Wednesday with the Libs of Tik Tok

| September 4, 2024

When I said I was the “Supreme Allied Commander in Europe” I meant that I was a staff sergeant. Simple slip of the tongue

When did schools start doing medical procedures?

Feliz navi-DUD

Excuse me, but science says there’s two genders

It’s about time women’s prostate care improves. Prostate cancer ward’s a real sausage fest

“The body eventually goes” LOL

He tirelessly vacations

Walz ran away like there was an Iraq deployment in front of him

It’s not hateful to want Trump dead, because he’s Super Hitler

Spot on impression

Category: Liberals suck, Libs of Tik Tok

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Gov polesmoker hates true Americans, and has definite designs on the White House. He and his cronies have destroyed the once great state of Colorado, and this latest news has kicked my exit plan into high gear. Plan on heading somewhere near the vicinity of KoB’s AO as soon as possible.


Learned so many new things from this (presumably a) woman.

Trump is a communist
Wishing someone get murdered isn’t hateful
Rich people only concerned with finances shoot people at protests
Proud Boys are everywhere

Sounds like somebody has been watching CNN, a lot.


Damn, they’re havin’ a bad trip– don’t take the brown acid, maaan!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Everyone that wrote, passed, and implemented that Student-Parent Handbook needs to be dragged out of their homes and offices, hung by the neck from a tall, sturdy tree, and left to rot as an example for others.

For the guys that voted for this, might I suggest tying their Junk to a rope firmly tied to the ground, a rope around their neck and pulled up into a tree until their Junk gets pulled off.

Only then can they be left as a warning to others.

For the women that voted for this, let them be banished to a muslum refugee camp for “entertainment purposes,”

Mike B

Anyone else notice that some of these “There are more than 2 sexes Wackadoodles” look like grown up aka old Hippies, Tree Huggers, etc.

Seems like some people just jump from cause, to cause never really becoming a meaningful and contributing adult.

Just my unsolicited and most likely biased opinion here…….! Going back to my timeout corner, CINC Household said if I can’t play nice, I can’t play.

USAF Retired

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I think of myself as an old Hippy, but I definitely DO NOT resemble that above remark.
Some of us (me) had our fun when we were young, and then managed to mature into a meaningful and contributing adult. (somehow – don’t ask me how).

You’re one of the reasons I made sure to put SOME. I make sure I don’t judge everyone by their past….!

I know a few long hair, card carrying Hippie types that turned out to be respected officers, SNCOs, CEOs or just plain everyday normal people. They were oncr just young, carefree, full of love, and so on, and you’d never know it, if they tell you and share pictures with you.

Granted the Hippe days were over by the time I hit my teens, and I didn’t get to experience too much being a Military Brat and spending over half my childhood overseas. But I did have a few older cousins that were a part of the Hippie movement.

Myself, as an 80s teenager, was a Metal Head, leather jackets, studded belt and gauntlets, etc.

When I enlisted (DEPed) in the AF after HS I had hair longer than most girls. 5 months later I shipped, and no haircut in between. Put up with a lot of remarks from the TIs for 4 days until we got our first buzz cut.

USAF Retired


As CSNY said… someone asked me what the late-60s/early-70s period was like– “irresponsible behavior, people smoking weird sh*t and way too much Crosby, Stills and Nash” I said:

Wrench Turner

“Anyone who remembers the 60’s didn’t participate in the 60’s.”
– unknown


True. 😉

Born in ’70, that was the higher education enviroment (a main venue of the late-60s/early-70s era) in ’72 I was recollecting. Didn’t much change until ‘Nam ended– even though I was little, I did notice stuff get less stupid.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

I was born in 61, went to Nam in 68,……with the Marine Green Berets, (we were also SEALS) what?, wait………sorry, I got my alter-egos twisted up today…..


Yeah, I hear ya… doing ROTC at Kent State years later, I knew all the “retro” tunes, wasn’t impressed by protestors (“Dude, fix your sign– you’re advocating Mercedes-Benz!”) or our butt-licking cadre member into Jane Fonda (thought she was nuts seeing her on the AA gun when that happened). Lots of “displaced nostalgia” with folk my own age when I shouldn’t remember anything over three years or so earlier..

Was overseas with my parents in April ’75 (Belgium, not ‘Nam, mind you) and, in August ’21, expat Americans said the same shocked/unhappy sh*t during the Fall of Kabul as during the Fall of Saigon. (Overseas in Korea doing a USAR mission during Abbey Gate– déjà vu, baby!) Got to brief people on how to be professional about it afterward.

Yes, I’ve been an annoying problem child for decades. (Deadpool is my spirit animal.)

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

P.S. My folks were in grad school at the time. College at 2 would be too much, I admit, but Kindergarten with no books, desks or bad language allowed sucked.

The Bellamy Bros were unavailable for comment…

Some of us…still…get lost out in the Twilight Zone, some times, when it just don’t make no sense.

Skivvy Stacker

There was a piece of news footage of Walz being asked about the riots in (excuse me, the “mostly peaceful protests”) in Minneapolis in 2020. His response was almost exactly the same; right down to the same guy telling him it was time to go.


Pedocillan pills are the cure for these mofos, too.


Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream.

It almost seems like a signal of some sort.

Why are these dips always on camera with ice cream?

That’s my conspiracy mind taking over. Maybe ice cream is just ice cream.


Remember a few years back it seemed like all our betters were sporting black eyes? Maybe black eyes were just black eyes.


Jes’ sayin’…

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Elon hits the nail on the head: