Raw tallies showed opposition landside, Maduro claims victory, Venezuelans protest
Venezuela held their presidential election this past Sunday. Venezuelan law allows members of the opposition to have access to raw voting tallies. During the first part of the day, the reported tallies looked good for the opposition, they were headed for a landslide. However, later in the day, the election officials stopped updating the tallies. Then, later that night, the election officials announced that Maduro had an insurmountable lead. Maduro claimed victory, which contributed to protests occurring.
From BBC:
Meanwhile, US senior administration officials said that the announced result “does not track with data that we’ve received through quick count mechanisms and other sources, which suggests that the result that was announced may be at odds with how people voted”.
That was “the principal source of our concern”, they added.
“That is why we are asking the Venezuelan electoral authorities to release the underlying data that supports the numbers that they have publicly announced.”
However, the US has not yet been drawn on what the result means for their sanctions policy towards Venezuela. Officials have emphasised that while they have doubts about the result, President Maduro did call an election and allow an opposition candidate to be on the ballot paper – even if the opposition leader was banned from running.
The Organization of American States (OAS) announced late on Monday it will hold a meeting on Wednesday of its permanent council over the Venezuelan results.
Additional Reading:
Wells, I. (2024, July 29). Venezuelans clash with police after disputed election result. BBC. Link.
Category: 2024 Election, Society
Thanks for covering this. I did mention it in the other thread.
I think it’s critically impodtant for a number of reasons.
Venezuela USED to be a solid great South American country and was wealthy and had it’s act together (for the most part) .
We can take a lesson from their downfall and hopefully, their recovery.
I’d really not have to think about myself or my children having to take up arms for and about the future of this nation, but, well, just speaking for myself, as I did before, just for my, at the time, unknown family and future children….
So, Venezuela has election deniers? Someone better get Fanni Willis on the phone.
They have to hire her boyfriend, too. It’s a package deal.
“My Boyfriends Back” by the Angels 1963 on the Smash label…
Were you born in 1944 or 1945? I think we are about eight years apart but I know all of your references as though we grew up together.
Kinda reminds me of our own elections.
So they are saying a shit ton of ballots arrived in the middle of the night and gave the victory over the side the people don’t like, making him the most popular presidential candidate ever? Where have I heard that before?
It’d be awesome if the US could monitor their own elections this closely.
Or not have election officials from one party.
Socialism is working out fine in Venezuela.
Great for rich, connected Leftists… just ask Maduro:
Dominion congratulated the regime on their victory last month and is looking forward to an ongoing relationship.
Dimes to donuts, Frau harris will try the maduro way of voting after she saw how he runs an election.
As proven by the last presidential election, Frau Harris’ party have already done what Maduro recently did.
He got his idea from the Democrat party.
It’s anyone’s guess if they’ll try it again in the next election.
They are sitting on the world’s largest proven oil reserves.
It’s like everyone is holding their breath, waiting to see how the
phony baloney climate change global warming scam pans out
before they start un-capping those wells.
Their oil is not the same as Middle Eastern oil. Carbon resources vary with geographical depictions.
God damn Henry Kissinger… and you can be sure that he is relegated to an appropriate level in Dante’s Inferno.
South America could be incredibly different were it not for socialism and the religious pabulum that makes generation after generation receptive to the deceptions they accept as articles of faith.
The Kennedys LOVE Venezuela, just like Satan loves socialism.
That didn’t age well.
Ya-mean like how all of those votes for Biden “magically” appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the night?
As we, too, will learn…Prepare
Lock up Maduro’s stolen money. Disaffirm his title and recognize the new regime. Hell, were it up to me, I’d drop in 10,000 Obamigrants, make it 50,000, and let them decide who they want to “run things”.
Round up everyone that Harris let in and send them.. Make it fair, the ones without military or criminal ties, land and let them off. Anyone with ties to our enemies, gangs, or other violent criminal backgrounds, slow to just above stall speed of a C-130, and push them out at 30ft AGL..
They’re not going to send them there. It would ruin their plan of doing what they’re doing there…here.
I say again…before they’re doing their nefarious plan here that they’re doing over there we need to do this in response to their plan…
51 Intelligence officials signed a letter stating that Maduro won the election.