, so we probably ought to stop doing that – along with sending Gitmo detainees to Saudi Arabia – or any other country that advocates art therapy. Of course, my friends at the ACLU will preach to us that these two became terrorists BECAUSE of Guantanamo. But they all got picked up for a reason, fellas.

The clowns at Huffington Post picked up on “Matthew Alexander’s” line that Guantanamo was al Qaeda’s main recruiting tool.

Personally, I think Matthew Alexander is al Qaeda’s main recruiting tool.

Category: Terror War

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Well Jonn… I don’t know about “recruiting” but it sure looks like “Tool” fits for Matthew.


I can’t say I didn’t see this one coming. Sending AQ types to Saudi Arabia to be rehabilitated by the Religious Establishment that created them in the first place is pretty damn insane if you ask me.