The bloom is off the rose

| December 27, 2009

I had to laugh the other day when I watched Harry Reid call the vote buying and pay offs that led the news last week “leadership”. I’ve been preaching on these pages since early last year about leadership and how we weren’t going to see any when this bunch took over last January. Apparently, their constituents have arrived at the same conclusion a year too late.

TSO forwarded an email from the developmentally disabled Jane Hamsher of Far Left blog FireDogLake last week that urged the blog’s readers to condemn the health care bill in the Senate. Hamsher writes;

The Senate health care bill is an ungodly mess of errors, loopholes, and massive giveaways. When the American people find out what’s actually in this bill, they will revolt.

Funny, but the right has been saying that for more than half of the year. But the Left seems to be catching up. Ace of Spades writes that Hamsher has co-signed with Grover Nordquist a letter to Attorney General Holder calling for an investigation of Rahm Emanuel;

We believe there is an abundant public record which establishes that the actions of the White House have blocked any investigation into his activities while on the board of Freddie Mac from 2000-2001, and facilitated the cover up of potential malfeasance until the 10-year statute of limitations has run out.

Oh, imagine that – the Left finally believes that Rahm should called to accoount for his role in the collapse of the housing lending market.

Also at FDL, Gordon Ginsburg has noticed that maybe what the Democrats have been engaging in the last twelve months isn’t leadership at all;

The times call for a leader of Churchillian or Rooseveltian magnitude; what we have instead is a cautious risk-averse manager. Bold progressives must fill the leadership vacuum in order to restore and support a vibrant US middle class.

Well, ya know, when the goal becomes winning the next election instead of governing, when each legislative victory is crafted to quell the whining of every disparate leftist whiner’s agenda, that’s the kind of crapola with which we get saddled. You get hucksters and shysters who revel in the act of fooling voters. Why else would a health care bill that we so desperately need to save lives today not take effect until after the next election?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks

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The leftards finally figured out what we’ve known for nearly two years now…whoop-de-frickin-do! And yet like a bunch of ADD-riddled moonbats, this faux outrage will only be directed at the current administration until Obama or some other talentless, leadership-lacking hack mentions the “previous administration” or just flat out claims it’s Bush’s fault–AGAIN! Ooooo, shiny!

B Woodman

Still wouldn’t trust ’em as far as I could throw ’em.
Allies of convenience for the moment. But watch your back (redundancy).


“The enemy of my enemy is my friend” does not apply here. That he’s not enough of a fricken commie for these asshats doesn’t mean they are on our side, or America’s side.

Harry Reid better start picking out a retirement home, because all the latest polls show him trailing by double digits pretty much every candidate on both sides in Nevada.