Daily FGS
Danville man charged with strangulation in domestic dispute
DANVILLE, KY — A domestic dispute led to a shooting and subsequent arrest for strangulation at a Speedway gas station, according to the Danville Police Department. Police say 38-year-old Alexander Baldwin was arrested after assaulting and strangling his girlfriend.
Officers arrived at the scene to find Baldwin with a gunshot wound to his hand. Upon investigation, it was revealed that Baldwin had allegedly choked his 28-year-old girlfriend and thrown her to the ground. After she regained consciousness, the couple struggled over a pistol in their car, resulting in two rounds being fired and Baldwin being shot in the hand, say police.
Following medical treatment at a local hospital, Baldwin was arrested and charged with wanton endangerment, strangulation, and assault.
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Hope it hurts. A lot. Thanks Gun Bunny.
If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no recourse left but in the exertion of that original right of self defense which is paramount to all positive forms of government.
Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist #28
Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link
Here. Have a Snickers. You’re not you when you’re hangry.
Dood gets released he’s gonna be looking for the woman that shot his paw.
They have ALL betrayed We, The People and they are ALL equally worthless to me.
That IS a pretty Hand Cannon (.54 KA-BOOOM!). Even repro Flintys are rather spendy these days. One can buy several nice AR type platforms for what an entry level flinty costs.
Dude got what he deserved for choking his lady. Hope they give him some decent jail time combined with a restraining order and don’t charge her since it was in self defense after she recovered consciousness.
A restraining order is a good thing to have when she has to shoot him dead.
Well, at least one Baldwin who had access to a gun is in jail.
Looks he’s gonna be chokin’ his chicken one handed for awhile.
Trump okay: