Kamala Harris and Tim Walz rallies, AI generated audiences filling gaps

| August 12, 2024

If you do a Google search for the crowd sizes at Donald Trump’s rallies as well as those for Kamala Harris, you’d get the impression that Harris is bringing in the crowds. You’d also think that Trump is complaining about this “fact”. Harris barely pulled an audience during the run up to the 2020 election. However, if you zoom in and look carefully at current rally photos, you’ll find discrepancies.

Take this image of the crowd by Kamala Harris’s airplane:

If you look at what is being reflected on the aircraft’s surface, you won’t see crowds. When you zero in on the crowd, you find typical AI glitches. For instance, the size and distance proportions do not fit reality such as the “large” people wearing red in the front. There are also white outlines around many of the people. One of the arms in the photo also appears “transparent”.

The next photo shows the reflection on the aircraft, specifically the engine, does not show any crowds. Kamala Harris, and Tim Walz, appear to be larger than the crowd despite being further.

This next image shows people with “alien hands”:

One of the attendees appears to be holding up a sign with two hands, but with one arm. If you look at the shadow placements in front of the banner, the item right behind the men is getting sunlight, but only a part of it is casting a shadow behind the man. Parts of their heads are covered in shadow, but their entire heads cast shadows in the banner behind them.

There’s also a guy holding a strange looking cell phone. His right arm is bigger than his left arm, and his head appears to be off centered and out of proportion.

These are just samples, of which there are many. Photos from another rally had an audience member with his head upside down, a woman with her hands blending into her face, a guy with an unusually long neck, people looking like they’re sharing the same seats, and other hilarious AI “glitches.”

Here is another one showing the sun shining from two angles. The scene, with the flags, can’t possibly be in the same location:

The photos come from M Live. The article is written as if these photos were genuine. You could spot these discrepancies if you find images from Harris-Walz rallies and expand them.

I’m interested in seeing what you guys find.

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris

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So you’re saying that No-Balls Walz didn’t mean it when he was ranting about misinformation?? Or is that only when it applies to him and the left.. That SOB does nothing but shit on his oath, and should lose his benefits because of it, IMHO… (yeah, I know that won’t happen, but a guy can wish can’t he?)


Lead photo, one of the first things that jumps out, is the “large” number of people being allowed to get so close to a high value aircraft. I see no stairs at the plane, so either they haven’t deplaned yet, at which point nobody would be allowed that close, or they have already left and these people are really dumb to be cheering an empty plane.

They really think we are just that stoopid. Unfortunately, there are some that will claim it to be gospel.


Be fun to have the two engines spool up and eat a few people.
Then I’ll believe it.


Pratt and Whitney/Rolls Royce engines need feed too.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

That will be easy to ex plane since it’s plane to see that the engines were plane ly hungry for some plane looking AI peeps. in the pic.


Crowd looks like the last flight out of Kabul.


Make it more realistic by having people fall off on takeoff. Pity the ground crew who found some or all of anybody who managed to not fall off/out.

Army-Air Force Guy

Years ago, the last time BJ Clinton came to Portland, I was finishing up an active duty day at the AFRES and decided to see what the fuss was about. AF One was sitting at the ORANG ramp, and there was a receiving line about 30-50 yards or so from the plane. The crowd wasn’t clustered around the aircraft like in the photo above.


No real surprise that they’re using artificial intelligence. Neither one of them has an REAL intelligence, so artificial is their only option…

Hack Stone

That some real Bernath Photoshop skillz, yes indeedy.


Well, somebody’s photo shop skillz are better than mine.


Maybe the airdales will confirm: when, if ever, do you let throngs of people on the ramp? The location is UPS DTW Gateway, and I don’t think Big Brown would want to do a FOD walkdown of an entire tarmac. Plus, I’ve seen other looks at the crowd where they zoom in on the cell phones “people” are holding and there is a multitude of images that are NOT of the rally on those phones. I see plenty of civilians posting videos from a Trump rally, but NOTHING from a Harris rally. Why is that?


Air shows come to mind. But the ramp is of course monitored by safety observers and aircrew, and the birds on display are either shut down or on external power.


This is total BS and violates flight line rules that I remember from way back. Security of course but as you point out FOD, those GE engines would have loved to suck up some of those weirdos shown.
So waaaay back right after the first Gulf War, President George H.W. Bush came out to Maxwell airplane patch where SpaceChairForceOne was young and eager buck sergeant member of the base honor guard after just cross training to Comm from being a F-16 crew dog.
We got requested to do a full blues cordon for him as he gave one of his big “New World Order” speeches and threw lots of congrats to the ChairForce for helping to lay the smack down on Saddam and friends.
Holy cow, the Secret Service gave us and our de-milled ceremonial rifles the full search before we even got to the staging area, then searched everyone again in the staging area just to make sure they properly violated our private spaces again.
Not a single person got even close to Air Force One that didn’t have proper passes; all the SecForce guys were out backing up the Secret Service so even a wandering squirrel would have gotten jacked up trying to get this close.
So I find these pictures just as suspect as Tim Waltz’s “combat” experience claims and Kama Harris not being the “border Zar”.


Cum-ella would probably like to suck some of those in attendance too…and could suck harder than those GE engines.

I couldn’t care less whether or not the pics are fake, because I know that this slore and her “running mate” are both fake. And that the upcoming (s)election will be fake also. Still think we’re going to “vote” our way out of it?


Hack Stone

Oh, please:


Check out the reflections in the plane there, too. It’s real. A lot of people are excited about Harris, and/or excited about someone able to mount a real challenge to Trump. Living in denial ain’t doing Trump or the Republicans who believe this nonsense any good.


BlueCord Dad



So… PBS, which was there, filming, has opted to use AI-generated fake video rather than their real footage? And coordinated it with multiple people taking cell-phone video of the same event? Occam would smack you upside the head for pushing this inane theory.

I bet you think this photo is of two massive pigeons that they government is somehow hiding from the public:
comment image


And yet, people who are experts at detecting fake images say you’re wrong:


There may be no hope for you, but I have faith that quite a few others on TAH aren’t so far gone that they can’t accept that Harris might actually draw some crowds, even if they dislike her.


Experts, huh? Like the Intel experts that said Hunter’s laptop was fake? Ivermectin hoax? Bleach hoax? Collusion hoax? USSS is competent? Couch hoax? Trust the FBI after 17 FISA violations? How many more hoaxes until you are skeptical? How can anyone trust any legacy/establishment “experts” after the last 8 years?


The opposite of ‘sometimes experts get things wrong’ is not, “experts are always wrong”, else suddenly NASA faked the moon landings, the earth really is flat, and lizard people have infiltrated the government.

Of course, one only need to look at the video from multiple different streams, and the countless photos, and the first-hand testimony of people that were there, and you’d come to see reality.


Key word… some.


I question anything and everything out of any political campaign. Kamala gets extra questions. She never answers them, but she gets them. Just ask the press.


As you should – in this case, you’ve got multiple videos of the same event from different angles, multiple news agencies present, countless photos, various first-hand accounts, and of course, the sensible notion that any presidential candidate, even ones you don’t like, are going to draw a crowd, doubly so in friendly territory.

So which is it? Nobody was at a rally, and multiple agencies, everyone that spoke at said rally, and all the people who said they were there and have video are part of a grand conspiracy (or fake themselves, despite all evidence to the contrary)? Or, maybe, that Trump was wrong?

That Harris hasn’t answered questions of the press, or whether she’s a mediocre candidate or a terrible one, are completely immaterial to having a grip on reality.


The proximity of the crowd to the aircraft is a major stumbling block for me. I don’t profess to be an expert on photoshop, AI, or even the illusions produced by the camera angle. That crowd is just wayyyy too close, and that ain’t gonna happen under normal circumstances.


It was a rally, at a hangar. That’s not ‘normal circumstances’. Go check out some video of the event – I’m pretty sure you’ll come away realizing it was real.


I’m talking about too close from a security and safety perspective. But, given the current state of the Secret Service, security is optional.


comment image


Dems 2024: Democracy is on the ballot!
The Truth: Joe Biden was democratically elected to run in 2024
Dems: Whatever…Orange Hitler bad!


I never understand this question — what would have happened had Trump been shot? Would the Republicans have decided, “Well, guess we can’t run anyone else, since he won our primaries!”, or would they adapt?


That is an interesting question and I have had that same thought myself. Not sure what the “official/legal” way to handle it, but I’m sure that the decision would be made in a smokey, back room somewhere. D or R behind their name I have very little faith or trust in any of them. “You are all equally worthless.”

Bubblehead Ray

The only accurate analogy would be for Trump to be shot by his own party so they could name someone who hadn’t been voted for.


Not taking sides, but from the extreme rear angle you can’t tell whether people are 10 feet, 10 yards, or 30 yards from the plane. And reflections from the bottom half of a cylinder will show what is below the cylinder, not straight back from it.


While I very much appreciate reading all the articles and comments on this forum, I have never posted here before. Here goes my first try… I have been using the great (g)od of all Internet knowledge, Google, to see if there are any other articles confirming thebesig’s conclusions. My results astoundingly seem to agree with what MarineDad61 found. It’s also what average voters would believe. So I took the effort to use the same Isitai image tool to see what the results are and it came back as 85% likely to not be AI generated. Me thinks there is collusion going… Or my eyes are lying. The images and videos from the event all show no reflection of the large crowd on the airplane, but the real scene without the crowd.

A big thank you for your service to all the vets on here.


Welcome aboard.


Bangswitch (and LC),
Also… Thank you.
Credit goes to LC, for being the 1st here to seriously question this article.


Geez, The Linked In guy is a Harris super doner. the “higher resolution” image looks comically fake,. Literally like a comic.


There are a lot of tangential nits to pick, here, but it seems pretty clear that thebesig is gonna win the main argument here.


Well, if I go on to a Flat Earth Society forum and argue that the world is flat, chances are I’d be considered losing the argument there, too.

That doesn’t change reality at all. There are many angles of this, many first-hand accounts, multiple news agencies, and no reputable ones claiming it’s fake – even Fox and the Washington Examiner are calling that bullshit.

If people wish to ignore reality, there’s not much I can do.

Bubblehead Ray

In this case you are the flat earther


One legged pidgeons.
Plowed snow.
I’ll bet all the license plates are Florida.


The pigeons are standing on a ledge over looking a parking lot and are MUCH closer to the camera giving the illusion they are bigger than a Camry & 4-Runner. The ledge cuts through at an angle of about 40 degrees from the lower right to the upper left. You can the textual different in the ledge versus the lot below. This type of perspective shot is what Hollywood did in the early days of “monster movies”.





Hack Stone

Not many people know that in Japan, when they recite the Pledge of Allegiance, they say “One nation, under Godzilla”. No joke.


E. Conboy

They’re here! They’re here! RUN for your life!

Forest Bondurant



No, just someone with a grasp of reality.


So, are you saying Lars doesn’t?


Various news and fact checker websites
are way outvoting the AI claims by the others,
who skunked Trump, and skunked thebesig.
And so here it is, another dubious thebesig VG headline.

Both Trump and thebesig should know better.

Instead of this crap,
why doesn’t VG stick to the primary mission,
and pin down the truth and reality about Congressman Cory Mills?

Anyone here care to claim that this website is wrong?
Or the spread of news sites calling it out all got it wrong?


E. Conboy

Note to kids everywhere: Don’t believe everything you read or hear. Confirm.


It looks to be about 5,000 people in that crowd. Many are holding cameras. I’d like to see another picture of the same scene from somebody else. It isn’t possible that there wouldn’t be more pictures.


There are countless pictures. You’re a smart guy – did you even try to google? You can find multiple video streams, pictures, first-hand accounts, etc. And AI, while impressive, can’t do coherent (same people, consistent placement, etc) from multiple angles well, either.


“You Democrats”? At moi?
I’ve been a registered GOP voter my entire adult life.
And I believe you KNOW this.

Oh, I also voted for Trump. Twice.
And it looks like a 3rd time this year.
Only because, of the 2 sucky candidates,
whether Trump vs. Biden or Trump vs. Harris,
the Dem choices are worse.

So, take your “You Democrats” elsewhere, just as you were trying to label me a “Never Trumper” over 2 years ago.
You remember, ONLY because I’m NOT all in on your far far far right wing(nut) conspiracy theories,
nor all in on your take of Jan 6.

I remain firm today, that the knuckleheads of Jan 6,
particularly the PA types, the young Harrisburg female who swiped Pelosi’s laptop, bus runner Scavo, cop macer Lazar, and yes Leo Brent Bozell IV (son of hypocritical “media transparency” pundit Brent Bozell (III)),
ALL deserve their prison time.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

Looks who’s becoming Republican? She’s tough on the border, crime, and now no tax on tips even though Biden directed the IRS to tough on tips…


She says she’s tough on the border, she bails out her own brownshirt criminals, and she only argues about not taxing tips because Nevada’s a swing state.

My guess is that Mr. Trump actually sees tipping the same way I do – not as wages but as a gratuity – a bonus, freely given, out of respect for exceptional service. I pride myself on being a generous tipper, but some servers absolutely suck and deserve a single penny.

Ms. Harris, on the other hand, seems like the kind to tip $4 on an $80 tab, despite great service.


thebesig, E.Conboy, 5JC, and LC,

I’ve emailed or FaceBook PMed the link to this article (and all these comments, of course), for feedback and opinion, to friends and acquaintances I saw and spoke with
during the 3 hour long lines in 92F heat,
and/or on the air conditioned floor,
at Harrisburg’s Farm Show Arena,
before and during the July 31 Trump Rally.

I’ll soon have 2nd opinion on all this here from
2 County GOP Committee members
(2 neighboring counties),
2 elected PA State Representatives
(both GOP, neither are my district),
and fellow Gulf War Veteran
and retired Army Reserves O-6 COL,
Pennsylvania’s Treasurer.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

<– 1 of 12 pics, 3 videos
from July 31 Trump Rally.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

A muslime judge in DC just sentenced a 76 year-old woman who took the J6 Capitol tour to a $103,000 fine for her four misdemeanor charges and has made her B&B business inoperable for about a year, plus the seizure of money raised for her defense. MarineDud61 will celebrate her conviction and sentence. He is a J6 obsessive.


Here’s the local news story
about “J6 Grandma”,
and her conviction and sentence.

Holy cackle.
She pulled the “God told me to” line out of her behind, to justify traveling from Colorado to DC.
Not to see Trump at the White House, but you know, to “stop the steal”.

Cuckoo. Cuckoo.


Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

I find people who make fun of the beliefs of others to have limited imagination.


Not making fun of religion.

However, when any Stolen Valor phony hides behind God, Jesus, the Bible, or the crucifix, especially like this Florida Panthers NHL game on ice standing ovation Phony Navy SEAL and fake Beirut barracks survivor Daryl Edwards (VG link below)….

We all pile on the phony for USING religion.

When anyone pulls religion to pursue hard target political planks or positions, with the exceptions of anything obviously true to the tenets of that religion (such as Catholics and abortion),
they open themselves up for the criticism.

And anyone saying “God told me to” for partisan political motives, isn’t hearing what they should be hearing.

Daryl Edwards – Phony SEAL and Fake Marine Barracks Survivor
IAS | March 5, 2020


And thebesig, and a few others here, likely including you, are “J6 deniers”.

125,000 or so went to DC to see Trump at the White House, many went to the Mall, and many even went to the Capitol building area, and almost all of them did nothing wrong, acting peacefully and not willingly breaking any laws, as they are allowed to do.

About 4000 “J6 knuckleheads”,
did wrong, and they pay the price.

Shame on you (plural), for believing they should all get off.

And for believing that anyone there in DC that day can cite God as reason, motivation, or purpose.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

This post will probably have you lump me in as a “denier” but here’s the thing. Being charged with a crime (not bullshit lawfare that SCOTUS has thrown out) for actual crimes that were committed is one thing, but being held without charge or trial for literally years is some banana republic level shit, and should not happen in the US. Add in the mistreatment of these prisoners by guards, the instigation by capitol police, not just opening the doors and allowing some people inside, but shooting blindly and killing a protestor, serious overuse of CS / gas not to push the crowd back, but to push it forward, into confrontation (many videos clearly show this), failing to prosecute people that were show at the forefront of much of the violence (because they were paid by the feds to instigate it???) and the lies of / about some of the capitol police involved is what most people take issue with, NOT that some of the people involved were idiots, and damaged / stole stuff. (and of course, never mind that the reaction to the J6’rs was VASTLY different than the “fiery but mostly peaceful protests) where if anyone was arrested, they faced minimal if any charges, and NONE of them were held like the J6’rs have been.

Just my take on things.. but feel free to have at.


That pretty much covers it! Can’t see one tiny bit of denial there, but there is a shitload of reality.


LC, Lets be honest here……none of the AI crap your beloved Demorats are pulling is necessary. They will cheat (again) and will win the election.


Not my President


I’m not a Democrat, I just dislike Trump. And have a grip on reality, so I know this isn’t AI.


2 of the 5 in elected GOP positions in PA that I sent this VG article link to, all who attended the July 31 Trump Rally, have already replied back.

Both believe these AI claims are BS.
Both believe Trump got skunked (my word).
(“tricked” and “misled” are their words.)

(Therefore, thebesig also got skunked.
Because, in thebesig world,
if Trump parrots it, therefore it must be true.)

And, 1 of the 2 made it quite clear, from his own history with both GOP and Dem local and state level types running with their scissors on almost any partisan issue, that attempting to discuss, debate, argue with, or convince someone so far gone down the rabbit hole, like thebesig, is a waste of time.

You did good, on calling out the obvious.

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61

Remember, I live in the land of “205,000 votes”,
a number invented in my back yard,
then parroted by PA State Reps and Senators (including failed 2022 PA GOP Gov. candidate Doug Mastriano),
then repeated over and over and over from December 2020 well into 2023 by Trump himself.



What I see are people close enough to have a reflection.

Slow Joe

And here I thought the only use of AI graphics was to make naked elvish princesses…

Hack Stone

The Internet; It’s Not Just For Porn, Anymore


There’s porn on the internet? Ya coulda said something!

Last edited 1 month ago by SFC D



Photos or it ain’t real!


I wanna see some nekkid elvish princesses me self…instead of this…

comment image?w=525&ssl=1

Slow Joe


BlueCord Dad

Hey Timmy, here’s some misinformation for ya. Did you “misspeak” on this?


According to Pete Bootykeg, “only once”.


as discussed before, technically he WAS a CSM. He is not a retired CSM. Is it appropriate to use his highest rank performed on a challenge coin? Hell, for a Dem politician, that’s the definition of honesty – it’s almost accurate.


Actually, he was an acting CSM for his NG unit. I doubt he was ever actually promoted to E-9 because he never completed the SGM academy, which I understand is mandatory for promotion, just like an advanced branch course completion is required for promotion to Major.


He was conditionally promoted. He failed to meet those conditions and reverted to his previous rank. In my time, I was conditionally promoted to SFC. I had to complete ANCOC within a certain time or revert to SSG. Walz had to complete the requirements of the Sergeant Major school to maintain the the rank of SGM, and failed to do so. The NCOES schools are not mandatory FOR promotion, but are mandatory to KEEP the promotion.


It does vary as to whether or not the school is required to wear the rank – sometimes provisional promotions are authorized, sometimes frocking is allowed, and sometimes acting in a particular position still requires you wear your standing rank. A lot of variables apply, but even an E-7 acting as 1SG was addressed as, “First Sergeant.”

I made E-8 in the awkward period after they’d gotten rid of the 1SG Course but were still implementing the MLC; by the time it was a requirement, it was only open to E-7(P), as an E-8, I administratively couldn’t go despite my requests to do so. Technically, I never learned how to be a MSG, but the title is mine for life.

I did make the selection list for E-9 shortly before I was medically retired. Credit where it’s due, Walz is a piece of shit but he actually was a provisional CSM – I tried to avoid the former and never actually wore the latter… still, I’ve never lied about being an unintentional shitbag, nor a retired CSM.

Last edited 1 month ago by Hate_me

The 1SG course is not part of the NCOES. It’s not required for 1SG. I was an E7 holding a 1SG slot for nearly a year, but not frocked because I didn’t have that (P).


OK. I stand corrected.


I’m extremely disappointed. The Dems used to be much better liars. Bill Clinton weeps.


“That depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.” is a better lie?

Last edited 1 month ago by Hate_me

Many people are ignorant of this fact, but Billy Jeff made that statement under oath when his judge supervised deposition was taken in the Paula Jones case. He was being questioned about whether he had sexual encounters with that intern. Clinton later admitted he gave false testimony about his conduct with Lewinsky. As a result, the Arkansas State Bar suspended his law license for five years.


Was it Paula Jones who got paid a shit ton of money to be quiet, or was it another one of Bill’s side hustle that I’m getting mixed up.


Clinton paid Jones an $850K settlement while her case was pending on appeal from the court that dismissed it.


“I didn’t inhale”



Hack Stone

But Monica Lewinsky did.




She mostly breathed through her nose.


Right up until she went all Angry Dragon.


This is pure comedy at its finest. I know nothing about photography and even I can see that the photos are fakes, especially the second one. What a joke. But the left wing-nuts will, most of whom are at best delusional and at worst stooooopid, all cheer and rally around these two turd nuggets and parade them around as hero’s for their party

USMC Steve

This crew is just not very good at anything.


Gotta disagree Steve, they’ve proven to be pretty damn good at cheating, and stealing election.. ” the greatest voter fraud operation ever”..


Need to find that sound/video clip before it dissappears forever.


There is another photo which shows the side of the aircraft fuselage, and there is a reflection of the adjacent tarmac as empty of people, yet the photo has a mass of people where there is vacant pavement in the reflection in the blue paint.


No. That is one of the engine nacelle. The one I saw was of the side of the fuselage. But the reflected image was similar. It showed the same building and open pavement reflected in the glossy blue paint.


The yellow lines showing the taxiway/ramp borders are reflected in both areas circled and on the fuselage between those areas. Those areas should be obscured by the massive crowd in that area of concrete pavement, as shown in the long shot.


Have both of you watched the ACTUAL VIDEO, put up here by Fox News?

Let us know if and how the event video at the tarmac is somehow fake.

Then let us know who is really faking the photos out there.

[[[ Vice President Harris arrives at Detroit-area rally, greeted by thousands

Video shows Vice President Kamala Harris arriving for a campaign rally in Romulus, Michigan, on Aug. 7. ]]]


E. Conboy

I wuz standing ther in them shadows. It wuz hott in the sun.!


Gov. Walz is a liar.

Claimed to be at Bagram. 1:38:13


He was there, but not in uniform, and not while in the military.
He was there more recently, as a Congressman.
Not the same thing.
And NOT the way he plays it in his deceptive public speaking. Ugh.



I don’t buy it. His itinerary states he was supposed to visit the base twice, but not that he did. Furthermore, there is practically zero chance he was on the ramp at night. His speech prior to the statement speaks that “I served in the national guard. When I left I had a 2 year old and when I came back I had a 3 year old.” Walz has 2 kids, born in 2001 and 2006. So the year he is speaking of has to be 2003 or 2008 (roughly). His entire statement is dependent on those listening that “he served, he deployed, he was there.” He’s a complete valor vulture.

Last edited 1 month ago by BennSue

Or 2011, in the Middle East for a 10th anniversary commemoration of 9/11.

These Walz Follies just keep getting better and better, as new chestnuts and nuggets of gold from the past keep surfacing.


Not defending Gov. A-Walz, but speaking only as the guy who, from Sep ‘08-Mar ‘09 counted among his duties as the CJTF-101 JOC night NCOIC arranging these ramp ceremonies (we called them Fallen Comrade ceremonies), I can say with authority that the timing of the Fallen Comrade ceremony was dictated by the departure time of the first available C-17 from Bagram once mortuary affairs could have the hero’s remains ready for transport to Germany. If that plane was going to be ready to depart at 0500, then we were manning the streets at 0300. So it is possible that a Congressional delegation could have been on the ramp at oh-dark thirty.
The guy is still a turd burglar.


Dumbass also thought Bagram was in Iraq.


I wonder if Biden thought the same. It would explain why it was abandoned in favor of the strategically and tactically inferior Kandahar airport.


Holy fucking fuck! I finally found Waldo!!!!

RGR 4-78

Where’s Walzo?

Prior Service (Ret)

Not in Afghanistan or Iraq. Maybe check Italy.


Probably the biggest tell is that there is no tail number under the flag on the tail. The usual Air Force 2 is 80002. Even if that is a replacement, it would have a tail number.


Missed that detail until you pointed it out.


Nothing says US Government louder than a string of black SUVs or plain white planes. Nothing to see here.

I’m sure it’s a headache for those tasked with servicing them when there’s no markings to ensure the correct plane is being worked on, unless ID markings are painted somewhere less obvious like the front landing gear doors.


Tampon Timis a cocksucker


of Harris and Walz disembarking the plane.
Other news sources have it out there, too.

So now, a whole bunch of you can ask yourselves….
WHO faked photos ?
WHY did Trump allow himself to get skunked ?

And the obvious…
WHY does THEBESIG keep putting up his phony fight ???
Along with attacks and insults on those who point out the obvious ?

[[[ Vice President Harris arrives at Detroit-area rally, greeted by thousands
Video shows Vice President Kamala Harris arriving for a campaign rally in Romulus, Michigan, on Aug. 7. ]]]

Last edited 1 month ago by MarineDad61