Governor Greg Abbott pardons Daniel Perry

| May 17, 2024

When Daniel Perry got convicted for Garrett Foster’s killing, he was sentenced to serve 25 years in prison. A few days letter, Greg Abbott, Governor of Texas, requested that the state parole board review Perry’s case for a possible pardon. The board ultimately voted unanimously in favor of the pardon. Abbott approved the pardon. One of the justifications that Abbott used for getting the pardon process rolling was preserving the state’s “Stand Your Ground” laws.

From the Daily Mail:

Daniel Perry, a former US Army Sergeant, was found guilty last year of murdering protestor Garrett Foster in Austin in July 2020. Perry sentenced to 25 years in prison.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott requested the state parole board investigate his case to discuss a possible pardon just days later – which led to a unanimous approval vote that was announced Thursday.

In a statement after the vote was announced, Abbott cited Texas’ ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws, which allow people to use deadly force if they feel they are in imminent danger.

‘Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground’ laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney,’ Abbott said.

‘I thank the Board for its thorough investigation, and I approve their pardon recommendation.’

In its unanimous ruling recommending Perry’s pardon, the parole board said it ‘delved into the intricacies’ of his case.

Additional Reading:

Potter, W. (2024, May 16). Texas pardons US Army sergeant Daniel Perry who was convicted of murder for shooting AK-47-wielding BLM protester during 2020 riot. Daily Mail. Link.

Category: Second Amendment, Veterans in the news

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The conviction never made sense anyway. I can’t think of anyone that won’t shoot when someone points an AK47 at them.


Pro tip: If you’re wearing a mask, carrying an AK-47 and “defending” folk
being antisocial to others, you’re a thug– especially if you point it at a concealed-carry dude your bros are hassling.


You are try to explain common sense to ANTIFA. I don’t think it’s gonna work. However, you are absolutely correct. We get it.




Yeah, I know it’s hopeless…


Almost too bad that Perry greased this commie shitstain.
Bitch gotta push herself now.



Wait a minute,,, did you just assume her pronouns???


He was convicted of PREMEDiTATED murder because he talked about it, posted about it, then went and did it…

All ahead of time.

Fuck this psycho shitbag and anybody supporting him.


Like this guy?

A Proud Infidel®™

Major Moonbat aka Commissar Poodledick, nearly every post of yours confirms to me that you are SO PROUD of your brainwashed stupidity that you consider it your mission in life to display it for everyone to see, and I see it as a window into the psychology of you and the brainwashed masses who only think what their herders and handlers tell them to! 😀😀😀


I support him. And you’re a fraud.


I’m starting to think he’s a moderator-created heel. Some plot device to keep us actively talking.


When my daughter first left for college, I would often bring up around drinking buddies the idea that, should anybody ever hurt her I would kill him. Thankfully, none has (she’s the heartbreaker and I actually felt bad for her first boyfriend). I honestly meant it. I still mean it.

Should the unthinkable ever happen, I will kill him. No joke, no dissembling, no torture or schadenfreude or supervillain crap – just a quick, convenient, unanticipated death. I fully believe I’d be justified, and I fully accept that that action would be premeditated murder….

We all, apparently with the exception of reserve Civil Affairs officers and failed policemen, have trained in anticipation of killing someone exhibiting hostile action. In no way does that make it premeditated murder when someone acts to cause us harm and we just happen to be a faster draw.

Preparing for a fight is not the same as orchestrating one, and Abbott once again proves to be the most sensible man in American politics.


“Preparing for a fight is not the same as orchestrating one”.
Commissar says that is premeditation. Commissar is also an indoctrinated stooge.


He’d say getting a concealed carry permit and taking a self-defense shooting course is “premeditated murder” because honest civilians should be unarmed and helpless.


I have read many of Hack Stone’s posts I don’t ever recall Hack referring to himself in the first person.


Fuck you Lars…Commie cum guzzling fuckstick


As I’ve gotten older, I’ve found it much better, and faster to come on out and say it. You shouldn’t beat around the bush with your feelings. 😉


Police warned dead guy several times about pointing his weapon in an unsafe direction. Experience is a rough school but only fools can learn there.


Darwin Award winner.



Forest Bondurant

Wrong AGAIN!

There’s no question why he was convicted based on the evidence that was given at trial, except for how that conviction was achieved. 

David Fugitt, the lead investigator in the case, was told by the DA’s office did not want him to provide exculpatory evidence to the grand jury or show that witness statements obtained by the family of Garrett Foster and their attorneys were inconsistent with prior interviews that “witnesses” gave to the police or the video of the incident. 

In case you don’t know, “exculpatory evidence” are facts that are favorable to the defendant that could exonerate or could potentially exonerate the defendant. 

Of the 158 slides that the detective wanted to present, it was reduced to only 56, with almost all the exculpatory evidence removed. 

(And during the trial, his social media posts were never offered to the jury, so there’s that.).

The Texas State Parole Board also found that the DA’s office influenced the lead investigator in such a way that it was considered witness tampering, among other reasons.

You’ve made it very evident you’re okay with a justice system that allows the exclusion of evidence that might otherwise show a person is not guilty.

USMC Steve

No, fuck you. What he said does not matter hosehead. That turd aimed in on him with a weapon, making everything that happened after justifiable. The act of point loaded weapons at someone is a felony in almost all the states. Making deadly force perfectly legit. Had the libtard asshole not raised his weapon, he might still be breathing.

Damn, you are a simpleton.


Commissar is gonna throw a shit fit. He was foaming at the mouth over this case, I recall.


Popcorn popped.

**singsong voice** Oh, Lars!!!

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Don’t agitate the troll.

Too late.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I love it when commisar comes on with his socialist Shtick (act). I call him my Conservative friend who loves to get a blood pressure rise out of the TAH commentors. Too bad awards don’t go out to Shtick commentors.


He may have had a stroke, or a total meltdown..


His Moms (X2) panty’s in a bunch.


He needs to go spank it to mental images of Patrisse Cullors and chill

A Proud Infidel®™

My bet is he bops his baloney to pics of “Hanoi Jane” Fonda.


I’m guessing it’s more like “violating his vienna”.


Spanks off to Hillary…


It was funny till this comment. I just threw up in my mouth a little!


Spew warning *
Pass the mind bleach
Pantsuits…. 🤢


Commissar probably has a picture of Hillary over his bed. The eyes glow red at night for a little extra creepy feeling.


God bless Texas and Gov. Abbot.
Conversely, may God smite the liberals using the law to achieve their unjust goals – and soon.


I’m very confused as to why he was put on trial in the first place. It’s self defense all the way from the looks of it

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A Soros bought-and-paid-for Libtard DildoCrat DA looking to pad “its” resume with an easy win against a military member.


As Tox said it is a rabid liberal DA in an even more rabidly liberal town.
Thus was a political persecution and lynching through and through. They are trying to stomp out any rational human being in the area.


Blue State sh*thole part of Texas.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Good for Gov Abbott.
But now what is (ex)SGT Perry going to do?
Hopefully he WON’T try to re-enter the Army.
I hope he has some civilian related skills that he can tout to get him a new job (other than being an Uber/Lyft driver).


Would it be better if he had taken this to the highest court in Texas and had the conviction thrown out ???


Lots of $$$$ to fight that, with Soros et al financing the lynching.


And that may have been in the works but Governor Abbott saved him the money and effort and time.


Hire more guys to be “MAGA country” folk jackin’ Democrats going to Subway at 2:30am in Chicago…

Old tanker

I fully agree with the decision and think the charges should never have been brought. I hope the Sgt gets to continue his career should he wish to stay in the Army.

Last edited 5 months ago by Old tanker

This is good, but Perry is still going to struggle to recover from this politically driven prosecution. It seemed like a “good shoot” from what I recall seeing of the video. Guy’s trapped in his vehicle and surrounded by protestors who have become increasingly violent across the US. Man armed with a Kalashnikov approaches and makes aggressive gestures, guy feels threatened with deadly force and employs his own lawfully carried firearm.

As for his Army service, best case is that his discharge gets upgraded from an OTH to Honorable. Perry had around 10 years of service at the time of the shooting in 2020 and was only discharged in the past year or so. As a SGT, he’s capped at 14 years before meeting his Retention Control Point. Even if he and the Army were willing, there’d be some major hoops to jump through to get him back in uniform and on track to catch up with his former peers.


Throw out the conviction, expunge his record, reinstate in the military (IF SGT Perry wants that), immediately promote to SSG, and then add another stripe for SGT Perry’s marksmanship and “coolness under fire”. Oh…and give the man a “Taking out the trash” medal.


Concur. It’s the least that should be done.

Prior Service

More data to inform my eventual relocation plan. Definitely not going back to my home of record.


Avoid any of the big cities, I’m afraid.
The (D)emon-rats are spreading their plagued cancers there.


Still good here in Florida.
Governor Desantis is fighting woke.
Boca, West Palm Beach, St. Pete, Pensacola, St Augustine are all still normal.
Only Fort Lauderdale has some leftism.


My reading of the law, which may be imperfect, is that the conviction still stands but the punishment and consequences are set aside. Texas no longer considers him a felon but the Army may.

He could still appeal the conviction to get it over turned unless he has exhausted all appeals.

Amateur Historian



This scumbag posted ahead of time that he was going to kill BLM protestors, then drove out of his way to kill a BLM protestor.

He was convicted by a Texas jury.

This pardon is bullshit.

He knows MAGA is full of brainwashed morons and they feed on in kind of crap.


You’re cute when you’re mad.


Try Buedreux’s Butt Paste! It’ll help with that inflammation.

There are plenty of left wing loons getting away with comes every day.

Whatever he said before it happened didn’t matter when the BLM asshat pointed a loaded scary black rifle at him. He still had a right to defend himself.


That should have read:

getting away with crimes every day.

Additionally, I have to bring the point that you say “brainwashed MAGA morons”. First of all, I still don’t understand why there is a problem with some of you wanting to Make America Great Again! This country has been improving itself and the world since gaining its independence. Second, I watch every day- those on the left burning our flag, taking our flag down and raising the Palestinian flag, rioting and destroying, blocking traffic (to include ambulances and emergency vehicles), not mention the sanctuary cities, open border, light on crime. Etc. etc.

And another thing: you say that this was “premeditated”, then so were the illegals that beat up the NYC PD officers. They came across the border illegally, were committing crimes when confronted by the police and then committed crimes when they assaulted the PD. NOW, Alvin Bragg is offering plea deals to 3 of them.

Stop being a hypocrite!

A Proud Infidel®™

YOU’RE SO FUNNY when you come here to shit and piss your pants in front of all of us in your rants, you confirm my theory that MOONBATS have an instant melting point when confronted with any facts or logic not in lockstep with the dogma fed them by their herders and handlers, TRUMP 2024!!!


If an antifa type points an AK at me, it matters not one whit what I may have written, uttered, blinked in Morse code or sent in smoke signals. My life is threatened and deadly force will ensue. They’re gonna need a medic, do you know of one?


The only lesson I learned from his prosecution is to flee the scene and never trust the law – no matter how justified your actions might be.


The current administration has done more to cause a loss of trust and/or confidence in our legal system than anything in history. YES, HISTORY!!!

There has always been some hidden BS in the background. HIDDEN IN THE BACKGROUND!

Now they do in our faces and laugh about it!!

Now that’s progressive for you!


He could’ve just mashed the gas, disengage and mash a bunch of protesters. Personally, I think that’s far worse than selectively eliminating the single threat. I’m not that good at liberal progressive thinking though.


Dude, my position with the law is as follows:

“Don’t quote me boy, I ain’t said shit.”

A Proud Infidel®™

If an antifa puke points ANY weapon at me, the only personnel who will be needed afterwards is a Coroner.


Angry commies are hilarious 😂. Come on you can do better than that. The old school commies must be ashamed of these wannabe Che Guevara’s in hoodies and masks. At least the old timer knew how to throw a revolution these pussies stir shit up and then want the government to prosecute people who defend themselves. Lars the old guard would be disgusted with you and your antifa scum.


Only the most brainwashed leftist ideologues can defend the behavior of the rioters and criminals that threatened law abiding citizens on a daily basis a few years ago. Someone pointed an AK47 at an innocent man just driving an Uber to make a few extra bucks the guy with the AK got shot and killed, moral of the story is don’t point guns at people!! Political violence is not an acceptable form of protest. Leftists tried to incite a revolution or at least committed violent insurrection they should be arrested and jailed not people who are just defending themselves. This isn’t even a political issue, an innocent man felt threatened by another man with an AK47 , he defended himself. Never should have been charged.


comment image

A Proud Infidel®™

Back in 1930’s Germany it was the “Sturmabteilung” who wore brown shirts, these days the fascists are the antifas who wear their black clothing, Hitler’s “Brown Shirts” at least showed their faces.


“You can do better than that”

Actually, no he can’t. I can’t wait to read his obituary. Lay down with dogs, you wake up with fleas.


You using the term “brainwashed morons” is now the textbook definition of projection. You’ve really raised the bar. Berkeley should be proud.


You know what…you get the frog:


Hell, Froggy won straight out the gate.


I sense…butthurt.



USMC Steve

Look, a talking penis wrinkle.

Forest Bondurant

Except for that Texas Penal Code (Title 5, Chapter 19) spells out that the State does not consider “premeditation” nor “motive” as a requirement for proving murder or any other violent crime.

Try harder.


Good on Abbott. Never should have been charged in the first place.

For all you CAV guys here, a couple questions on the Stetson….

The blue hat cord in Perry’s pic indicates 11-series, yes? It looks like he’s a SPC at the time of the photo. Do NCOs in a CAV unit still wear the blue on their Stetsons? Do INF branched commissioned officers?

I ask because there’s a digital sculpture I’m working on where this information may be relevant.


IN-branched (typically 11M) guys in a CAV unit; i.e., the Mech dudes (as opposed to the AR guys).

P.S. Maneuver brigades can be mech-heavy (majority mech inf) or armor-heavy, (majority armor) as y’all know– 1st Cav Div at Ft Hood.

P.P.S. Occifers will just wear the shiny cords/acorns on their stetson and go “Charlie don’t surf!” (Yes. 1-9th Cav Sq is actually at Ft Hood– has an OH-6 Loach as a lawn ornament.)

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

They’re all 11Bs now, 11H and 11M were eliminated just before I joined in 2001, leaving only 11B and 11C (Indirect Fire Infantryman). This made for some interesting times, like when my squad got a new SGT from Delta Company (traditionally, the anti-tank company in Light units), halfway through Iraq. He knew his way around a TOW system and HMMWV but had never conducted a dismounted patrol. As SAW Gunner, I was in his pocket, guiding him through what to do.

Since 2004, every Infantry brigade has a Cav squadron, itself consisting of a few troops and one Infantry company. Needless to say, the 120-ish 11Bs assigned to that company stick out from the rest of the brigade when they wear their Stetsons. Naturally, they get hate from both their 19D squadron peers and the 11Bs in the two Infantry battalions.

Cav units in Light brigades (ex: 1-33 CAV at Campbell, or 6-8 CAV at Stewart prior to 2nd BDE’s conversion back to Armored) are mounted in HMMWVs (now likely JLTVs). Some 11Bs embrace the Cav traditions, while others refuse to. Ultimately, it usually boils down to leadership pressure or lack thereof. Even the saltiest SFC coming from a Ranger or Airborne background finds it hard to become “that guy” when their 1SG and CSM insist that they “get with the program”.


Sh*t, I’m old…

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous

We earn spurs in NG also.


Ive seen that patch around the DFAC during deployments. The colored version is a sharp looking patch.

Speaking of patches, I was awarded the 31st ID patch as a SSI-FWTS during my last deployment. The patch goes back to WWI and saw extensive action in WWII. Read an article the other day that it has been retired because the “Double D” stood for Dixie Division at its start because it was made up of men from GA, AL and MS. What a shame to loose the piece of history that goes so far back. Crazy thing, I know guy that has that as his first and only “combat patch”. He has it tattooed on his right arm. He’s black!🤷‍♂️


The NORTH had the Yankey Division as a counter, until (93).


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