Stop-loss backpay stopped/lost

| December 24, 2009

Now that the Defense Finance and Accounting Services have paid out to 1700 service members who were stop/lossed the $500/month they were owed, the Army and Air Force tell us that the rules were changed by Congress so that many soldiers and airmen are no longer eligible for the payments. From the Stars & Stripes;

The bill makes clear that troops who re-enlisted or extended their contract and collected a bonus while being held under stop-loss do not qualify for the compensation.

The temporary halt will last until the Army gets a list of soldiers who received a re-enlistment or retention bonus while being stop-lossed, said Army spokeswoman Jill Mueller.

“The services didn’t decide this,” Mueller said on Wednesday. “This was decided by the legislature and we are executing their will.”

Of course, no one mentioned this before the election when Democrats were holding this up as proof that they support the troops, and we find out now after months of chatter about their promises of largesse. Funny how that works, ain’t it?

I wonder how VoteVets will report this?

Category: Congress sucks, Military issues

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Will the ‘democrat’ health care farce lead to massive violence in the U.S. by retired military members? I think it will when retirees find out the O’Dumbo bill cost them over $6,000 per year that they don’t have. For others medical care will be restricted to that available 50 years ago. A good friend (nurse for 30 years) just retired this week because the Cancer treatment center (hundreds of patients) she works for is now in the process of collecting all outstanding debts before Jan 1st and then closing due to President O’Dumbos coming cuts in pay for doctors. No other Dr will be stupid enough to pick up these patients. Let the civil war began as long as one mans family are victims of his stupidity.

Casey J Porter

Everyone told me that I should re-up for two years since I was Stop-Lossed for such a long amount of time. I told them I am not going to do it for a variety of reasons, one of which was I was not going to say I am against the war and then take more money. Would kind of be hypocritical for me to re-up. They also promised priority on Mid-Tour leave, which our unit screwed everyone on who took that re-up. Something else I told them would happen.

Now, with the first payout alone I pulled down more money than them. With this next payout, well, you get the idea. I guess sticking to your guns can net you more money.

Excuse me while I go do the happy dance.


I’m sure Paul Reikoff will use this information for his next totally balanced score card.


What else is new? Our overpaid Congressho’s giving our guys at the pointy end a good screwin’ … again.

But they never seem to miss a lick on boosting their own pay, do they? Vote them ALL out!