Refuse to vote for Kamala Harris? A professor believes that you should be shot!

| October 10, 2024 | 37 Comments

A professor at the University of Kansas went into a rant about guys who refuse to vote for Kamala Harris. He claimed that our refusal to vote for Harris is due to not thinking that women could be smart enough to be president. The University of Kansas subsequently started the process to place him on administrative leave pending an investigation.

Approximate transcript:

You guys are smarter than girls, you got some serious problems. [sniffle] uh, it’s what frustrates me, there are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a uh, potential female president because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president. We can line all of those guys up and shoot them. I think clearly, they don’t understand the way the world works. Did I say that? Scratch that from the recording, I don’t want the deans hearing that I said that.

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Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, DEI, Democrats, Kamala Harris

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I bet both his dads are proud of him.


Actually, he probably fell out of a hobo’s ass.


I have a daughter in-law from my second wife who loves socialism. Everything is free she says. All of her news comes from TicTok. She’s 52 years old. Her Mother has told her that’s all a lie. But no. My five, 35 to 45 years know better thankfully. There Mom passed on 21 years ago,( side information ). Oh how we have fallen.


Chances are, that professor has tenure with the University.

It would be nice to see the Administration of KU take a stand against this, but I’m not holding my breath.


That there, my friends is what they call, “Tolerance.”

AW1 Rod

Yeah, I watched this asshole’s rambling diatribe yesterday and was going to bring it to AW1 Ed’s attention, but I see everyone is already all over this.

Unfortunately, this douche rocket will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Forest Bondurant

The lecturer who made those comments is Phillip Lowcock. His e-mail address starts with “plowcock@…” which is probably appropriate for him.


Too bad his name isn’t Steven Uckcock.

Forest Bondurant

And the piling on begins – see here: Phil Lowcock at University of Kansas | Rate My Professors


Those reviews are LOL-worthy.


“Wouldn’t recommend taking this guys class he is a balding angry person who suffers from extremely low T. He threatened to line members of the class up and shoot them if they didn’t agree with him politically which is weird because I’ve only ever seen him line up donuts to eat. He’s also very creepy around female students”


His name….is Phil…Lowcock????? Dear GOD: the best comedy writes itself


Middle initial “B”?


I think this pretty much says it all. NSFW.


“I don’t want the deans hearing what I said”.

I think he just realized after the fact his “tenure” is for shit when they get wind of this. Lots of wealthy donors pulling money if he stays, enrollments may drop if any of the students or students parents are very smart.

Anybody care to give the odds of this making the news? Time to start calling or emailing with video clip attached and ask what they think of it. Call for his resignation or termination. Either is acceptable to me.


Here you go.
This Democrat sitting elected (in 2022) PA State Representative,
who attacked and unseated (51/49) the GOP incumbent,
a fellow Navy veteran,
for losing his pilot cert over a DUI,
has his own military service skeletons,
now exposed.

Booted from the Navy after 2 years and change,
but hails himself on his campaign webpage as
“honored numerous times”,
even though his listed Navy Medals include ZERO individual merit medals, all his medals being for unit / ship duty and location.

This race, among a handful of others,
could tip the PA State Legislature / Assembly,
which is currently 102 D and 101 R.

Details at this link. Photo shows his campaign page claims.


Pennsylvania apparently is loaded with drunks, go figure. Do they still not sell beer at grocery stores?

This guy has two traffic tickets, a PI and a dismissed weapon charge. I’ve never been arrested myself but I did spend a lot of time at Virginia Beach in my misspent youth and do recall the locals boys were always trying to bust Navy guys for PI. The Shore Patrol stayed busy and pretty much stationed themselves along the strip in several vehicles on the weekends. Not sure how getting busted for a PI 30 years ago in Virginia Beach while he was off duty during his Navy service should be a deciding factor in an election but if the dirt is out there spread it around.

OTOH, showing up drunk for duty when you are supposed to be training people how to fly helicopters would be a full stop in my book. That just reeks irresponsible and unprofessional behavior as well as extremely poor leadership. It would have to be a one in a million case to explain that away.


the dates of Munroe’s troubles with Virginia Beach criminal charges
coincide with his Navy enlistment ending at 2 years 5 months.

Possibilities includes Mast, court martial, or Article 15,
which may include immediate dismissal from the Navy,
and most likely NOT with an Honorable Discharge.

Link to PA State Rep. Brian Munroe’s NPRC FOIA….


OK…second place I’ve seen this.

Please point out the part in the video where he mentions Harris?

He did not say anything about Harris. Maybe that’s what he meant. Maybe not. I don’t know and neither do you because neither of us are mind readers.

What he said was men who won’t vote for women because they believe they’re not smart enough should be shot.

Is advocating for the execution of someone because they hold an opinion you dislike not bad enough? We have to misrepresent what he said to find the motivation to be outraged by it?

The right misrepresenting what people say to score cheap political points is no less egregious than the left doing the same.

We can do better than this.


If you check the student ratings on this professor at the link above, many of them state that he referenced Harris. I’m guessing that clip was just a small part of the stupid shit he’s said.


You are correct. He could be a Jill Stein supporter or even Nikki Haley.

Green Thumb

I heard even Jill Stein was hanging he Russians.


Jill Stein is rallying the Muslims in Michigan. Her campaign now revolves around denying Michigan to Harris out of spite. Sounds good to me.

Forest Bondurant

He may not have been referring to the incumbent vice president, but considering an election is a few weeks away, the inference is there, and no other female candidates are running for that office.
I didn’t misrepresent anything he said and am only calling out what he said in the context and setting in which it was made.
What I find abhorrent is a college professor lecturing students – most of whom are of voting age – and espousing the same (if not similar) rhetoric we’ve all read about over the last several years. 
He assumes “…there are going to be some males in our society that will refuse to vote for a uh, potential female president because they don’t think females are smart enough to be president”. (He could have said “…there are going to be some females in our society that will refuse to vote for a potential male candidate because of his stance on abortion. We can line all those women up and shoot them.”) Just how would that comment be relevant and contribute to the topic of the lecture? 
That’s the type of nonsensical and unsupported claim a certain moron that visits TAH makes in his posts and deservedly gets smoked for it every time.
I didn’t attend the lecture and don’t have the full context of his remark, but I fail to see how a lecture given by a professor of health, sports, and exercise sciences escalates into a political one. Students have to sit and take it, knowing full well that if he/she openly challenges or opposes him, that student runs the risk of being in his crosshairs the rest of the semester.
A separate article suggests KSU has released a statement that “…he offers his sincerest apologies and regrets the situation.” He apologizes because he got caught, not for what he said. He’s an opinionated fuckwit at risk of losing the job he’s had since 1993.
People like him need to be called out and be held accountable for their bullshit.


I’ll bet he can’t weld either.


Out of work stand-up philosopher bullshit artist?

Imagine that…:


Its not that I dont think a woman isnt smart enough to be President…I just dont think THIS woman is smart enough to be President…VP…Senator, AG…cafeteria lunch lady.

The left always wants to live in black/white. Its not that “HURRR A WOMAN SHOULDNT BE PREZIDENT!!!” It’s just this one is so damn unlikeable and unqualified its not even funny anymore.

Slow Joe

Well, I don’t see it as a problem of qualifications. I mean, how do someone become qualified to serve as a politician?

My problem is that Kamala Harris is a communist. And I am defining communist here as someone who uses collectivist ideas to justify direct control over the state and society. Communists create a value system in which the wellbeing of the “people”, as in the wellbeing of the majority, becomes its highest goal and it is used to justify the destruction of anyone that doesn’t comply, that doesn’t submit to the will of the “people”, which is whatever the communist leaders want it to be.

Communists seek power for the sake of power. Everything they say and do are just excuses to justify their hold on power and their perpetual control over society.

Sure, there are plenty of fellow travelers and useful idiots. One look at Hollywood and you can see a bunch of idiots who don’t realize they will be first on the chopping block the moment the communists consolidate their power. But in the meantime, these useful idiots all across society, not just in California, are the enablers who are critical for the communists to achieve their goals.

Kamala Harris is trying to feed from the hardcore communist organizers who understand the game being played and the useful idiots and fellow travelers, trying to mobilize them under the “Orange Man Bad” banner, and using key words to transmit the message of communist paradise within reach, if she wins. Whether Harris truly believes in communism doesn’t really matter. Her goal is transformative power. Just like Obama’s. Look how many steps backwards Obama made America take in 8 years. Harris’s goal is the same.

Sorry for the long and incoherent rant.


Nope, spot on. Very reasonable take.


I have no problem with a woman President. However, comma, dot dot dot… and there’s always a however… I have major problems with the particular women who have been nominated in the past.

OK professor. You and me, in the street in front of the Crystal Palace. High noon. You know how this works.


Don’t be silly. Harris can clearly read at an 8th Grade level as she does here.

That has got to be smrt enough.

lawrence todd

I think she isn’t smart enough to be in charge of parks and recreation

Green Thumb


And he acknowledges it.

What a turd.

Green Thumb

This shit happens frequently at a local University in the Great NW.

Gets covered up and settled, usually.

And our President (University) is a former military Officer. Yeah. You read that right. He does it (covers it up) because he needs VA money from students (vets) so he does not want issues getting larger and going national.

Fucking sell out.


 I think clearly, they don’t understand the way the world works.

Do you ‘think clearly‘, ‘professor’? Some of us understand a workings of the world that is 180⁰ opposed to you and many in this camp get giant fucking hard-ons when threatened with violence based on ideological lines.

So, lest ye desire sounds of fife and drum gracing thine ears, please do STFU before…


Kamala? Hell no. Condoleezza Rice Oh HELL YES! I’d vote for that woman in a heart beat.


Hell, the last time I donated to a candidate was Tulsi in 2020 just to keep a reasonably sane D on the debate stage.

This asshole confessor is projecting his insecurities, and honestly I’m here for it:

“If you have hate in your heart, let it out…” –Dave Chappelle