And an even bigger Eff You to NC

| December 6, 2024

Well, at least we know where the Tarheels rank in Joe Biden’s world.

On his last-gasp attempt to look Presidential, Joe Biden is making a grand tour of African countries. You know, because we have all those friends there waiting to be bought by American dinero.

And when going places that by and large really don’t care for us, what better way to make up for largely being ignored than to throw money at them? After all, that IS the American way.  Forget your famines, screw your insurrections, who KNOWS which way you politically lean – we can make up for it with cash, right?

“The United States continues to be the world’s largest provider of humanitarian aid and development assistance. That’s going to increase, you know, that’s the right thing for the wealthiest nation in the world to do,” Biden said while speaking in Angola. “Today I’m announcing over $1 billion in new humanitarian support for Africans displaced from homes by historic droughts and food insecurity. We know African leaders and citizens are seeking more than just aid. You seek investment.

“So, the United States is expanding our relationship all across Africa from assistance to aid, investment to trade, moving from patrons to partners to help bridge the infrastructure gap,” he added.

First time Biden has ever been to Africa, too. Thank God he isn’t a frequent flier.

Now, in fairness, the White House has said it wants $98 billion in Helene relief funding, but does not seem to have officially requested it. FEMA says it needs at least $40 billion more that its 2024 budget  due to Helene relief costs.

On top of that, FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell told reporters last month that her agency “will need additional funding of approximately $40 billion beyond its 2025 budget request to support the ongoing recovery efforts to these storms and meet our overall mission requirements through the end of the fiscal year.”  Fox News

No offense to North Carolina – I know how long hurricane recovery can take but am I the only one noticing that the folks actually tasked with doing the work are asking less than half of what the White House wants to dole out? Am I smelling a particularly noisome large rodent? Who gets that other $50 billion?

No matter what – the appearance of putting African aide ahead of taking care of our own is some really bad optics. Spending billions on housing and feeding millions of illegal immigrants is worse, especially when the country is trillions (that’s a lot of zeroes) in debt.


Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Biden

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FYI, the western end of the state has voted Republican pretty much since there have been Republicans to vote for. Very independent people in those mountains; they’ll manage. The rest of us will help if they’ll let us.

Harry D

The two blue leftist sewers of western NC are Buncombe County (Asheville) and Watauga County (Boone). Two blue shithole counties floating in a sea of red. We’re are experiencing a surge of refugees from CA, NY, and other leftist landfills, but thankfully those people are leaving those places in the rear view and voting correctly when they get here.

Green Thumb

And the wheels on the bus go round and round….


The wheels on the bus are about to fall off…and the bus is teetering at the edge of the cliff. There’s still a lot of damage that sniffy creepy despicable crooked joey can do between now and 20 January ’25 to the bus. Trying to find an article that I saw yesterday, alluding to the connection between the artist formerly know as hunter’s associates and the companies that will be in charge of this African give-away. Oddly…it’s gone “poof”.

I repeat…I wish Trump & Company all the luck in the world when and IF they take over in January, hoping and praying that they can right “The Ship of State”. But as we all know, wish, hope, and even prayer is no battle plan. I foresee a repeat of 2017 when the domestic, despotic enemies of our Republic throw up every road block they can come up with to impede what needs to be done.




comment image


The Chinese are way ahead of us there. They put up a port on a loan and then the nation is paying it off forever. Meanwhile you better give us that military base we need.


Dems three favorite activities are in no particular order depending on the Diddycrat:
-Killing babies
-Spending OTHER people’s money
-Sexually/gender exploiting children

Change my mind


We have family near Asheville.
Believe I’ll leave it right there.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Here’s hoping they get made whole before we ship all that money overseas…


Thanks. Niece’s house will be repaired.


Yep, me 2, 91 year old Mom and Big Sis, big sis works at the Asheville Harley Davidson, where the redneck Air Force has been operating out of since Sunday after the storm.
She was there when Ivanka Trump and her son came through and later on when Donald came through, but she could only get a few hundred yards away because the Secret Service has blocked the area off.
My family lives about 2000 feet up against the Blue Ridge Parkway so they didn’t have any substantial flooding and they live in a older folks community of duplexes and single-family homes up near Reynolds high school off of 74 so yes, they were without power early on and yes, they were without potable water until some weeks ago, But they managed to survive and are well and actually the basement of the house flooded three days before the hurricane came through surprisingly with the early storms so that was the only damage they had to endure.
However, just up the road in Swannanoa past Reynolds high school a very extended family an uncle’s cousin’s grandparents, grandchildren mother’s father sister’s brothers. They were on a very large multi family multi home compound lost 11 members.


And literally why I was typing this. She just sent me a TikTok, which I can’t post here, but at least I screen shot it JD Vance and Samaritans purse right down the street in Asheville with a local press they are talking about what they’re trying to do to assist people on the ground and get more help from insurance companies and Industry.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

 “Am I smelling a particularly noisome large rodent? Who gets that other $50 billion?”

I think we know, in much the same way that hammers that were listed as costing $300 each didn’t cost $300 each…or toilet seats costing a grand…funding for things we would rather not be revealed gets hidden in all manner of interesting ways in government accounting…


Think it was Obama who ended PL480 — we exported shit tons of food aid to Africa and Asia before his ass took a second term.

Spoiler alert: They weren’t grateful for the food aid.

Old tanker

President dementia has always been America last from before the election.

A Proud Infidel®™

President Dementia MeFirst has ALWAYS only been about himself.

“Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to fuck things up.” – B. Hussein 0bama

Skivvy Stacker

It’s only a matter of time before we start seeing that Jewish gal on TV telling us we need to start donating money to help feed the starving Goyim of western North Carolina.


OK, that’s funny but not funny but funny so I’m conflicted 😝😭😡🤣

Skivvy Stacker

I’m part Catholic and part Jewish….I’m also a bit confichted….

USMC Steve

And this sort of thing is what moved NC from a so called battleground or swing state solidly into the red zone again.

Harry D

And I still don’t understand how Trump carried this state (again – by even larger numbers over 2020) but we still had a degenerate democrat elected governor – and by a lot. Good news is we kept the supermajority in the house so they can override his ass the way they did smelly pooper Cooper at least three times.

A Proud Infidel®™

So just how much is Joe Biden getting in kickbacks from that shit? Asking for a friend.


The Big Guy always gets at least 10%.

Harry D

I remember when that leftist lump of shit David Axelcock when on TV and said “the elite liberals of Asheville will find a way to vote and the poor Trump voters will not”. Well, Axelcock, enjoy that buffet-size plate of shit you’re eating now because this “poor Trump voter” took time out of rebuilding his house near Asheville to vote, and help Trump carry NC by 192,000 votes…well more than the 78,000 votes he carried NC with in 2020. And fuck FEMA…around here neighbors help neighbors, we don’t stand around waiting for some government assholes to show up and pass us by because we have Trump signs on the front lawn.


Day 1 for President Trump.. end ALL foreign aid. Make any countries interested in receiving assistance from us submit a new request, and explain how it’s in our best interests to help them, and PROVE that neither their government, nor any significant percentage of their population adheres to an ideology incompatible with our way of life. Then and ONLY then should they be considered for ANY aid.