The Taliban celebrates three years in power

The Taliban conducts a military parade in a former US airbase to celebrate the anniversary of their takeover. (AHMAD SAHEL ARMAN/AFP/Getty Images)
Without the full benefit of US military backing during the withdrawal, units of the Afghan army collapsed and disbanded. They left, in their wake, US and NATO military equipment provided for use by the Afghani Army. As with ISIS in Iraq, and the North Vietnamese in South Vietnam, the Taliban captured these equipment. Since taking over Afghanistan, the Taliban appeared to have seen the benefits of the Afghan soldiers who received training from the west. As a result, these individuals were incorporated into the Taliban’s military and have subsequently operated both Western helicopters and Western ground vehicles. Since 2021, the Taliban marked the anniversary of this takeover.
From the Associated Press:
The Taliban celebrated the third anniversary of their return to power Wednesday at a former U.S. air base in Afghanistan, but there was no mention of the country’s hardships or promises to help the struggling population.
Under blue skies and blazing sunshine at the Bagram base — once the center of America’s war to unseat the Taliban and hunt down the al-Qaida perpetrators of the 9/11 attacks — members of the Taliban Cabinet lauded achievements such as strengthening Islamic law and establishing a military system that provides “peace and security.”
The speeches were aimed at an international audience, urging the diaspora to return and for the West to interact and cooperate with the country’s rulers. No country recognizes the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan.
“The Islamic Emirate eliminated internal differences and expanded the scope of unity and cooperation in the country,” Deputy Prime Minister Maulvi Abdul Kabir said, using the Taliban’s term to describe their government. “No one will be allowed to interfere in internal affairs, and Afghan soil will not be used against any country.”
None of the four speakers talked about the challenges facing Afghans in everyday life.
Additional Reading:
Butt, R. (2024, August 14). The Taliban are celebrating 3 years in power, but they’re not talking about Afghans. Associated Press. Link.
Category: Afghanistan, Taliban
Trillions of $s and barrels of American Blood wasted for…nothing. The parade woulda been a good time to have an Air Strike called in to blow all of that equipment to hell and back. Or better yet…nuke the entire site from orbit, turning the parade ground into a glass parking lot.
Butbutbut…the children! You know, the ones who are taught from the cradle to hate everything they are not, to view females as one-quarter the worth of a man, that Evil they perpetrate on others is good and right and just in the name of the religion of “peace”.
Well, I guess that you have a point with the “children”. The same ones that are raped by the “men” of that country and the “culture”!
I remember visiting a village that had a 100% rate of NO children being born. Come to find out it was due to the men, only knowing of anal sex. No women were getting pregnant!
Strange Days Indeed!!!!!!
Or…they preferred goats and donkeys
The question remains… Did the “Big Guy” get his 10 percent cut?
Just another Harris/Biden policy failure. We know Sleepy Joe wasn’t in charge the last 4 years. The only question is will Camela mark the significance in the passage for time that was very significant because time passed? Did Walz have any buddies ide in his arms while in The’Stan? If only that dingbat would answer some questions.
I saw this yesterday and I’m still seething. If you are a veteran and vote D in November, that is no different than leaving a big pile of steaming crap on all those who lost their lives in Crapganistan, and particularly those who were killed or injured at Abbey Gate. You’re not worthy of the honor of the title Veteran. I’m ashamed of you for you…since you obviously lack the character to feel shame.
Change my mind. Go ahead. Try.
Be carful. Army Mom has teeth, and ain’t afraid to use ’em.
May God bless and keep you ma’am! You paid a much higher price than any of could have ever imagined! You are very correct, as far as I am concerned!!
How did it come to this?
I mean, how did it come to one of the major political parties being taken over by communists and islamonazis?
Did they always hate America?
short answer is YES.. longer answer is even the ones that didn’t were willing to do anything for the amounts of money that soros and other globalists threw at them, and before long, they came to share the world view of their benefactors. Wilson was a big fan of Hitler, FDR loved him some Stalin, and along with Truman, allowed our govt to be infested with commies. McCarthy was spot on with his assessment of the level of communist infiltration (ok, maybe he underestimated it a bit) and that’s the reason he’s so vilified..
If it is the same party of Teddy Kennedy who cozied up to the USSR then yes.
I am confused as to which Wilson “was a big fan of Hitler.” I assume you are referring to Woodrow Wilson. He was confined to his bed from a stroke in the final years of his presidency and then died long before Hitler came to power or became a world figure. The other Wilson of the period was Harold Wilson, British Prime Minister. He was only about 18 years old when Hitler came to power, and I see nothing that indicates that Wilson was a teen-age fan of the Fuhrer.
History can be a real Bitch!!
Not coming at you RNGR BRO, just that different viewpoints are crazy at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years later !
God bless you!!! I didn’t mean that in animosity!!!
I always appreciate viewpoint!!!!
I wonder if bergdahl’s buddy from the haqqani network was there?
IMHO Bergdahl can go back to his Islamonazi buddies and STAY THERE.
Those are “his people”!!!!!
Go back and enjoy the love!!!!!!!!!
Even on Thursdays, you POS!!!!!
Mission accomplished. Congratulations Joe Biden, you did that, no joke.
Nice helicopters. Musta crashed all of the Blackhawks 😎
Awwww….how nice
They threw Sleepy Joe a Thank You Parade.
Couldn’t have done it without you, Joe!