Boomer’s Sunday
Today’s memes were hand-picked at peak ripeness by migrant Usual Suspects. Thanks!
Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude
Today’s memes were hand-picked at peak ripeness by migrant Usual Suspects. Thanks!
Category: Guest Post, Humor, Schadenfreude
I haven’t missed an episode of Boomers Sunday since its inception until last Sunday, two days after power went out and trees clobbered my house here in western NC. Today marks 9 days and counting with no power. This has been my Sunday treat since the beginning, and was the first thing I looked at this morning for a nice pick-me-up. Thank you and please don’t stop!!! But I will say this…the memes are getting better because the country is getting worse! I live where that degenerate David Axelrod said “high end libs of Asheville will find a way to vote, Trump supporters won’t”. We will prove that cocksucker wrong. TRUMP 2024!!!
Please do. A business idea for you, start a micro brewery and bottle the tears of liberals. You’ll make millions.
Thanks for the update, Harry. And the vote of confidence in the power to persevere. The (lack of) official response to the destruction brought be Helene by the is appalling to say the least. The “official” news coming from your AO by the Main Sleaze media is completely opposite from what is trickling out to the various blog sites. I’m hearing from guys that are active with the 82nd and 101st that they have been told to stand down from sending help because they are standing by to deploy to either the ME or ETO. A number of us out here have been gathering and sending assorted supplies your way thru church and other civic groups. Keep us posted and let us know what we could do to help you and yours. Oh and don’t spend your $750 Kum-Hella bux (if you ever even see them) in one place.
A little something to cheer you up, Harry. And to show that Kum-Hella is concerned about folks that are suffering…
Ok, I’ll come out and say it. To hell with the sand people.. They’ve made their bed, let them lie in it. We need to stop ALL aid to those that hate us (can’t believe that statement actually needs to be said). As the bible says (paraphrased) ” don’t worry about the splinter in your neighbors eye while there’s a plank in yours”.. take care of our own people, defend our own borders, get our own damn house in order, THEN we can worry about the rest of the world..
Testify!, My Brother. Been screaming that meownself for decades. Those mofos been killing one another since Cain FIRST picked up that rock and will continue until the last two (2) standing try to kill one another with a rock You may recall from history that it was on this date in history, 1973, that the a-rabs jumped over the line and hit from all sides, kicking off the “Yom Kipper War” very nearly leading to a direct confrontation between the US and The USSR. My Lance Missile Unit, 1st/333rd FA Bn, wasn’t sure if our primary mission was going to be stopping the a-rabs or closing the Fulda Gap…or both. It was a very hairy, scary time for a much younger Gun Bunny. Among other things, that war brought on The Great Oil Embargo, and a massive increase in USDs being poured into the area. Last time I checked there is not a single country in the world that taxes their citizens to send the US any “aid”. I find it odd that the country, and race, that has done more to advance civilization and make the world a better place, is reviled world wide. I said phuque ’em all…deal with their problems and we’ll deal with ours.
$385,000,000.00 now that, is deplorable!
Not only that, but FEMA is almost broke because they spent 1.4 billion in FEMA funds on the illegals in the past two years. Funny how Bitme urged them to “surge the border,” then they did for the past 3.7 years, and now it is an Emergency they are here, for FEMA to fund.
They pissed away our rainy day fund on stoopid shit.
Crank up the printing press, we need more money.
How’s about passing a budget instead of a CR? Or would that be too hard to live within?
Kinda hard to put “grift” and “kickbacks” in a budget. Our interest alone payment is now more than the total defense budget.
And we need 87K more IRS agents to monitor the 26K millionaires/rich to make sure they are paying their “fair share”.
Some bitch about the rich not paying their fair share, but as Donald has said, “I’m paying my taxes according to your rules”. Apparently there are legal loop holes if you know where to look, and the wealthy can afford tax accountants and tax lawyers.
Let’s audit some DC critters and shine some light on how they become multi millionaires on a 6 figure salary.
Pelosi should be at the top of that list… the left is overrun with millionaires that got that way while in congress.. no way in hell they did it above board..
Didn’t her ” husband” sell a bunch of stock recently? Communication or tech stocks, I forget which, but their shares were sold about 6 weeks before congress looked into said company.
I really should pay more attention to other events going on, as it got no more traction, or very little, on the ” mis, Mal, dis information news sources. Maybe they started other crap to get everyone looking over there instead of right here.
Paul “The Hammer” P sold a bunch of Visa Stock just before DoJ filed a lawsuit on Visa.
Notice how PDJT put his assets into a blind trust before he took the oath?
Notice how the dotgov h0m0s never went after that?
If he’d committed acts of impropriety while in office it would be the easiest slam dunk to make a case of it.
Remember the “Perfect Phone Call” impeachment because of one snitch not getting a reach around (by that I mean more funding for the CIA’s Ukrainorussia coup).
SPR as well.. pissed it away, and refused to refill it when prices were low as hell, because that would have been a good thing for the nation, and we all know they HATE our Republic
And now we have the state’s c ck holsters opening their mouths about how “mis- and disinformation is killing people in TN and NC.”
If that Ryan McTriplechin ever shows his fucking dumb cunt face here, please tell him to fuck off for me.
Well then, debunk the reports coming from those who have seen the devastation, been threatened with arrest, and have listened to and been told by our govt tell us they don’t have enough money for the current hurricane season.
There are only two types of Camel-toe supporters.. those too stupid to know that she hates them, and those that are ok with her hating them.. Self loathing is a big thing among the left, so I’m not sure which of the groups is the majority, but either way, they are NOT assets to this nation..
But they ARE setting on their asses while she destroys the Country. And as far as loathing…we don’t loathe them enough.
That’s for sure. And where’s old Petey Buttplug during all this?? With all the roads and bridges destroyed, it seems like a Sec of Transportation should be involved…
Thank God we have fact checkers to tell us FEMA never spent their money on illegal aliens, otherwise people might fall for it
That just made the little chocolate Q-tip in the White House a big ole fat liar. Fucking scrunt.
It was only a billion dollars, hardly even real money.
Good stuff!
I don’t get that meme. What do all those people have in common? The 82nd and FEMA?
Joe, it took me a minute as well… look closely at those whose hands are on the knife, assisting with the task… and the one hand that isn’t.
No memes here; just getting ready to pop malt and watch my Redskins scalp the Browns.
Who are these “redskins” you speak of?? There’s no such team..
Washington Moonbats
the football bats
“They’re darker than we are”.
Best damn movie ever.. world would be a better place if we took that approach nowadays… stop trying to offend anyone and go back to offending everyone..
Looks like our Roh-Dog has added some new window treatments to the decor. The Gun Bunny approves.
Can’t take the credit on that one but the Spousal Unit, Female, 1 Ea gave me the green light so long as ‘[I] come up with the money’.
Standby for the GoFundMeArmory details.
Check’s in the mail. Thought of you when I sent that one in. I’ve got the perfect spot for those window treatments on the SE to SW Overlook pos. Won’t help shore up the North Wall, but I have other plans for that.
A weapon is only as good as its operator.
I shan’t let you down.
The Black Flag is raised, the hands are spat upon, and The Deguello is blaring thru the PA System!
The Bunny has the North Wall…covered!
Vorpal Bunny says:
“Stay Sharp”
Politics 2024…
Troons: ReSpEcT mUh PrOnOuNs Or bE a BiGoT.
Me: Very well; bigotry it is. Thanks for the compliment, freak.