IVAW’s TJ Buonomo resigns from Board
Somehow, I missed that TJ Buonomo resigned from the IVAW Board of Directors in protest over the Carl Webb issue and to his credit, he’s petitioning the Board to change their Code of Conduct;
The petition is simple: if you agree that the Board of Directors should amend the Code of Conduct to prohibit the “encouragement or expression of support for the use of violence in pursuit of IVAW’s mission, goals and objectives” then respond to this email accordingly with a ‘yes’. If you disagree then you are not required to do anything.
If I cannot obtain the minimum number of signatures I am seeking I will likely resign from the organization and would encourage you consider doing the same. This decision would pain me, having been a member for over two years and having served in the National Office and on the Board with people I deeply admire and respect, but I am not willing to associate myself with what I regard to be a group of extremists who, in their pursuit of justice, are willing to embrace a set of morally dubious values.
So now even the members of IVAW who didn’t go to the war and are members of the International Socialist Organization are opposing Carl Webb. I wonder if Webb considers Buonomo a conservative, too.
Thanks to one of our IVAW refugees for the heads up.
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War
I’m pretty busy, so I don’t know everything about TJ, but we should highlight the positive as well. I’m glad he brought this petition up.
I’m reluctant to respond for various reasons that I won’t get into but you go too far when you list me as a member of the ISO, which I believe is an oversight on your part based on my review of your archive. On my Board candidate form I stated my support for the goals of the International Labour Organization (ILO), which advocates for governments’ recognition and enforcement of basic labor rights around the world- a critical element of a stable and just global economy. If such standards were adhered to there likely wouldn’t be much attraction to organizations such as the ISO, whose ultimate political objectives I am not aligned with.
But…But…But Selena said………..
I’m not really responding on this stuff, I am actually hellishly busy in a lot of different ways. I’ll just say the membership voted for the resolution, and if a few people on the board want to ignore it, well, then that’s why we hold people accountable.
Also, TJ is not nor has ever been a socialist to the best of my knowledge.
“International Labour Organization (ILO), for governments’ recognition and enforcement of basic labor rights around the world”
Are you asking for the U.S. Gov’t to intervene?
Geezus, you leftwingnuts are just like the rightwingnuts when it comes to imperialism. You just dress it up in sexier clothes and call it “internationalism.”
At the 2009 Iraq Veterans Against War convention he also proposed a resolution to allow civilian intelligence officers to join IVAW.
He also threatened to kick my ass over the Afghanistan issue.
Actually, Carl Webb, thanks for reminding me. It wasn’t TJ who threatened to kick your ass-it was you who publicly and in writing threatened to kick TJ’s ass, thus violating the Code of Conduct.
TJ never threatened to kicks Carl’s ass. TJ said he hoped someone kicked his ass one day. Damn Carl can’t even get that right.
I however did threaten to kick Carl’s ass. But when I got to Austin, he went silent. Carl, you hurt my feelings.
Selena…Accountable HOW?…..