Georgia case against Donald Trump indefinitely paused

| June 6, 2024

Donald Trump faced an election subversion conspiracy case in Georgia. At issue is the qualification of Fani Willis to perform her role in this case. The Georgia Court of Appeals placed the case on hold. A panel of judges needs to rule on whether Fani Willis should be disqualified. The ruling could come in March 2025.

From CNN: 

The new order filed on Wednesday from the Georgia Court of Appeals is the latest indication that a trial in the state-level Georgia election subversion case will not occur before the 2024 presidential election. The court said the case will be on hold until a panel of judges rules on whether Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should be disqualified.

The appeals court is expected to rule on the disqualification issue by March 2025, though it could issue a ruling sooner. Several sources close to the case have told CNN that the timeline remains very uncertain.

Fulton County Superior Judge Scott McAfee had initially allowed proceedings in his courtroom to continue as the appeals court weighed an appeal of his decision to allow Willis to remain on the case.

A spokesperson for Willis’ office said they can’t comment on the appeals court’s order at this point. The DA can ask the appeals court to fast track a decision in this matter if it chooses.

The appeals court’s decision underscores Trump’s series of successes in his long-running strategy to put prosecutors on the defensive, attack them in the public sphere and challenge them in court.

Trump and some of his co-defendants in the sprawling racketeering case have been trying to get Willis disqualified from the case because of a romantic relationship she had with Nathan Wade, the special prosecutor she hired to help handle the case. The defendants argued that Willis financially benefited from the relationship with Wade, who defense attorneys say covered several vacations for the pair.

Additional Reading:

Cohen, Z., Murray, S., & Morris, J. (2024, June 5). Georgia court of appeals indefinitely pauses the election subversion conspiracy case against Donald Trump. CNN. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Society

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Awww, one more conviction and he will have a Billion in campaign funds and be a lock.


Waiting for our resident legal expert to tell us the real truth.


I know there is a /sarc tag hidden in there, but I just gotta say Lars wouldn’t know truth if it danced naked in front if him in broad daylight.


I believe the charges about as much as I believe that Fanni doesn’t have a checking account and repaid her boyfriend in untraceable cash, for reasons?


In the future, can we refrain from using the words “Lars” and “naked” in the same sentence?


HEY LARS!!!!!!!!!



Army-Air Force Guy

Who’s the meathead that left the
the border wide open?



Major Tuddy

Not too sure who Lars is, but anyway…

I fully expect the NY conviction to be overturned on appeal. Trump is the first President in my lifetime who truly cared about the people. When all is said and done, we will remember Trump as a hero.

Besides, I notice that the same libs who are up in arms over Stormy Daniels didn’t have a problem with Monica Lewinsky. Oh, wait…that was a Democrat that she gave sloppy-toppy to. Never mind; false alarm. 🤦🏻


What they didn’t care about was the 2016 Clinton Campaign falsified business records to write off opposition research as a legal business expense. This created the infamous dossier, a fantasy created from whole cloth. The campaign had to pay $100,000 fine for that but no one was ever charged with a crime.

They then used that to obtain FISA Warrants fraudulently to try (and failed) to find criminal wrong doing with Trump. People should be sitting in prison over that right now and aren’t.

So Commissary can keep his whiny little whore mouth shut since he has no explanation for that.


I respect that that’s your opinion, but a) lots of Americans, myself included, find the idea that Trump cares about anyone other than himself utterly laughable, and b) it’s totally irrelevant to whether an appeal is successful.

If an appeal is successful, it’ll be because of procedural issues with the case – eg, that the law wasn’t being applied correctly, or that there’s compelling evidence that a different result would’ve been reached had things been done differently, like letting the jurors go home for the long weekend prior to rendering a verdict.

I don’t expect the appeal to be successful, but I’m only 80/20 on that (or even 70/30).


What most of us here find laughable is you commenting here when you never wore the uniform. We could care less about your opinions which have been formed by reading MSM propaganda. Go away. Moreover, you have about as much acumen on the law as the commie cuttlefish. Neither of you have a law degree, ever been a litigator, ever tried a lawsuit, or handled an appeal. So, your views mean zip.


Oh, so only people who actually served can comment here? That would’ve been news to Jon.

Since he’s sadly no longer with us, if AW1Ed requests that I not comment, I’ll respect that, but to quote you, ‘your views mean zip’.


I’m not agreeing with LC’s view of the case, nor his legal analysis – however….

I’ve never practiced law (I’ve paid someone to practice on my behalf, a couple times) and my views might mean nothing as well; still, I won’t allow my naïveté to muzzle me: The whole trial smells funny.

Whether the conviction is overturned on appeal or not… I can’t say I trust the system enough, anymore, for that to happen. I know my distrust will only grow if it’s not.

Last edited 3 months ago by Hate_me

Are you saying Biden cares for citizens? Really?

I disagree that Trump doesn’t care. He’s not Mother Theresa, but how many people are ever canonized? He’s risked jail and/or worse consequences to run again. How many here would even think about running the first time if they were a billionaire real estate & golf course developer with a smoking hot, younger wife?

He talked about running in the 80’s, but he ran in 2016 after analyzing a very WEAK field candidates? The lesser Clinton? Another Bush? What makes anyone WANT to be President? Sure he’s got an ego, but he’s the only modern President to LOSE money by becoming President.

He’ll win his appeal. The made-up law, the judge’s prosecution of the case, the witness’ NOT allowed to testify, and so on. Even the MSM legal analysts agree the case was only cooked up to call him convicted felon. How much coverage when its over turned? Not much you can bet.


I don’t know that Biden cares for people or not. I think he’s an aloof, life-long politician and I’d be happier with someone with a clue serving as POTUS. But Trump is pretty clueless himself, and I know he doesn’t care about much beyond himself and his family.

And he ran because of ego, not a desire to do good for the country. Losing money in his presidency is because that’s what he’s generally good at – losing money. It ain’t easy to go bankrupt with casinos, but he did!

I get that we’ll disagree on him, and that’s fine, but I still disagree with you on the appeal. If it is overturned, though, you bet your ass that’ll be breaking news on every channel.

Last edited 3 months ago by LC

2 hours of Herr Biden being aloof. Or is that a fool.

You can decide.


Gosh, you said it yourself. The law wasn’t being applied correctly.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

You missed an ‘if’ in there.




I don’t care about Trump’s ego. I care about his results. I had very low expectations of him as President. I voted for him because he was not Hillary. I was very happily surprised by his efficacy and intend to vote for him. Donald Trump is not a man I’d ever call a friend. But he’s a damn good President. The opposite of Jimmy Carter. A damn good man that was a terrible President.


And we’ll have to just respectfully disagree about him doing a good job as President. There were a few good things he did, yes, but on the whole I think he’s a conman and an idiot, and unworthy to the office.


Well at least he didn’t sell his office like Biden.


I’ll take a thousand Trumps over a single Joe Biden.


Just because FJB shits his pants in public? Or is that good enough?


C’mon man, he’s the leader of the free world! He shits where he wants!


“he’s a conman and an idiot, and unworthy to the office.”

True of the entire Biden family. Lifelong political grifters.

Major Tuddy

Effective leaders tend to be assholes. Vince Lombardi, George Patton, and Donald Trump.

Nice guys finish last.


Popularity doesn’t sway my vote. Getting shit done does.


My opinion FWIW, it doesn’t matter whether you like the guy personally or not, its his policies and results that matter. You’re not voting for a fishing buddy.


We are 100% in agreement.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The appeal most likely won’t be successful in New York for a variety of reasons, but procedurally there are several points of appeal of that will be addressed and that is where the most likely chance for the verdict to be vacated or returned for retrial would occur outside of the New York court system…a US Federal Appellate court or SCOTUS would be the likely place for this outcome.

The judge denying the defense the right to use a witness that would claim there was nothing that the FEC found that was prosecutable will be one of those significant issues, the judge being warned by the judicial ethics committee that he had violated state of New York ethics rules regarding political donations will be an issue in that regardless of whether or not there was bias it creates the appearance and that is often enough reason that the ethics committee in New York suggest judges recuse themselves from the proceeding.

Toss in the utterly pointless testimony of Daniels who had zero knowledge of any book keeping crimes…she is simply a whore who sucks cock for a living and gets paid well to do so…her story about her promiscuity with the president had zero to do with whether or not a business ledger entry had been falsified because Ms. Daniels was never a party to the accounting department’s actions nor did she have access to Mr. Cohen’s accounting practices…and you have additional points of concern from a procedural standpoint, if you allow the prosecution a witness that didn’t actually witness the alleged crime denying the defense the opportunity to present a witness that would claim there was no federal crime that was prosecutable smells like bias.

And the timing issue creates a huge procedural problem…how can you claim something was done to defraud an election in 2016 when the thing you claim was done to commit that fraud took place in 2017? And how do 12 people not pick up on that simple piece of math?


Agreed!! And I’ve said before, right here, I didn’t care for, nor trust Trump until after he became president and I watched him try, and I also watched the democrats AND the republicans fight him all the way.


I do have a law degree, and I would say procedurally the NY case appeared so prejudicial against the defendant that it will be overturned.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Professor Turley would agree with you…he suggests there are several points of procedural error that will most likely result in an order for retrial at a minimum or the case being tossed instead….

Dershowitz suggests that an appeal within New York’s appellate court system is unlikely to succeed but the federal appellate system should correct this error.

Prior Service (Ret)

I’m all for the justice system (as planned, not much as executed), but sometimes there should be a “common sense/smell test/that’s retarded” option because anybody who thinks there’s an option where Fani should be on this case is stupid. I could rule on this right now.


Left/libtards are, unfortunately, ideologically immune to that:
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Major Tuddy

Good call. It would have been better if they were dismissed with prejudice.

Trump has the support of every American patriot. Too bad that he needs a majority to win.


Lots of videos on the tube of you that show a boat load of blacks voicing their support for Trump. A couple even offer a welcoming fit for a king if he would visit Chicago.

I don’t think getting a majority is going to be any problem.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just Blacks, he’s been making big gains among Hispanics as well!


True that.


The ballot box is not going to help…neither will the Jury Box Jus’ sayin’…YMMV

Substitute the word “Despot” for “Brits”.

I repeat, again…Trump is not their target…We, The People are. If you do not believe/see that by now, there is no hope for you. May your chains rest lightly. As for me, I will live free or die well, defending what I have worked all of my life for.

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What imaginary constitution would the original patriot defend?


Oh, I don’t know…maybe the same one that has the imaginary 2nd Amendment? You’re splitting hairs again, 5Guy but that is, after all, your super power. If I had of generated this meme, instead of just stealing it from elsewhere, I might would have left those two (2) parts out if I was talking about 1775. Who knows, the person that made the meme could’ve been referring to the Original Patriots of the 2nd (1812) War for Independence (from Brits) or even the 3rd one in 1861 (damyankees). In all three (3) cases 33% were for Independence, 33% were for leaving things as they were, and 33% were deciding to see what happened. The remaining 1% didn’t give a damn and beat feet.

A meme is 33% truth, 33% humor, and 33% hmmm. The remaining 1% is just to poke at people like you. I had forgotten that we are supposed to submit memes to you before posting so they can be fact checked and verified. My bad, I’ll try not to do that again.


Hard to be the OG showing up at the 2nd, 3rd or whatever war. Sure got you riled up though.


Many of the same faces were there shooting Brits* in both 1783 (War of Independence) and 1785 (Northwest Indian War).

*As well as many American Indians considered subjects of the British Crown.


Who’s riled?


Now all he has to do is win the election, then abuse his office to crush the federal cases against him. Being the president will shelter him from any state criminal proceedings until he leaves office. Which he has no intention of doing in his lifetime. He tried to stay in office despite losing the election in 2020. This time he will make sure every senior position in the DoD, DoJ, DHS, and all 4.5 branches of the military are loyal lackeys. His plan won’t work. But that is his plan. Only about 30-35% of Americans connect with the tenets of fascism. Not enough to win. So Trump has to dupe, and con another 15-20% to eke out a win. He is a con artist but he is no longer promising to implement the tenets of fascism to Make America Great Again…now his rhetoric is all about him, his grievances, and his desire to punish his enemies. His politics have always been only about him.., but now he is not even pretending to give a damn about anyone else. Fascism is always, ultimately, about the dictator…not the nation. I don’t think his “me, me, me” rhetoric is enough to entirely close that 15-20%. His cult will obediently do everything they can to try to make anything he wants happen. He will still be a felon in New York. But goose steppers don’t care about their leaders having criminal records. I said for years that if it wasn’t called “fascism” most of you nitwits would be enthusiastic about it. I have seen frequent fascist themes on this blog comment section for the entire decade I have been here. Too many of you know so little about fascism that you lack the self awareness to know most of you want fascism. You only know enough to know you don’t like being called “fascists,” even while expressing your cultlike love for a fascist. Trump is explicitly advocating and campaigning on the tenets of fascism. He is even using duplicate slogans and rhetoric. And most of you are as enthusiastic as I always expected… Read more »


Ohs noes…!


“He will not leave office trope”…Straight outta CNN
Its not like he didn’t do it in 2021, right? Remember when he used to courts to jail Hillary and anyone associated with her campaign? He didn’t? Not like she funded a fake dossier & collusion hoax and then her & the DNC lied about the payment to conceal their involvement? She did.

You’re stale bullshit is what Trump might do fantasy. Meanwhile, the ACTUAL corruption of the cases against Trump you completely ignore. It must be exhausting to continue to look the other way 24/7.


“He will not leave office…” Remember they said the same thing about GW Bush.

A Proud Infidel®™

They even said that GW Bush was planning on putting dissenters in FEMA-run concentration camps and some later said that about B. Hussein 0bama.


Still calling Trump a fascist without naming a single fascist thing he has ever done. You have the credibility of Hunter Biden and Fanny Willis’s love child.

What do you call the guy who graduated last in his class at Berkeley?

A Proud Infidel®™

Hmm now, Joe Biden graduated something like #78 of 86 in his Law School!


He sucks at math too then. He told everyone that he was in the “top half” of his class.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

He sucks at everything.


Seeing as how he screws we the people, him being the “top half” in entirely plausible.


18th of 133 in my class, but I never claim I did anything extraordinary as a law student. A gal that was about 12th in my class took the Bar exam about 7 times before she finally passed it. She was a legal secretary throughout law school. Apparently, her typing skills were outweighed by her lack of analytical skills.


I thought he went to Annapolis… or was that just for football? I can’t keep up.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just getting admitted to Annapolis would be difficult for someone claiming to have had asthma like Joe Biden did which exempted him from the Draft, but despite that he held a job as a Lifeguard!


No, Joe got recruited to play QB after Roger Staubach graduated. Even though Joe didn’t varsity football at Delaware and already had a degree…if you believe the serial liar.


Lighten up, spapos and read this bed time story from TL Davis. It’ll either give you masturbatory fantasies…or nightmares. You do realize that when your Commie/Marxists/Socialists Utopia arrives, that you and your pantifa buddies will have their useful idiot role terminated by a bullet to your brain? Your domestic despots will be replaced by foreign despots, but you’ll be dead. Maybe we should have a fund raiser and get you a 55 gallon drum of butt hurt cream. Go away, little boy, you bother me…and the sh*t you spread draws flies.


Still clueless and fraudulent, spewing the pre-approved  pancreatic cancer points. A clueless cult follower, over-educated but completely lacking in knowledge. Like the man said, a real nowhere man, sitting in his nowhere land.


Ask yourself this, oh wise one:

“Am I better off now than I was 4 years ago”?


Not a fair question for Commissary. His life will never improve.

A Proud Infidel®™

HOLY SHEEP SHIT on a burnt stick up a dead Middle East goat’s ass after “Man-Love Thursday”, I think I lost at least ten IQ points reading that piss-brained rabbit-fucked pile of Chihuahua shit!

Army-Air Force Guy

I gave up after about the third sentence (or paragraph. )


That’s the most poetic thing I’ve read all week. BRAVO!

A Proud Infidel®™



Have you met Major Tuddy yet? He was asking who this Lars poster was. Maybe he will read this and find the answer as to who Lars is.

Major Tuddy

Hi, Commissar Lars! 🫡

I’m Major Tuddy, a Commander of the finest football team in the NFL. Certainly above those cowturds from DalASS that fancy themselves to be “America’s Team”. 🙄😑🤦🏻

I even have my own Wikipedia article. Wanna see?

Roses are red;
Violets are blue.
The Eagles suck;
The Cowboys do, too.
Hail to the Commanders!
Fight for old DC!


Your understanding of fascism is hardly beyond question.

“In Italia i fascisti si dividono in due categorie: i fascisti e gli antifascisti.”
-Ennio Flaiano

pookysgirl, WC wife

It depresses me that my Spanish and Latin classes have finally come in handy… to translate insults on a blog.


That is Italian. From a man who actually witnessed the rise of real fascism.


I’ll just stick this right here…

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Of course not…
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Joe’s handlers discussing whether Joe needs a break.


Replace “Trump” with Biden and you’re correct.

I keep hearing those on the left say that he tried to stay in Office in 2020. Because he didn’t agree with the questionable things that happened? A lot of it caught on video. I.e. the ballot counters taping up windows so that they couldn’t e observed.

I don’t think you know what fascism really is. I always hear him say that he intends to put America and Americans first. Not that others don’t have a place, but Americans first.

Sounds good to me. A LOT better than the way our government is currently operating.


I follow a lot of what the NAZI’S did In ww2. And it sure sounds like dems of today. You are a fraud.

Forest Bondurant

You pretty much just described the entire intent of the Democrat party, except you had to add a sprinkling of Trump as an attempt to make your point.

Projection as usual.

You may go fuck off and resume fellatiating your liberal professors now.