JD Vance keeping the stolen valor heat on Tim Walz

| August 16, 2024

The Harris-Walz campaign appears to want people to believe that Tim Walz “misspoke” about “carrying a weapon of war in war.” Many Harris supporters would like for individuals to believe that Walz “was not” aware that his unit was going to be deploying to Iraq when he decided to retire. J.D. Vance and others are not buying the Harris-Walz explanations.

From Washington Examiner:

Walz has faced accusations of abandoning his National Guard unit since being named the Democratic vice presidential candidate on Aug. 6. If the Trump-Vance campaign has its way, that story will stay in the headlines a while longer.

“Tim Walz said that he carried a weapon in war. He never went to war,” Vance said at a Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. post in western Pennsylvania. “Tim Walz said that he didn’t know his united was about to deploy to Iraq when even his own press release at the time said that he knew exactly that. Tim Walz claimed to be a command sergeant major, even had it printed on his challenge coins, and he knew he never achieved that rank.”

During earlier runs for office, Walz was met with similar criticisms, but he has defended his record by saying, “You should never denigrate another person’s service record.”

He has characterized the claims as attacks on his service record.

Vance’s Thursday morning event was heavy on military themes, with flags representing the various service branches present behind the speakers and several fellow veterans before him. Pat Harrigan, who is running for Congress in North Carolina, had perhaps the sharpest words for Walz.

“Tim Walz is a coward who betrayed his men at their greatest time of need,” Harrigan said. “He is not fit to serve as our vice president.”

Additional Reading:

Willis, H. (2024, August 15). Vance keeps up stolen valor pressure on Walz with veteran-filled event. Washington Examiner. Link.

Margolis, M. (2024, August 15). Tim Walz looks like an increasing liability for Harris. PJ Media. Link.


Category: 2024 Election

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“He is not fit to serve as our vice president.” Hell he ain’t fit to serve as anything but a good example of what an embellishing, political, POS is.

Liability my Aunt Fannie…he is the epitome of what demonrats are…and what Dominion will make sure is (s)elected to further the nefarious plans to “…fundamentally change the face of America…”



As not Army, I defer to the very fine reporting of Angry Cops. He details that Walz is a lying POS. He knew, and he wanted no part of deploying. AC is good as always.


Disagree a little bit KoB, I believe there is something he’s fit to serve as.. Porta-shitter cleaner..

BlueCord Dad

Who me?


Is that the same as PLO (Permanent Latrine Orderly)? Asking for my friend, Gomer.


Burning sh*t with diesel…

Slow Joe

Anna Paulina Luna is trending.
I don’t know who she is, but obviously not a Democrat.


Last edited 5 months ago by Slow Joe

She should be Exhibit #1 in a course for liberal/progressive democrats: “This Is A Woman”.

Green Thumb


Eric (the OC tanker refugee)

As I have written before, a properly executed SF 180 by the subject of the controversy (whom shall not be named), can lay this issue to rest once and for all. What is he afraid of?

A Proud Infidel®™

JD Vance is eligible to join the VFW, Tim Walz is NOT!

Army-Air Force Guy

Unfortunately that hasn’t stopped other SV types.


Oh oh.
Smells like alcohol JR Majewski.


Walz absolutely knew his unit was going to deploy. My reserve unit knew four years in advance when they were going to deploy. The pentagon doesn’t pull unit names out of a hat to see who rotates in country next year. He’s lying, and anyone who covers for him is lying, or incompetent.

Old tanker

As the acting CSM for the unit he would have been in as many staff meetings for the leadership as any of the Officers and would have known about the deployment , second only to the CO.


Absolutely correct, but Joe Q. Public wouldn’t know that.


I was IA’d to Afghanistan in 2009-2010.

Really bad timing for me. My first child, my daughter, was two weeks old when I left for three month pre-mob training to play like the Army and then spent 2010 in the Stan.

Rough deployment and I’ll never get that first year back without my daughter. I realize that this is a shared story amongst so many of us here, and it should be something that is expected from us, especially to those in any form of leadership.

Which brings us to this assclown. When his time came to set the example and lead his soldiers down range, he high tailed out of there, retired early and executed his deal with the devil for public office.

F this guy.

Last edited 5 months ago by QMC
pookysgirl, WC wife

Pookette was born and Pooky deployed less than three weeks later. However, it was to a “safe” zone, so we were able to go out to see him and he missed only about a month and a half of those first six months. We know how lucky he was that it was only that much. Now we’re expecting again, he’ll be HOME since he’s out, and I’m so grateful.