Chiroux tells his legions to be an insurgency
One of my readers took up my challenge to “friend” Chiroux and returns with this intel. Of course, Obama drove Chiroux to this – Obama must be feeling like Nixon about now;
So it’s come to this. Obama’s gotta wage his war, and I gotta sit in the street.
It’s not that I like blocking traffic or getting arrested or dealing with the fall-out when I could be reading a book. It’s that I can’t live with endless war and I must end it or surely die.
I’m not leaving this country. This is my mess, so help me, and I’ll scrub it till my fingers bleed. I will not compromise with genocide. I will not run from those behind it.
Endless war is the promise of our time, signed in blood and sealed with death’s own kiss. Its stench hangs around us heavy smog. While I dare not breath for fear of intoxication, I cannot hold much longer.
This is the American nightmare, and it’s shattering my heart like glass.
As I stepped to the microphone outside West Point Military Academy Tuesday, all I wanted was to go home, honestly. Good lord, don’t let me cry in front of these people, I thought. Why must I play out this misery for all to see?
Obama’s only doing exactly what he said he’d do, but still, I’m heartbroken. I can’t go on like this.
I’ve been a mess. When I try to imagine the future of this country, I see nothing. I have no faith that good always triumphs anymore. I think where there’s a will to change there’s a way to subvert it. I taste the world I am to inherit, and it makes me sick to my stomach.
But as I admitted to the crowd my feelings of hopelessness and despondency, I realized once again, that I am not alone. People stared into my eyes with equally heavy brows and clenching teeth. When they came close, I saw tears in their eyes as well, and they seemed thankful to see them in mine.
Our suffering is one. We are the disenfranchised. In our lives, our jobs, our politics; we have been denigrated to utter impotence. People are not meant to live this way, and we cry out in one voice through history for liberation. Again and again, we’ve had our voices ignored and our mutual bonds dissolved by paranoia and fury.
But I couldn’t let him get away with it. They think his slick speeches and skin color will keep the left at home. Someone had to go down for this, even if it was me.
We marched to the installation gate where a line of cops and troops were waiting. When we sat down in front of the barricades, they didn’t seem all that concerned. Young and old alike joined us on the pavement. I was left awestruck by the singular dedication of the burgeoning crowd to ending our Global War of Lies and Terror.
For 30 minutes, the hundreds of us shouted down the full winter moon. We chanted our opposition to escalation. We lamented the change we were promised and denied. The message was loud and in no unmistakable terms: Obama, this is the death of your presidency!
When we moved into the traffic lane after he started his speech, I felt a great warmth from within for the first time in weeks. While through my head streamed images of Satyagrahas past, my heart pounded reassurance, for it knew I was there for a reason.
This government refuses to respond to the needs and demands of its people. It’s come to this. I refuse to be ignored. I pledge to be peacefully ungovernable.
The police carried my crutches while I limped to the car in hand-cuffs. A sense of satisfaction settled in as I waited in the back and counted those who’d be joining me ‘downtown.’ Six of us in total. We’d done it. At least to us, Obama had not gotten away with it.
Not an hour later, we were released. The officers who I dealt with were beyond respectful to us and our cause. While I didn’t make any friends, I didn’t find any enemies. At some point during the evening, I cut my finger on the pavement, but beyond that, we walked away with little more than disorderly conduct charges and a notice to appear Dec. 15 at 6:30 p.m. at the Town Court at 254 Main St. Highland Falls, NY 10928. (Come join us!)
As we left the station, I was thrilled to see a sidewalk full of activists waiting and to find a prominent lawyer in town already representing us. While Obama had shattered our dreams of peace, we felt we’d won the day. Even with the impending escalation, we found the strength to joyously declare the birth of a new peace movement!
The government won this round. 30,000 more troops is a clear loss for us and more importantly the people of Afghanistan. But from what I saw, we are ready to rededicate ourselves to unwavering resistence from within. In the words of our former dictator, “fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…see, you can’t get fooled again.”
Obama is a war president and we are a peace movement. As long as we’re moving, Obama, and you refuse to be governed, we’ll refuse to be governed. Your racist wars will end and this world will know peace in our lifetimes. Until that day, rest assured that WE WILL BE YOUR INSURGENCY!
Doesn’t he strike a sympathetic figure? Fake-limping while the police carries his crutch (that he should have tossed aside four or five months ago)?
“This government refuses to respond to the needs and demands of its people. It’s come to this. I refuse to be ignored. I pledge to be peacefully ungovernable. ”
Just what the peace movement needs, another blowhard who can’t write. I’ll help you in the “refuse to be ignored” department, Matthis. In fact, last I heard, the VA’s OIG is checking into your VA bennies. Hope you saved up some money from living in your girlfriend’s apartment.
I can’t wait for Blanka’s book to hit the stands.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers
You and me both. Blanka’s book will rock. And the pictures should be good too fellas.
I just got word that I’m deploying again in relatively short order… This Chiroux idiot can kiss my ass. I’m going to want to come home and my wife is going to bawl her eyes out a lot worse when I tell her than old Matthis crying while giving a speech to a bunch of idiots protesting at West Point. Man, did my tolerance for such people just change in a heartbeat…
Best of luck to you Bob. If you need something, hope you’ll let us know.
He really thinks like that? I mean, really? I would take his own advice, “I must end it or surely die” if that was what was rattling around in my head when it comes to ending terrorism (or at least attempting to)…..
Thanks… I’m still kind of in that denial, numb phase that I imagine most reservists endure when they get an unexpected mobilization. My OIC seemed to be in the same state as he just found out as well, but once this all wears off it will be down to business… just like last time.
Oh…and godspeed, Bob. Many prayers will be sent your way and God bless you for your service to this great country, despite it giving birth to asshats like ole’ limpwrist in this post.
All the best…the only ones who can end this are those who get what it’s all about –and narcissism just doesn’t cut it, not for the Pied Piper or POS Chiroux.
Yep, God speed Bob.
As for Matthis, “Good lord, don’t let me cry in front of these people, I thought”? If he even thinks a little like this, what a pussy. Geezus, please, move to Canada, or France, or better yet, Mogadishu, Matthis, they’ll really appreciate your tender, tortured soul so much more than your country men, who don’t deserve you. Sarc/off. Seriously, dude, go, so you aren’t driven by thoughts of ending “it” yet again. If you “can’t go on like this” you have my sympathy, so go ahead, show the 0, refuse to go on, man up, do it.
My son’s already in AFG. However, I’d be honored to send stuff downrange for you too. God Speed, and please don’t hesitate to ask for anything. If I can get it or make it, it’s yours.
I am humbled by your service, your spirit and your commitment. I outrank my son so know you have the prayers of the Chiroux family at your shoulder beseeching the angels to shield you and bring you home safe. Please stay in contact during your deployment. I will look forward to hearing of you. I am very proud of you. Most Respectfully
Sorry… didn’t mean to hijack the thread. This Chiroux posting was the first military-related thing I read after learning about this deployment, and it really put in context the petty narcissism and borderline fraud that he represents as opposed to the reality that literally thousands of people in my National Guard division/state will be going through as the word gets out. They are apparently taking a lot of people who knew this might come about in fiscal year 2012 (many were overseas in 2007 in Kosovo, Iraq, etc)… not a few months, hence the shock and surprise. I’m probably among the second wave of people to learn about this so don’t want to give more specifics until they let everyone know.
But I do want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. It does mean a lot. Worst part of all this is that it very much reminds me of how hard this whole thing is on a family. I know the last deployment was probably harder on my family than it was for me, and I was out chasing people around on missions every day.
I don’t always agree with everything on this blog, but I always make a point to read it and very much respect the vets who contribute.
Thank you for the kind words. I just felt horrible after using your family name in my last post and I can only imagine the conflicted feelings you must endure. It goes back to my statement on family, as people often tend to forget that for every person… goofball or otherwise… there is often a family or loved one behind the scenes.
Best to you and yours.
Ok… last comment as I reread what I wrote in #11 and it didn’t seem clear. Deployment in a few months but we thought it was going to be 2011/2012. Again, hence the shock and surprise.
I’d like to echo what everyone has said, Bob.
As for Matthis, sorry, I couldn’t read his twaddle.
Have a safe and productive tour, Bob.
We’ll keep the lights on for you.
As to Matthis.
I think he is still on probation for his stunt at the Hofstra University Presidential Debate. Idiocy for him to get arrested again in New York State. I think his probation officer might have something to say to him shortly.
Shame it’s the 15th. Due to be in DC that day.
I’ll have to ask around and see if we can get a welcoming committee at the village court.
It’s okay Bob. Our family appreciates that more and more people refer to my son simply as “Matthis”. It is unique enough that it identifies him without continuing to drag our family name through the mud. I don’t think he believes a word he’s says. He simply uses everyone and leaves a trail of anguish behind him. It is all I can do to give fair warning and it breaks my heart every moment of every day. I wish I could go with you; I really do. You stay safe now.
How about dumbass?
Thank you Bob, blessings to you and your family.
You fellows here are made of something far different than the whiny turd featured in this picture.
God Bless you.
Bob, go with God. We are honored by your service.
RE: Matthis. What a dip-shit. And his dad is totally right… he believes in nothing but himself. I bet he records himself speaking at these things and then gets off on listening to his own dribble.
usnretwife, I’m with you. I got about two paragraphs in and just couldn’t finish it. Nauseating.
and didn’t Matthis campaign for the O-nointed one?
Matthis said, “Good lord, don’t let me cry in front of these people,…” My prayer is, “Dear Lord please don’t let this weasel EVER father a child.”
Bob, we civilian types just LOVE to send LUV your way. Jonn and TSO have my email address. If you don’t mind please share yours with me so we can get you all on our support list.
Robert, I have such respect for you and your family. He hasn’t dragged your family name through the mud. Not as far as I’m concerned anyway.
Matthis got arrested again?
Cue my motherfucking lack of surprise.
Bob, ditto what the others have said about you and yours needing anything. Jonn and TSO have my email too.
And, Robert, what Tankerbabe said. All “Matthis” has done is soil his own character, not yours or anyone in your family.
I got $5 that says he keeps the crutches so people will assume he is a wounded vet.
…..In our lives, our jobs, our politics; we have been denigrated to utter impotence…..
Hammer meet nail….I think this is the only thing Matthis has ever said that I completely agree with….
God bless you sir, best of luck and thank you!
More from the hippies …
As I read his statement, I am hit with the thought, “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”.
Hey Matthis, look into my eyes. What do you see? There ain’t no tears, just a deep burning desire to see that you and all like you spend your days as wretched outcasts, roaming the streets and living out your days despised and spit upon and reviled. May you never have children who will have to bear the dishonor of your actions.
Did you guys fully read the shit he wrote. I have never in my life seen the level of worthless pap as what he puts in these speeches of his. What a melodramatic little bitch. Just look at this paragraph. It’s enough to make a thespian puke:
Our suffering is one. We are the disenfranchised. In our lives, our jobs, our politics; we have been denigrated to utter impotence. People are not meant to live this way, and we cry out in one voice through history for liberation. Again and again, we’ve had our voices ignored and our mutual bonds dissolved by paranoia and fury.
Dude, that is the worst paragraph ever written. For that confluence of words alone you should be beaten with a sock with locks in it.
TSO, he was probably stoned when he wrote it, so it made sense to him.
Anyone that follows this moron gets what they deserve……taken advantage of.
Actually, TSO, I kinda liked the following: “I’ve been a mess. When I try to imagine the future of this country, I see nothing. I have no faith that good always triumphs anymore. I think where there’s a will to change there’s a way to subvert it. I taste the world I am to inherit, and it makes me sick to my stomach”.
At least Matthis said something we can all agree on, he IS a mess. And I won’t even go there, when he starts talking about what he tasted. But I think we all know what that was. And it wasn’t a milk shake.
But I concur, he needs to beaten with a sock full of locks.
Damn, not enough caffeine yet, it shoulda been “needs to BE beaten”.
Here’s my question… how did Matthis get through basic and 5 years service WITHOUT being beaten? Because, believe me, he was just as full of shit before he signed up to serve. Only, I think he was a better writer then. The drugs are obviously taking a toll.
I don’t have the answer, but that question caused me I stumble upon something else. (Dates courtesy TAH’s investigative wing and U.S. FOIA)
Matthis (no last name) came onto active duty 1 August 2002. He hit his first duty station 16 October 2003.
My math shows 63 weeks between entereing AD and Duty Station.
10 Weeks Basic (I know it is 9, there is a point), 16 weeks Journalism School and 4 weeks Airborne.
30 weeks.
2002 Bleave 4 weeks, 2003 ditto (I am guessing here), casual travel between schools another 3 weeks. 11 weeks total.
41 weeks.
Still missing 22 weeks. Re-cycle?
Come on Matthis, you can tell us. How many different t-shirts do you have from the different Basic Companies?
“It’s that I can’t live with endless war and I must end it or surely die.”
So quit your snivilling and hurry up and die already! Do us all a favor!
“Our suffering is one.”
Spoken like a true Communist collectivist. You want suffering? Then go to the battle front and pick up a rifle! Or go live with the native people who are caught in the middle of this war. Now THERE’S suffering! You don’t know how fortunate you have it, until it’s gone. And I hope someone takes it away from you soon.
The whole thing is such poorly written drooling drival. Who’s got the eye and mind bleach, so I can clear this from my brain?
I just hope, someday before I die, that I can meet this cockroach, and stomp him as he so appropriately deserves.
How fucking pretentious.
I seriously doubt Matthis even wants this war to end for fear of losing the one thing in his life that gives him any meaning.
Anon- He said he would rather be reading a book…duh
Caroline, you assume he can read….duh!!!