Millard explains Webb’s expulsion
A couple of our resident IVAW refugees sent me screen shots of the entire statement that Geoff (Stolen Valor) Millard wrote and posted (somewhere) on their website explaining why the board voted to expell Carl Webb. Here’s the first part;
Millard goes on to explain why they banned Casey Porter for the remainder of his lifetime for advocating for the expulsion of Webb. I guess Millard doesn’t realize that Porter taking the extreme actions that he took were necessitated by the board’s inability to take decisive action against Webb.
Millard is steeped in the mantra of “racist Americans” – if I remember correctly, his major in college was African-American studies. In his typical liberal fashion, Millard, like the Army in the case of Fort Hood murderer Major Hasan, bent over backwards to excuse Webb’s behavior based solely on Webb’s race. Um, Geoff, there are other Black members of IVAW who don’t advocate for killing our troops.
It’s as if the Little Rascals grew up and formed a club.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects
please quote where I was a “douche” to your best friend. Were you seriously in the military cause you kind of sound like a wus here. You actually defended my country in uniform but act like such a bitch. Come on Mark, stop whinning. I think your friend was able to hold his own against little ol’ me. Maybe it should have been him that served and not you.
“I don’t care if you say my name”…ummm yes you do, if you didn’t care you wouldn’t have said it.
Death threats…seriously? must be those scary hippies.
You really are such a douche. I’m done responding to you, it does no good and you are impervious to logic.
good comeback…just don’t respond, it’s better than lying.
“Yes there are other Black members of IVAW like Margaret Stevens.” Another infil-traitor who has admitted to wanting to turn IVAW into a communist revolutionary group. The same individual who avoided going to Iraq by going out and having unprotected sex in order to get pregnant and then after being discharged from the national guard, had an abortion so war and pregnancy wouldn’t inconvenience her. Yeah, thats the poster girl of color for IVAW! Another shining moral example.
Exposing IVAW, I’ve heard stories of females doing that in the Army. Any proof you can bring to the table about her?
What I’m seriously suggesting to people like ‘Amazing Stuff’ is that Black members make up about only 5% of IVAW. Does anyone know what percentage of the army is Black? And yes non-whites are more likely to be leftist.
Hey JuniorAG, what’s wrong with never having held a job?
What does the second part say?
Things are relaxing a bit, at least so I think. Anyway…
Carl are you serious? “what’s wrong with never having held a job”? Are you a leech or a man? No need to answer, we apparently already know.
There are a lot of black and hispanic and native american and all sorts of minorities in IVAW. The reason that we can’t track them very well is because we only started putting ethnicity on the form recently, and most people ignore the block, or write stuff like “American” in there. Which I can totally get behind, honestly.
Actually, amazingly enough and sadly for your crazy delusions, most of the people you disliked in IVAW were…hey, what do you know…minorities! Jabbar, me, Jose…
But thankfully you are gone now and will never be back, so all I have to encounter you on is places like TAH where people are well aware of your lunacy.
Carl is following Karl, in doing nothing but living off the work of others, like a good little commie. That doesn’t make you much of anything, except a burden on society. You are an adult and mommy and daddy don’t support you anymore, which means you should look at becoming a productive member of society. That’s what draws you to communism; the fact that you can live off the toils of others. We call that being a lazy ass.
Lest we forget the oldest continuous Veterans Service Organization- Jewish War Veterans. Formed in 1896 to combat Antisemitism and the myth that Jews do not fight of America. Holds a Congressional Charter under Title 36, USC.
From the Preamble of the JWV charter- “To maintain true allegiance to the United States of America; to foster and perpetuate true Americanism; to combat whatever tends to impair the efficiency and permanency of our free institutions; to uphold the fair name of the Jew and fight his or her battles wherever unjustly assailed; to encourage the doctrine of universal liberty, equal rights, and full justice to all men and women; to combat the powers of bigotry and darkness wherever originating and whatever their target; to preserve the spirit of comradeship by mutual helpfulness to comrades and their families; to cooperate with and support existing educational institutions and establish educational institutions, and to foster the education of ex-servicemen and ex-servicewomen, and our members in the ideals and principles of Americanism; to instill love of country and flag, and to promote sound minds and bodies in our members and our youth; to preserve the memories and records of patriotic service performed by the men and women of our faith; to honor their memory and shield from neglect the graves of our heroic dead.”
How does that compare to IVAW??
Google is an amazing thing, fucking leftard. From the United States Army G1-
FY08- Total Active Army- Black- 19.8%, NG- 13.3%, USAR- 22.1%
Total US Population- Black- 17%
Actual facts are tough to comprehend.
doesn’t anyone on this blog have a life? you spend all your time criticizing everyone else, try that “Self Criticism” on yourselves!!!
Yeah, let me know how that’s been working out for you, Ms. Brower. You seem to spend an awful lot of time doing just what you are accusing us of doing. I didn’t spend any time going to Westpoint and standing outside babbling incoherently like you did. That’s typical leftists projection for ya.
You are stuck on stupid, lady.
Funny that is what I think about “world can’t wait” and “Code Pink”/
You should ask around those in IVAW and those who have left IVAW. Some will probably be able to tell you the same. Perhaps even those who knew her from college also. Atleast you can have a verifiable source to cite along with a name from within IVAW. Ask around. I’ve even heard rumors from leftist circles that her parents sent her into the national guard to infiltrate it and promote marxism in the military – despite her claims of a racist, sexist draft in the USA.
Getting a copy of her discharge records from the New Jersey National Guard showing that she left due to pregnancy will be the best hard evidence.
And Carl,
Black, White, Brown, Purple, etc stop trying to play the race card.
You’re self absorbed head case and a fraud. You’re not much better than IVAW’s other problem child Jesse MacBeth.
And straight from IVAW, “Stevens’ female comrades realized that war was on the horizon and started to get pregnant in order not to deploy.”
The old, it was my friends that did it story.
While continuing the feminist baloney (lies) about Swift’s four month long, consensual sexual relationship in Iraq that she regretted and ended on her own later. As told by Swift in the NY Times- “Swift does not say she was raped, exactly, but rather manipulated into having sex…”
ExIVAW, I read the article on Swift. One article, and your claims, well, I just can’t draw a conclusion from. I’m not going to rip on Swift because she is IVAW or a woman. I simply do not know her enough to say for sure. I can tell you the Army prefers to sweep things under the rug most of the time when some bad shit goes down.
Oh, your IVAW link does not work. Also, you should post using your real name.