Daily FGS

| May 27, 2024

Henry AR-7
Florida Homeowner Fires 17 Rounds, Hits Two in Defense Against Four Armed Intruders
Sean Holt

DELAND, FL – A dramatic turn of events unfolded on Wednesday afternoon in DeLand, FL when a homeowner defended his residence against four armed intruders, shooting two of them. The incident occurred around 5:45 p.m. at a home located at 931 Clark Ave.

Volusia County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived on the scene following reports of gunfire during what appeared to be a premeditated home invasion. Initial investigations revealed that the suspects had prior knowledge of the homeowner due to previous narcotics transactions. This familiarity, however, did not spare them from the homeowner’s response when they attempted to rob him.

In a desperate bid to protect himself, the homeowner retrieved his firearm and discharged it 17 times. The barrage of bullets not only repelled the attackers but also struck their getaway vehicle, which was later found riddled with bullet holes in Daytona Beach during a felony traffic stop by the authorities.

Two of the suspects sustained gunshot wounds in the chaos and were later dropped off at a local hospital for medical treatment. The injured parties have been identified as Timothy Bourn, 22, of Holly Hill, and Marquis Williams, 19, of Daytona Beach. Meanwhile, the other two accomplices, Benjamin Warren, 20, of Daytona Beach, the driver of the bullet-damaged vehicle, and Jaiden Hunt, 20, of Holly Hill, were apprehended by law enforcement in close proximity to the crime scene.

0 / 4 / 0
USA Carry

Thanks, gun Bunny.

PIT and Pup.

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the equal sharing of misery. WINSTON CHURCHILL

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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I watched a video about this a short while ago: Mysterious shooting outside Army Special Forces residence in NC raises questions | Fox News

The whole story is just odd. No FBI investigation, despite a high-ranking (COL) Special Operations officer being involved; two foreign nationals claiming to be utilities workers but lacking any uniforms, equipment, or identification showing them as such; and pictures being taken of “work done” by the foreign nationals, after sunset and on private property.


Big Country Expat did a deep dive on this over the Weekend, fm2176. Lots of “unanswered” questions. And it is only in the last day or so that this has been in any news media. Kinda makes one go…Hmmm. Prepare

Sometimes “Spray and Pray” does work. I think there’s a little more to this story also. Keeping a weather eye out for some follow ups.

Give that Fur Missile a T-Bone and some Belly Rubs.

Nailed it Mr. Churchill.

Trying to decide between the AR 7 and the Ruger 10/22.


MRS D has this 10/22:


It’s a little tack-driver. I’m not sure if it’s your color preference, but I won’t ask. Might perfect for enticing Miss Thang out to the range after escort duty.


The Ruger is capable of much greater accuracy. Depends on your needs.


Leaning toward The Ruger, DocV. My needs? Cold beer and hot woman. 😉 My wants in a .22? Small game…squirrels and such. Expanded narrative below in a reply to fm2176.


I’ve got the AR-7. Nice little gun, lightweight and floatable (taken down and stored in the stock), if a little awkward.

Ruger makes a 10/22 Takedown model. We sell them starting around $450 (minus 5% Vet discount), though for $529 you can get the Magpul X-22 stock version with storage in the stock for spare mags and ammo. A regular 10/22 can be found on sale for around $300 at times.

I’ve got the Marlin Papoose as well, along with a couple of the Chiappa Little Badgers. I bought the former years ago and don’t think they’re made anymore, while the latter cost me $229 each and are little foldable wireframe stock single shots (my coworkers call them “coat hanger guns”). The FDE version comes with a little backpack, while the OD version costs the same but has a cheap scope mounted instead of the pack.

Savage makes the 64F, which also has a takedown model. Personally, unless you really want a takedown or folding design, a regular 10/22 would probably be better than an AR-7. If you want to save a little money, you can get the Winchester Wildcat, which has a rotary magazine similar to the 10/22.

Tube-fed .22s are also an option, though I don’t know of the Marlin Model 60 or others are still produced. There’s the Browning SA-22 if you want to pay a premium; we had a well-known swamp logger that used to be on the History Channel show Axe Men come in and buy one last year. It’s probably at the bottom of Lake Pontchartrain by now, given his on-screen persona.


Tanks TOG Soldier…always best to get the opinion of one that handles and/or has/had various designs, makes, models. No real need of a takedown, tho it is an interesting concept. And I am a traditionalist in my “furniture”. To me, there’s nothing like an Old School wood stock and a bunch of metal. I’m not planning on rucking up and hiking out so weight/size are not a big concern. I can step out onto the porch and harvest squirrels and rabbits that come as close as 10 feet. My truck long arm is The Mossy Maverick, small enough to perch behind the seat within quick reach and rides safely. I do like the idea of a floatable weapon, ‘specially after that tragic boat accident. Most every “Big Box/Sporting Goods” Store known to mankind is within thirty (30) miles of Firebase Magnolia but I don’t trade very much with them. Good Friend and Compatriot has a small FFL shop in his back yard and his day to day prices are within a small % of what the Big Boys get. ‘Sides, I’ll pay more for something to deal with an independent v a chain store just for…reasons. I am leaning more toward the Ruger in this caliber since they have been doing the 10/22 for a long time and I like the idea of having several different sizes of box magazines available. What started all of the .22 talk was my purchase of a Mossy “Shooting System” .22 from the widow of one of my Troopers. Brand new, never fired and not something I needed or wanted and I paid her more than what I should’ve, going by MSRP. No regrets there either, she needed the $ and I had it. Will probably trade it to my Compatriot Store Owner for the Ruger he has in stock and pick up some other toys at the same time. If by chance a Henry Lever Action shows up at his store, I may be lead into temptation and go that way. The Henrys shorely be damn am pretty rifles.


Yep…them boys should use a floatable weapon to shoot the Good Idea Fairy that came up with that mission.


I don’t blame you, and I work for the big box. I’ve told multiple customers who try venting their frustrations about us not honoring Brady or being unable to get some discontinued gun ordered for them (“I thought I was dealing with the world’s biggest gun dealer!”) that we are not a gun dealer, simply a large retailer that happens to sell guns. Our prices are usually good, but that’s it. BPS/Cabela’s is always going to err on the side of caution. Self-prohibit because you had a hard time seeing the screen? Don’t expect any of our stores to make a transfer to you anytime soon. You and the wife buying guns? Well, if she’s put on Delay and you get a Proceed, store policy is to not transfer your gun until she gets a Proceed as well. There’s a lot I don’t agree with, and I’m vocal about wanting things in writing (as NCOs, we’re used to seeing the fine print first-hand, as opposed to simply saying, “well, 1SG says…”). The discount is nice, and I got a whopping 3% raise somehow (bringing me within eyesight of the $20 minimum fast-food wage for CA!), but the moment a unicorn job pops up on USAJOBS.gov, I’m Audi 5000 (showing my age and upbringing).

The 10/22 is probably the most customizable .22 rifle on the market. We have the 25-round magazines (standard is a 10-round), different trigger packs, and so on. You can go full ’90s and make a Mini-14 lookalike, put on a precision stock, or go with the aforementioned Magpul stock for backpacking or outdoors activities.


Definnately the 10/22!


I have both. I’ve had to warranty replace the AR-7 Barrel because the feed ramp eventually gets dinged through dry fire pin overtime. It’s a nifty little rifle.
The 10/22 is significantly more rugged and has the capability to be a shit ton modified to include a last round bolt hold open capability, heavier scopes, and can actually be used in the out of doors to hunt with and I have a backpack Takedown model. Everybody, I’ve talked to says it’s the Daisy rider BB gun of 22 LR, And red blooded American should have one.
For whatever reason, I thought Ruger because it rhymed with Luger, was German, but let me educate myself and find out they’re from Connecticut.


Naw, that’d just panic people, nothin’ to see here… like they tell teenagers in a Jason Voorhees movie or something:


Whoops. Was supposed to be on fm2176’s thread.


In 2000, some dork told me “It’s peacetime like 1931– nobody cares about fighting off bad guys, you shouldn’t either!”

Kinda leery of the “eh, I wouldn’t worry about it” or “that’ll never happen” thinking. Nobody thought it was strange 9/11 hijackers didn’t want to learn how to land at flight school.

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous