ISIS Redux

| August 31, 2024 | 15 Comments

US, Iraq team up to kill 15 ISIS operatives in early morning raid, US military says

The US military said that the operatives were armed with weapons, grenades and ‘suicide’ belts
Sarah Rumpf-Whitten

A joint operation by American and Iraqi forces killed 15 members of the Islamic State group in western Iraq, the U.S. military announced.

The U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) tweeted on Friday that in the early hours of Thursday, Aug. 29, U.S. and Iraqi forces killed 15 ISIS operatives. The operatives were “armed with numerous weapons, grenades, and explosive ‘suicide’ belts,” the agency announced.

At least seven U.S. service members were injured in the raid — five during one portion of the operation, and two more during a second segment of the operation.

A U.S. defense official tells Fox News Digital, “During the operation, five U.S. personnel were wounded. One of the wounded was evacuated for further treatment. Two additional U.S. personnel were injured from falls during the operation, with one also evacuated out of theater for follow on care. All personnel are in stable condition.”
“ISIS remains a threat to the region, our allies, as well as our homeland. US CENTCOM alongside our coalition and Iraqi partners, will continue to aggressively pursue these terrorists,” they added.

Fox News

Well done taking out the trash. But an ISIS resurgence from being crushed in 2019? Another stunning Biden/Harris Administration foreign policy success.

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“Kill enough of them and they’ll quit fighting.” Gnrl C. LeMay. Or will they? Imma gonna go out on a limb here and say they WON’T quit fighting until they’re all killed. Fifteen (15) more virgins sent to their paradise. I’m good with that. Swift and total recovery wished for our wounded troops.

I’m still more concerned about terrorists that are lurking in our country than I am with some thousands of miles away.



KoB, I’d say Gnrl LeMay was right, it’s just the definition of “enough” that is in question. As you rightly point out, when it comes to muzzies, it’s likely that “enough” is every last one of them. With less fanatic groups, the percentage would be much lower..

Hack Stone

Correction, with the Muzzies it is every last low level troop. Just past this past week, the leader of Hamas, comfortably ensconced in a 5 star Qatari was willing to discuss a ceasefire with Israel as long as he gets guarantees that he won’t be whacked. Fighting until the last man, woman and child*.

* Does not include leadership.


Agree. There is only one cure for extreme ‘Slamofascism. It requires an injection of a certain base metal in a vital area.


Application of napalm or willie pete too couldn’t hurt either.
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Last edited 13 days ago by Anonymous

There are 2 reasons they continue to fight:

lack of well paying jobs and climate change.

Hack Stone

You forgot gender dysphoria.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

include Blepharitis as well


Don’t forgey butthurt– that seems to drive many of them nowadays.


I thought Iraq was in our rear view mirror. Too many wars to keep track of.


Only one war, really, just different units.

Old tanker

Leave one alive, like a freaking germ in a petri dish, and they will reproduce…


Seven US personnel injured? What exactly were the Iraqis doing? After 20 years in Iraq, our role should not involve trading rounds with the bad guys.

USMC Steve

Two were from falls. Bet they were obstacle course failures.