Less than half of young Americans are ‘proud’ to be American

| May 30, 2024

Young voters do not appear to have a favorable view of the United States. Among the 18–30 voters who were polled, only 42% responded that they were proud to be an American. Half of these voters described the United States as a dystopia, hellscape, or dying empire. When it comes to their views of American being a force of good, more believed that it wasn’t compared to those who believed that it was.

From Washington Examiner:

Young voters have an unfavorable view of how things are going in the United States, with less than half agreeing they are “proud to be an American” in a new poll.

According to the Blueprint poll released Wednesday, just 42% of young voters ages 18-30 are proud to be American, while 64% believe that America is in decline. Half say it’s accurate to describe America as a “hellscape,” dystopia,” or “dying empire.”

Less than half of voters surveyed think America is more of a “good guy” than a “bad guy” right now, 48%, while just 33% say America is a “force for good in the world.”

Many young voters expressed anti-colonialist sentiments, including 38% who said America is a global imperial oppressor, 48% who agreed America is at risk of becoming a fascist country, 45% who said America should pay reparations to black people, and 36% who agreed prisons and police “as we know them” should be abolished.

The majority believes the American dream hasn’t been equally accessible to all, American systems of power are built on the marginalization of minorities, black people face systemic disadvantages in America, and most people are racist, sexist, and biased.

Additional Reading:

Cordi, P. (2024, May 29). Less than half of young adults ‘proud’ to be American. Washington Examiner. Link.

Category: Society

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This should help recruitment.

The US will soon go to conscription…because reasons.


I’m proud of the my America. The America passed on to me by relatives fleeing the The Famine in Ireland. They fought to keep the country together in the Civil War. They missed The Great War, but served in the Pacific during WW2. They served during the Vietnam Era. I kept it going during the Cold War, and my son is reenlisting in a couple of weeks. I haven’t given up, but more of ‘Biden’s America’ will test my faith. Shit-canning the whole DemoKKKratic party, the RINO’s, and the DC Swamp is a start. Can Trump do it all in 4 years? No, but he can pull us out of the nose dive Pedo Joe wants to continue. They want to make this country so bad that we’ll all give up. Well, I saw fuck no!!! I owe it to my ancestors that gave me so much to keep it going. ‘Merica forever bitches!!!


Perhaps these victims of oppression would be more credible after serving the country in meaningful ways before being considered qualified to expound their negative points of view. I’m reconsidering mandatory service not limited to military, earning a place of respect. No one is kept here against their will.The gate to America swings both ways.


My pride took a big hit, but…
We will rise above of the sewage of the Leftists bullshit and reclaim this nation from the pedophiles, the child mutilators, the neo-con war pigs, the criminals…
Hold, hold, hold, HOLD!!!


Not sure we’re going to be able to “vote” our way out of this HT3. I pray I’m wrong…Prepare

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Baby boomers had a reason to be proud of America and it was
taught to our children in our public schools.
Happy to be an old man now looking back at the best of times.


Also true for those of us in the grey area between Boomers and Gen X.


But the New York Times Said it was all because of slavery. You don’t think they would be printing things that aren’t true do you?

Hack Stone

Yes, because slavery never existed before America came to be, and it has only been practiced by White Europeans. Asians, “Native Americans”, Africans and indigenous tribes of South America never engaged in slavery. 🥴


I am so glad I was a Gen X latchkey kid that grew up without cell phones or the Internet

553rd CICO

Everyday I think surely this isn’t true! Everyday I freaking wrong!


Yes indeed! I remember the honor of being a flag bearer, saluting and leading the class in our Pledge of Allegiance. We can’t let our children grandchildren be robbed of this.


I’m not sure why this should be a surprise. All they’ve been told since at least the 2008 presidential election (“For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country…”) is that the United States has a lot of sins to atone for.
Now, the idea of making America great has been branded as an evil.


Absolutely. Patriotism is extremely frowned upon. Living in a great country is frowned upon. I’m pretty disappointed in my country lately myself.


Not so much disappointed in this still great country as much as I am the people running the show, trying to serve up shit sandwiches but unsure of which side of the bread it goes on. Would you like that on white, wheat, rye or stale bread. Health conscious? They offer it in a wrap as well.


All they’re offering is bread and circuses.


I agree with both of you but I also would like to point out the people that are encouraging the bread and circus from the bottom.

I know with my white privilege and all They just pulled a dump truck load of cash up to my back door poured it in when I was 12. But it was a lot of work putting it into those boxes and moving them around all these years.


Most of those at the bottom have been conditioned to think bead and circuses are an entitlement and they don’t have to involve themselves in anything. See also “LBJ” and “The Great Society”.


The United Nations has told them that being alive entitles everyone to the right to continue being alive without any effort on your part.


Unless of course they haven’t been born yet…


Or were prevented from being born.


Been done before:

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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

I’m disappointed that this country is providing a haven for political malcontents and radicals. Terrified, actually! They seem to multiply like a plague. We need strong disinfectant.


Democrats want to be citizens of Klaus Schwab’s dystopia hopin’ to be in charge:
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He and all the assholes like him need to die slow painful deaths…


I’ll be happy to contribute to a ‘Go Fund Me’ for a one way ticket so this person can immediately leave!

Old tanker

Frankly I blame the media more than anyone else. The way to “fix” the disconnect with the country is to let the younger folks either travel or migrate to a country of their choice. Traveling, IMO, is the fastest way to see just how good it is in this country compared to others around the globe.


Spot on. Ot, ya nailed it! Most of us that hang out here have “traveled” the world and seen what a real sh*thole, oppressive country looks like. We have an old saying down here in God’s Country…”Delta is ready when you are.” Another old saying…”America, love it or leave it!”


Young people would benefit by learning vocational skills and serving in work programs like constructing simple houses, laying water lines in undeveloped areas in the world. When they are offered hands on experiences and learn how goals are reached through planning and blood, sweat and tears, they gain self respect.


Truly a report card on the “success” of govt run schools… (by success, I mean achieving their intended goal of indoctrinating children to be good little drones)


This idea has merit. I noticed that Brittney Griner has stopped kneeling during the Star-Spangled banner.

I just wish she would take that extra step and tell people how f****** lucky they are.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

I think public schools create this foundation of God and country, and how freedom and capitalism is the best system there is. And then colleges re-affirm that message. Just dreaming. It starts with schools degrading our country, followed by the media reinforcing their distaste for the US.


Here’s the thing with younger people: they tend to be anti-establishment. In the past, anti-establishment was simply pushing back against the “System”, whatever that system may be. It was well before my time, but the hippie movement, their beatnik predecessors, zoot suiters, and just about every other cultural fad of the 20th Century was dominated by young Americans breaking societal norms. In my day, it was the punk scene. In high school, my hair was a different color every week and I dressed to depress the adults who knew I was the future of this country. Fortunately, I stayed away from piercings and considered myself Straight Edge, so no drugs or excess partying screwed me up like they did for so many others.

Anyway, anti-establishment youth are extremely impressionable. Since at least the Vietnam era, we’ve had a core cadre of elites (academic, celebrity, political, media, you name it) who’ve transformed from their anti-establishment days into becoming the establishment. They won’t admit as such, though, and have convinced today’s youth that the patriotic America First crowd is the real establishment. It helps that so many young people are told they need to go to college if they want to succeed. That’s at least two to four more years of indoctrination, followed by the realization that a college degree doesn’t exactly print money.

Blue collar workers tend to make more out of the gate with little to no debt (unless you become a mechanic and follow the Cult of Snap-On). They also tend to be more conservative and pro-America. Those that buy into the Evil America concept are bitter because they’ve done what their mentors told them to do and have little to show for it. While their patriotic high school classmates are making decent money, buying homes, and starting families, they are sitting in their parents’ basement with a worthless piece of paper and a job at McDonald’s, shouting about the need for a $30/hr. wage.


Yeah, but if the mainstream culture has become anti-establishment, is it really anti-establishment anymore?

I believe the saying is something along the lines of “when the counterculture becomes mainstream, traditional values are an act of rebellion.”

You are here.


After 50+ years of “Question authority”, anti-establishment rhetoric, and demands for “relevant” education, the culture is now just “anti”. They have not learned enough about anything to be “pro” anything. In a word, “nihilism” (“Relentless negativity or cynicism suggesting an absence of values or beliefs.. “). Or, as Moriarty and Oddball might put it—

Green Thumb

And most of the respondents have contributed zero to this country.


I’m very proud of my country. Proud of my government and some of my fellow Americans? Not so much. What these young voters fail to realize is that they are essentially the ones creating this dystopian mess they talk about.


What is a nation but it’s people?


Borders, Language, and Culture.

Last edited 3 months ago by SFC D

Borders change, languages and cultures evolve. When this nation was formed it was formed by “We the people”. Imagine the conceit?

How could a group of people, not of noble worth, Just decide to form their own country? Make their own laws? Appoint their own leaders by election? This doesn’t seem very novel today, but it had never been done before.

Was it perfect? Of course not. But it was a hell of a lot better than anything else the world had seen until that point. So when the Joe Biden’s of the world tells you that they are going to establish a ministry of truth and suppress all other speech then we have a recourse.


But do enough people have the balls to utilize that recourse???

If only a few do, they’ll be crushed and painted as radicals. It will take large numbers to make it happen. As KoB has pointed out, one of the “boxes” is lost, the other is highly suspect at this point (Nov will tell if that too is lost), which only leaves one to fall back on…


The fuse was lit…



Borders? Meh, not so much.


Meh, same issue in the mid to late seventies, it took Ronnie Reagan to pull us back from the brink.


True, but we’re much father gone this time around… They’re not even trying to hide it anymore..


The goodly document on which we were founded has been left on a cheap hotel mattress, covered by the temporary joy of grosses-upon-grosses of infidel truckers taking a brief respite from hauling grift, graft, and the bodily abuses of easy politick.

May they rot in hell.

The Republic is dead. Long live the Republic.


I can’t blame the kids. It was broken’fore they got here.


“…despotic at home and adventurous abroad…” You called it, Marse Robert

Today’s “verdict” proved how broken it is.


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The Blaster home has 5 sons. 2 white, 1 Native American, 1 Black, 1 Mexican.

They’re all patriots! They love America, the flag, the anthem and the pledge.

We have taught them to love their country, but we have always made them do their own research. Political, religious, legal, etc. they weren’t brainwashed by us, but they weren’t brainwashed by the system or schools either. BTW, 3 of them are in college now. One goes to a very liberal school. They haven’t and I don’t think they ever will convert him.

Amateur Historian

I’m a Milliennial and I’m still proud to be an American. 🇺🇸


Meanwhile, more is at stake w/ Taiwan than just Taiwan… not just Taiwan and what it produces for everbody else get f*cked up, but our standing in the world and whether our friends can rely upon us is at stake:

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

I’m so ashamed to be Canadian at the moment that I now tell people I am from Little Saint James Island


… and the OTHER HALF isn’t proud of THEM ! Tell it like it IS! 🇺🇸