Army keeps media from Palin book signing at Bragg

| November 19, 2009

Um, huh?

Fort Bragg spokesman Tom McCollum told The Associated Press that Bragg’s garrison commander and other Army officials had decided to keep media away from Palin’s book promotion. He said the Army did not want the Monday event to become a platform to express political opinions “directed against the commander in chief.”

“The main reason is to stop this from turning into a political platform,” he said. “There are Army regulations that basically prohibit military reservations from becoming political platforms by politicians.”

He said only one politician can use that platform, “and that person does it as our commander in chief.”

I seem to remember;


The military seems to be overcompensating these days in order to overcome the perception that they dislike Obama (whether that perception is true or not, I’ll leave for another discussion).

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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The Sniper

No need to leave that for another discussion John. It’s true.


Ahhh, The old double standard…


Barrack Obama was a sitting U.S. Senator when he visited troops overseas. Perhaps if Ms. Palin hadn’t bailed on the people of Alaska she would have gotten the same fanfare.


There you go again, Jonn. When will you ever stop pointing out facts to some people?

Adirondack Patriot

Allow me to translate the spokesman’s statement:

“We realize that Ms. Palin is not an elected official, nor is she an announced candidate for office, nor is she an official of any political party.

“Nevertheless, our boss is from the Chicago Democrat Machine/Saul Alinsky School of Politics, where even the perception of political dissent is viewed as criminal. Despite claims of transparency by this Administration, we do not want the media to show even the slightest support of any military person for Ms. Palin.

“For 8 years, our military reservations were used as political platforms by the likes of John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and even Barack Obama to politically attack President Bush. Media access was never blocked for these circus acts.

“The difference was that President Bush was an honorable man, and he accepted the fact that free speech would sometimes be directed against him. Those days are now behind us.

“We weren’t born yesterday. We do not want to see our careers end next week and this base defunded and turned into the ACORN Housing Authority Headquarters.


It’s this little thing that the left keeps trying to do to freedom of speech. Stifle it.

As in Archie Bunker’s,’Stifle it, Edith!” And more and more, it just proves what it true. The Pied Piper is nothing more than a joker.

SSG David Medzyk

Army changed its mind. Media pool will be allowed on post for the book signing. Caught the evening Fox news on the radio.