Gaza Pier performing like Joe

| May 31, 2024

Remember we saw the other day that Joe Piden’s Gaza support pier was having problems, and that some of the support craft were washed ashore?

Apparently that ain’t the half of it. Over the last few months we – meaning  Joe and friends – have dumped $320,000,000 into this floating pier designed to help the poor huddled masses of Palestinians caught in a war zone their leaders created. They elected Hamas, Hamas started  a war they shouldn’t have (both from a moral point of view and from a you-don’t-mess-around-with-Jim ya-picked-on-the-wrong-victim point of view. One must suspect their sole goal was to sacrifice tens of thousands of innocent civilians in a (pretty successful) campaign to turn Israel into an international pariah. But I digress.

Joe Biden decided to bend over and appease the leftist rabble he counts on for support, so that we had to build this floating dock so supplies could be brought in for relief for Gazan unfortunates (apparently forgetting that every dollar Hamas doesn’t have to spend on feeding the citizenry is another dollar they can pay for more Iranian weaponry.)

The pier, which cost $320 million, had only begun operating on May 17 when heavy seas forced the maritime shipments to stop one week later on May 24, two days before part of the pier disconnected. It is unclear when shipments will resume.

The temporary pier, called the Joint Logistics Over the Shore (JLOTS), requires very good sea conditions to operate. CNN reported previously that JLOTS can only be operated safely in a maximum of 3-foot waves and winds less than approximately 15 miles per hour.

Daniel Dieckhaus, the director of USAID’s Levant Response Management Team, told reporters Thursday that there were “thousands and thousands of tons” of aid waiting in Cyprus to be delivered through the maritime corridor. But those shipments are now paused with the temporary pier inoperable. CNN

Not entirely sure it is helping much anyway – multiple sources report that even when the trucks are loaded and able to get off this floating (well, part of it is) boondoggle, little to no aid can be distributed.

In the days after the pier became operational on May 17, trucks were looted as they made their way to a warehouse, forcing the U.N. World Food Program to suspend operations. After officials beefed up security, the weather turned bad. American officials had been hoping that the sea surges would not start until later in the summer.NY Times

So close to a third of a billion bucks now needs at least a week’s worth of repairs (elsewhere, naturally) before Joe can properly support Hamas can help the Gazans any more.


Gotta say, this column being about a Biden boondoggle, just made my 700th feel appropriate.

Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Biden, Gaza 2023

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Haha… “Dickhouse…”

But yeah… between this and the vessels activated to move the aid breaking down immediately. Not a good look…

Last edited 4 months ago by Deckie

All of this reminds me of the Carter years.

Everything broke dick like the president running the show.


This is a good news story. At that price the pier only cost $588 per millimeter. When you put it like that it hardly even some expensive.


“Seems”. Errors courtesy of Red Hat software or whatever controls my voice to text.


Don’t try to fool us with metrics.


I’m not trying to be tricky. To put it in perspective, on that scale, Commissary’s penis is worth about $50.


That much, huh?


It is a guestament based on his online presence, these things can be hard to measure.


Try a micrometer…

jeff LPH 3 63-66

would have been cheaper if the Reichstag, err I mean Herr biden bought the piers at his local Pier 1 store.


Joe, like his pier can’t get an erection.

As far as the court decision yesterday,
I’ll vote for the felon instead of the man with the broken melon.


Still no explanation why pefo Joe just didn’t fix the existing deep water port in Gaza for 10% of the cost of this boondoggle…

Oh wait…


the 10% you mention is the reason..


So I researched any bad weather in this time period off Gaza. It never happened.

“The pier, which cost $320 million, had only begun operating on May 17 when heavy seas forced the maritime shipments to stop one week later on May 24, two days before part of the pier disconnected. It is unclear when shipments will resume.”


So you’re saying it’s the engineers in Washington’s fault 🤔


Sea State 3 is not bad weather.


They should give up on the pier and just air drop cans of
Dinty Moore beef stew. Throw in some B&M brown bread.
Make every night Saturday night in Gaza.



We see what you did there.

tom reynolds

Sadly there is no longer pork in campbells pork and beans


David, your 700 columns have been way yonder more successful than anything that sniffy creepy gropey joey has ever done.

“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.” BHO

tom reynolds

Is this pier military equipment or a no-bid contract with one of the Dems friends? If they knew it could only handle 3′ waves what the hell were they thinking? We get bigger waves than that on Lake Ontario year around.


Military. But… now that it has failed, the door is wiiiiiide open for a hefty no-bid contract to one of Joe’s donors. Properly negotiated by his son and brother. And of course, 10% for the big guy. It’s in the SOP.

Skivvy Stacker

Well, hell; I say we send them all the pork roast, pork chops, pork rinds, salt pork, spam, and bacon we can rustle up. Those poor musins are starving over there.


The Dems should outfit Hunter with enough baking soda, Choreboy and Bolivian Marching Powder that he could personally airlift the supplies into Gaza.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane!……It’s Hunter rocked up into the stratosphere!