Pro-Palestine Major Resigns

| May 14, 2024

Major Harrison Mann

Army officer resigns commission over US support for Israel, killing of civilians in Gaza

Story by Stepheny Price, Liz Friden

A U.S. Army officer assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency resigned from his position in protest over the United States’ support of Israel in its war against Hamas in Gaza.

The Army confirmed to Fox News that Maj. Harrison Mann requested to resign from his position in November.

“The policy that has never been far from my mind the last 6 months is nearly the unqualified support for the government of Israel, which has enabled and empowered the killing and starvation of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians,” Mann wrote on his LinkedIn page recently.

“It is clear that this week, some of you will still be asked to provide support — directly or indirectly — to the Israeli military as it conducts operations into Rafah and elsewhere in Gaza. I am sharing it now in the hope that you too will discover you are not alone, you are not voiceless, and you are not powerless,” Mann continued in his post.
“Maj. Harrison Mann actually requested an unqualified resignation from his commission on Nov. 29, 2023. An unqualified resignation is a voluntary action for officers to be discharged from service and can be requested for any reason after completion of service obligations,” a statement from U.S. Army Public Affairs read.

Fox News
Task and Purpose

Major- until 6 June- Mann made this request under the guise of moral equivalence and misplaced priorities, but I do applaud his resignation. He is now entering the workforce with a 13-year deficit compared to his civilian peers and a history of bad decisions.

Category: Israel

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Beat me to it..

Warren Peece

My first thought too….


Great minds think alike!


Me too.


Some would say we’re a cult-like echo chamber.


And some would say F that guy.


Most of us do!

Commisar's Butthurt

You ARE a cult like echo chamber. You should support Maj Mann for president instead of that criminal Trump. When good honest people like Fanni Willis, Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels have to lie to tell the truth to convict Trump of crimes he allegedly never committed to keep him from destroying the country all over again, with the very real charges that were invented to box him in you understand what the term “by any means necessary” means. Trump would.just.give bombs to the Israelites to have them destroy Hamas and their human shield babies. The FBI has never lied to falsely convict a Democrat and that should tell you something.

But crooked Republicans like Ted Stevens, Bob McDonell, Eric Grietens and other need to have perjury and invented tampered evidence to stop their evilness. And what is the worst that will happen when the prosecutor and agents get caught? A year of unsupervised probation? 45 days suspension with pay? To bring down a governor or a senator bent on destroying democracy, totally worth it. Sometimes you have to destroy Rule of Law to save it.


Yo mama.


They have their own foibles.
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A Proud Infidel®™

SOCIALISM is something that gets voted in and once done, a society has to fight its way out of.






And a go-to-hell salute on the way out.


Vindman’s future campaign manager.


My thought exactly!


Definitely in the wrong job. Someone send him commissary’s contact information so they can be righteously indignant together.



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Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

That would just give us 2 assholes to deal with, cause commisar would direct him here.



He’s definitely the FJB type. Good riddance to this asshole.


Dildo with ears.


He does have that meat-gazer grin…


Well, clearly he failed to read all those classified reports that document the atrocities the terrorists known as Hamas commit on a daily basis against both Israelis as well as Palestinians. He also seemed to have forgotten his classes on what exactly the Army does, and how we take rigorous efforts to ensure the safety of civilians on the battle field and avoid collateral damage.
Oh well guess he can apply for that GS-9 job and apply his lengthy career towards a civilian retirement!


You can lead a dork to evidence but you cannot make him think.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be “lead”.


You can lead a horticulture but you can’t make her learn.


Damn, that’s funny!


Paraphrased from Dorothy Parker.


The fact that even the UN (a shitty, do/accomplish nothing organization as it is) is now saying the numbers they accepted as gospel from Hamas are actually over 50% inflated.


Not exactly being shouted from the rooftops is it. It would paint Israel in a more favorable light.


Yep, even the hand-wringing “stern letter” bureaucrats ain’t buying it:


They’re saying in the history of urban warfare the actual number is the lowest ever recorded — and no army in history has gone further out of its way to attempt to NOT kill innocent civilians/children.

Anyone chanting “we are Hamas” on US soil should (keyword SHOULD) be ashamed of themselves. To the center of their bones.


Compared to what Russia is doing in Ukraine. The Israeli Army is being extremely careful not to kill non combatants.. children too young to hold a gun, woman not fighting. Etc.


Or removing Palestinian children from parents to be fostered by Israelis …like the Russians are doing …. taking a page from the Nazi Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt program.


Sad as it is, this is why Russia is going to ultimately win while Israel will be forced to settle for a geopolitical hiatus. FJB.

Polite warfare, when polity is allowed to trump effectiveness, is failed warfare.

My heart genuinely bleeds for the innocent Palestinians caught up in this mess, but Gaza unequivocally voted for an anti-Israeli regime in a democratic election – followers suffer at the hands of their leaders, and their leaders have stated, in no uncertain terms, that Gaza is an existential threat to Israel and her citizenry. It matters little, in reality, whether the individuals of Gaza ever had a say in any of it (and there are adults there who have never been allowed to vote), Hamas legally and effectively represents Gaza, and Gaza deserves appropriate (not proportionate) response to the actions of Hamas.

Israel cannot eliminate the threat of Hamas in Gaza as long as Gaza is allowed to exist as an independent exclave. Eliminate Gaza as such and reincorporate it into Israel. Don’t kill innocents if possible, but never sacrifice strategic goals in the process. Treat the innocents as humanely as possible and offer them either expatriation or a place among the Israeli citizenry; should they choose the former than safely deliver them to the West Bank, should they choose the latter then vet them thoroughly and treat them as your own.

Cruel calculus acknowledged, assume the hostages are dead and act to prevent future ones. The easiest way to fight a two-front war is to eliminate the weaker front.

“From the river to the sea” works for Israel as easily as it does for Palestine.


Talk about “full retard”…
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jeff LPH 3 63-66

All the peeps in Germany and Japan that were killed in bombings during WW2!!!! you didn’t hear the people in the states condeming the bombings. That was the greatest generation, not the shit birds that are trying to change this country.


There was actually a lot of griping about the bombs. Zoot suits weren’t the only domestic issue with that war.

BG Paul Tibbets wasn’t blowing smoke when he requested neither funeral nor headstone – anti-nuke idiots were lining up to turn his legacy (he may have saved more lives than anyone else in history) into a target of their furor.


Set up a marker and electrify it. The whizzers won’t do it twice….

Old tanker

I wonder if major moron there is planning a trip to gaza to help out his buddies. He would make a great human shield for them I suppose and I have no doubt they would use him for it.


Anyone laying odds that he and Commie-Tsar are facebook friends? Or maybe in the same antifa chapter?


Maybe the same person


It will be the closest he’s been to combat in 14 years. Dude should have stayed in the Navy.


I approve.


“…innocent Palestinians,”… Is that in the same category as “leftover bacon”…or “Unicorn Cotton Candy Farts”…or “too much ammo”…or other things that don’t exist? Asking for a friend.

Ham Ass FA & FO.


Hah! “Leftover bacon” indeed. What an imagination.


Has an EIB, but no CIB? And no Ranger tab? I smell an 11A branch detail officer. I had a few branch detail PLs who were great and a few more that I was thrilled when they left us to go to their actual CMF after enough female officers completed their service obligations or got pregnant and got out freeing up those slots for them.
Just as well he’s resigning, seems like the kind of asshole that squeaked in to getting his Major, but knows he will never get O-5. Worst officer I have ever been around was a Major who didn’t get selected for promotion on his first look. That man was a bright ray of sunshine 24/7.


I see that someone on T&P beat me to the punch, but the first thing I noticed was the lack of an MSM. A MAJ, with 13 years of Army service, sporting what looks like an AAM w/OLC, NAVCOM, and ARCOM, is not exactly inspiring. Sure, he’s got some schools (Pathfinder isn’t exactly handed out to officers, unless they work at the school or lead a Pathfinder unit), but his left chest looks more like that of a high-speed junior NCO with six years in than it does a field grade officer with twice that amount of time. In my experience, officers usually get an ARCOM after their PL and XO/staff time, an MSM after successful company command, and other trinkets as deemed fit by their seniors.

I too smell a branch detail. Just long enough to earn his EIB and some schools, then a summary AAM or maybe that ARCOM as a thanks as he walked through the door and into his permanent MOS.




I had a company commander get an ARCOM. Shoulda heard the Oooooohs from the assembled company when they read the award at his change of command. It was a good day.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

“It was a good day”
For the award? Or for the change of command? (whew! I am SO glad he’s outta here!)

Probably the best change of command ever. Guy was the most arrogant prick of a CPT I knew in 24 years. S3 taskings never left his desk (this was pre-email), left his ops and training NCO’s hanging. S1 suspenses never met, didn’t help that the 1SG was a drunk just waiting for retirement. That ARCOM was a gift.




Brigade S3 opened my eyes as to why there are so many “no one goes home until this is accomplished” tasks, usually put out after lunch on a Friday. Examples:

  • MEDPROs in the “Red”, everyone must have appointment slips submitted
  • 100% annual online training completed (no small feat for over 100 Soldiers with access to 4-5 computers)
  • Full layout of all vehicles in the motor pool, to include BII

At the company level, all we think is, “damn, here we go again”, while the PSGs and 1SG blame battalion for giving us a last-minute suspense. At the brigade level, I’d get a division tasking order putting out a deadline 2-3 months in advance, put it into a brigade tasking order with a shortened timeline, and send it to the battalion, where they’d basically mirror what I did at their level. Two-three months later, after a few reminders, the CO and 1SG finally realize that they can’t push it off any longer and the troops pay with their time.

When I got to brigade, I was naive enough to think that the Army ran off of verbal orders. COL or [usually] his S3 tells the LTC to do something, and it’s done. Written orders were more of a formality. Instead, even when giving a courtesy heads up to subordinate units, I’d often be met with, “we’re going to need that in a tasking order.” Due to its unique mission, MDW was a bit different, and units like TOG, TUSAB, and TAAB would begin movement while waiting on an official WARNORD. 3ID, though, was as lethargic when it came to movement and execution as one might expect from a historically Mech unit (though 4th/2nd BDE was Light during my time there).


I got mine the hard way, humping a rifle and a ruck in the jungle covered mountains of the Viet of the Nam. But my men knew I could read a map, adjust artillery fire by sound at night, and I would take care of them. Never lost a man in that first company I led for six months. Only had one KIA and two WIA in fifteen months.


Sounds like you juiced every bit of luck out of a rabbits foot and a field of 4 leaf clovers


Some folks manufacture luck.


An example of an incident when I did manufacture some luck was when I averted an NVA mortar attack. I had recently been ordered to take command of a demoralized rifle company that had multiple KIA’s and WIA’s when it was ambushed on landing in the Que Son mountains south of Da Nang. In addition to the casualties, three or four Hueys were shot up with one destroyed on the LZ. The XO LT was in command and had been evacuated. The battalion commander ordered me to pack a ruck and take charge, as the unit would not move. I had just rejoined the battalion with only two months left in country. He said he had no experienced CPT to get this company operational. In twenty minutes, I was getting on a Huey with full battle rattle.

Upon getting off the bird, I found this company of about 60-70 men was traumatized and demoralized, so I had to get them moving, as we found the vacant NVA camp with an 82mm mortar round. I moved the company up a nearby ridgeline and told the platoon leaders don’t get too comfortable, as we are not staying here for the night. Then after it got good and dark, I moved the company another 600 meters up the ridgeline and ordered to dig in. At about 2:00 am, about half a dozen mortar rounds struck the area where we initially stopped and pretended to night laager.

I guess the men knew I had my stuff together. Just before my departure for my DEROS, several of them came up and asked me to stay as their C.O. But I was done with a war the nation did not have the fortitude to win.


My company tried that once. A real clusterfuck. Then again, what can you expect when nobody has been trained in night movement? I still twitch thinking about what would no doubt have happened if there had been any bad guys in the area who were not disabled by laughter.


Well, that may be true. Especially when I think about the time my Huey was shot up with AK fire coming in to land; and there were two bullet holes in the canvass bench seat where my ass was parked a minute before we started taking fire. Plus, the 12 rounds that came through the belly of the ship only put the radios out of action. Luckily there was a nearby ARVN base where we could land safely and use their radios to call for mechanics to come check the helo for air worthiness.


I had my fair share of “one inch that way or this way” close calls during the invasion of Iraq and on my 2nd tour. Almost smoked twice by friendly fire, had a RPG hit right behind me while riding in a Brad, but it hit right on the head of the pin that holds the track shoes together, so literally 14 inches of hardened steel. Had a arty round splash down in the middle of our platoon wagon wheel at the airport. Somehow nobody got hit by any shrapnel. Haji got industrious and buried a massive IED under a road and blew it after we drove over it, when I got out the crater it left was big enough to have swallowed a Brad whole.
If Lady Luck wasn’t blind, deaf and dumb, I never would have made it home.


Don’t let the door hit in the ass on your way out…
I guess the whole Idea that Hamas is INDIFFERENT to the suffering/plight of Palestinians never seemed to be apart of the equation. I would say that civilian casualties are ESSENTIAL to the Hamas defense strategy. The HMFIC’s living in luxury accommodations in Qatar know that stacking up dead civilians like cord wood helps them in the political arena. This meme doesn’t lie…

Last edited 9 months ago by HT3

They WANT civilian casualties. They know damn well they can’t defeat Israel militarily, they have to defeat them politically. Israel is bending over backwards to reduce civilian casualties, Hamas is working triple shifts to increase them.


Which is why Hamas is attacking the border crossings and the new pier being built. Can’t have all that aid actually getting in and helping the people they need to die to further garner support from Western idiots.


Free aid will depress the extortion Hamazis can demand for necessities.

pookysgirl, WC wife

That phone call recently released that was between an IDF member and a Palestinian was chilling. The IDF member was pleading for the Palestinian to evacuate his family, with children clearly being heard the background, and the Palestinian was refusing. He basically said that it was better for the children to die for Allah than move out of the blast radius.

I couldn’t send the link to Pooky, hardened as he is, because he’s a big Papa Bear.


I wouldn’t be able to listen to that either. There’s no reasoning with fanatics like that. The children suffer for the ideologic lunacy of their fathers.


Know that they will face justice that cannot be jived.


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Sadly, oxymoron.


So, did he resign from the Army or just his current position. It would be a shame if he didn’t go all in, or out, with his resignation.


Never mind, I read the article closer. Too bad he will still get paid a pension.


He resigned. He doesn’t get a pension. He can keep his TSP, Which he paid into and maybe got some matching funds.


I’m not sure TSP does matching funds on the military side. IIRC, they can’t because of the military pension. At least it used to be that way.


TSP? The acronym escapes me at the moment. Is that like deferred comp?

Hack Stone

That’s the shit you would put in your gas tank to make your 1989’s vintage Jaguar to make it run faster.


I remember! (for now, anyway).


If you aren’t under high three they match up to 5%. High 3 is better obviously.


Oh yeah. Now I remember. I retired under High 3. It’s been a minute or two since retirement.


No. No retired pay with only 13 years of AD service. But he can likely be commissioned in a state National Guard and easily earn another seven years of service credit. then be entitled to retired pay once he is 60 years old.

I resigned my RA commission and left active duty. Two months later I was commissioned at the same rank in the National Guard.

Anna Puma

He should follow Airman S’Mores’ example and become a Major Conflagration


There’s an idea.

Hack Stone

Aaron Bushnell is still listed in the Air Force GAL as of this morning. They are probably keeping him on the Air Force payroll so his allotment to Airman’s Relief Fund isn’t cut off.


Maybe he is still on the records so the AF can keep its numbers up with all the dismal recruiting numbers being what they are. Creative accounting if you will.

Hack Stone

If the dead can vote, why can’t they serve in the military?


BBQ First Class Bushnell did not fill out and turn in his signed out processing worksheet prior to making himself “BBQ’d”. Therefore the ChairForce GAL will likely not be updated anytime soon…
Seriously took them 2-3 years to get my name out the GAL after I retired and regenerated in the MIC.


“BBQ First Class Bushnell”

But, God! you’re cruel.

I like it.


I admire his conviction to stand up for his beliefs, misguided as they are. I can’t help but wonder… was this asshat considering retiring anyway, and decided to go out waving a yuge virtue signaling flag? I’ve seen several articles referencing his “Jewish heritage” of stating he’s Jewish, but nothing definite. That’s an interesting turn. Can anybody help me with that branch insignia he’s wearing?


Looks like civil affairs.


That explains soooo much.


So far as being Jewish goes he says he is “descended from East European Jews” whatever that means.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone descended from people who occupied what is now Israel. Of course, that lineage was about 1500 years ago, maybe the last 800 plus years they were growing potatoes in Ireland.


I’m descended from people who came from Iran and invaded Europe a while back and then some of whom settled in Ireland until the starving time came and then went to what became West Virginia and intermarried with some of the locals so Hack and I are practically brothers.


My family followed the same path, but started by getting kicked out of France (something about a nobleman’s daughter, a pregnancy, and a bounty) and fleeing to Ireland, eventually landing in upstate New York before heading west. We’re all cousins.


You 3 sound like an ancestry dot com commercial. Or, maybe a who do you think you are episode.


Nah, I had a good Mormon aunt that researched the family genealogy pretty much back to Noah. She’d embarrass


One good thing about coming from an early-Virginian family is that the Eastern Shore Public Library and GHOTES (Genealogy and History of the Eastern Shore) have pretty good family trees and other info dating back to the 1600s. A very distant cousin of mine, Moody Miles, researched the Miles Files, and I can trace my family tree back to Charlemagne. I guess it was good to be King/Khan, since so many of us go back to him and/or Genghis.

My family left England in the 1600s, and Frank-ly (h/t to Great Grandpappy Times Infinity), I’m not overly concerned about how we got there. I need to take a few weeks on the Eastern Shore to get source documents. Since learning I am eligible for membership, I’ve always wanted to add my redneck heritage to the Jamestowne Society’s social events.


“so Hack and I are practically cousins.”

Hack Stone

Cousins, brothers, as long as you are on my side when the melee breaks out the next Stone Family wedding or funeral, we are good.


Where do I sign up, cuz?

Hack Stone

Just follow the convoy of emergency response vehicles.

About two years ago, Hack Stone was approaching the venue where his brother Rollin Stone’s son was being married, and Hack asked Rosetta Stone what the over/under was for the Police, Fire Department or Emergency Medical Services to show up. Pulled into the parking lot and a fire engine was already on scene. In our family a table is reserved for Emergency Responders.

Commisar's Butthurt

The Mother’s Day Skirmish of ’20 was pretty epic.


If you look back far enough, you’d probably find a whole shitload of us are.

Last edited 9 months ago by SFC D

Adam and eve were our great xxx grandparents.

Not sure how many x’s to put in there, but it would be a lot.


Strong Catholic that I am …. I still wonder who Cain and Seth married.

Commisar's Butthurt

In my version of the Bible Seth identified as female and they married each other. That is why the Bible suppresses their love story and makes Cain the bad guy. Even back then Catholics were sexually repressed. The mark of Cain was actually a rainbow flag.


You sure it wasn’t a mushroom stamp?


Anytime I find myself confused about anothers reasons for
doing stupid shit it always boils down to the chance of getting


More pull than a mack truck 😏


I admit nothing. Call my lawer.


I think it’s Military Intelligence Corps. That would be appropriate, anyway.

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I stand corrected. Thank you.

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I blew up the pic. He is wearing Civil Affairs Branch insignia. Well, he has something in common with our beloved commie cuttlefish.


He’s a self-loathing progressive who’d be Leftist before suriviving as a jewish person.



President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I’m just as glad that he quit totally.
I’d hate to be an NCO or enlisted under his command.
Talk about a hostile work environment.
My thinking would always be, “Is what he’s telling me to do for the good of me, my troops, and the USA? Or for the good of the enemy?”

Some answer a higher calling. Whether we agree with him or not, it is good that he decided to resign versus staying in and becoming that toxic leader that no one wants to serve under.

Some don’t “get it”. I’ve shared this story before, but our 1SG at the Drill Sergeant Academy in 2016 put us in the bleachers during Combatives training, before berating us for being unprofessional, based on the actions of a few Candidates. She challenged anyone who thought they knew what she dealt with as a 1SG. An Infantry SFC spoke up, telling her he’d served as a 1SG for a couple of years before being selected for Drill Sergeant, but she didn’t want to hear that as he wasn’t a hard-striped E-8. She then asked what we thought she felt about the news she’d been selected for SGM. When a few Candidates answered that she was probably proud and honored, she countered with “No, I’m upset, because it means I have to deal with NCOs like you for a few more years!” Deny the promotion, now [hopefully retired] E-9. No need to stress yourself out over things. I’m sure that as an MP, Drill Sergeant, Drill Sergeant Leader (DSL), and Drill Sergeant Academy 1SG, though, she took at least a battalion as a CSM, if not a brigade. It must have sucked answering to this person.

As an aside, one of the Senior DSLs was a moderately attractive female MP (the Academy has a lot of MPs as cadre, especially younger female E-6/E-7 types) who was also strict as hell and hated us Infantry types. I looked her up months later and she’d gotten a boating DUI. Standards and Discipline…

Prior Service

+ He’s manning up and retiring over strength of his convictions. Not many do that.
+ He’s removing himself from the army’s leadership pool.
– It’s a misguided conviction.
– He’s a weasel.

Will he walk it back when he gets the UN update (FWIW) that casualties are half what has been reported? If so, will we let him? Or dodge that bullet and let him go?

For the record, having trained Palestinian security forces for a year, I’m for a two state solution and against Israeli settlements in the West Bank but am all in on the IDF eradicating Hamas.


At least he’s getting out because of this and not being meritoriously promoted to a 4 Star instead.

In the current leadership of today, I am more inclined to expect the latter, rather than the former.


My earlier comments about the lack of an MSM stand, but they are an indication of how messed up the Army’s awards system is. Basically, if you see a senior NCO (E-7 or higher) or a field grade officer (O-4 or higher) whose highest award is a Commendation Medal, they are either extremely junior in rank or served in commands that deemed them unworthy of their rank’s requisite “you dun good” awards (MSM/BSM). This goes primarily for post-9/11 vets. Back in the day awards weren’t a requirement every time you did a short deployment or change-of-station. Now, until you have award in hand, you can’t final out of a duty station. It’s usually easier to write up an AAM for even the most subpar Soldier than it is to get the paperwork signed permitting them to leave without a medal of some sort.

PFC-SPC (if you’re ETS’ing or PCS’ing as anything less, you screwed up somehow) usually merit an AAM.
SGT-SSG/1LT-junior CPT usually an ARCOM, with some exceptions being an AAM for the former and an MSM/BSM for the latter.
SFC-Battalion level SGM/CSM/post-command CPT-LTC, usually an MSM/BSM.
Senior SGMs/CSMs/COL might net a LOM.
Nominative CSMs and senior COL-GEN usually get a Superior or Distinguished Service Medal or 15…

When you see 30-year-old Achievement Audie’s and Meritorious Murphy’s walking around post sporting 15+ decorations ranging from AAM to BSM, wearing MSG rank with four service stripes (12 years) walking next to an SFC with 15 years on station and four total decorations, someone seems off-kilter.


I have made it a practice for over half a century now to discount all medals & decorations worn by officers by at least one step. Sometimes more. I have seen no reason in that time to change my mind.


That’s a very good practice, in my opinion, based on observation and experience, the same actions will net a PFC an AAM, a SSG an ARCOM/V, and a PSG and PL each a BSM/V.

As a Recruiter, I sucked at writing contracts. When it came time to PCS, I asked for, and got, an AAM. It was common practice for detailed Recruiters to receive ARCOMs, even if they left before their three years were up. One of our AGR Recruiters, an E-7 with over 11 years in the company and hundreds of contracts under his belt, received an ARCOM when it came time for him to finally PCS. He had all the USAREC bling like the ring and Morrell medallion, along with a slew of plaques and such for production, but very few decorations. A detailed Recruiter, who’d been selected for MSG, left around the same time with an MSM for his three years in the company. We can’t have E-7(P)s getting a lowly ARCOM just before they put on a diamond.



In two years (mid eighties) we awarded six MSMs in my Battalion and one Legion of Merit. The LM and five MSMs were retirement awards. One MSM was an end of tour for a dang good S-1. (Who also did very well commanding a line company.)

Just, wow.


My platoon sergeant was still pissed-off about his BSM getting downgraded to ARCOM v/ “V” in ‘Nam because he was an SP4 and not E5 or above then.

BlueCord Dad

Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out

Amateur Historian

This dude will probably not be missed.


Disagree with this Major’s opinion but at least he has the moral courage to resign and wait to make his antigovernment comments after he resigned.


As he noted in his resignation letter he was too frightened to bring it up.


Jus’ wonderin’

Anyone want to bet that he gets a cushy position with some (D)emon-rat group in the near future?


Palestinian affairs correspondent for MSNBC.

Hack Stone

Maybe a run for Congress like one of the Vindman twins. Hope he gets his ass handed to him, tired of that stupid commercial how he @stood up to Donald Trump’s corruption”, but no problem with Joe Biden getting the guy investigating Burisma fired.


I’d love to ask Mrs. Vindman what she drank when she was pregnant with those two dipshits.




His highest award as major is an ARCOM, no MSM for being a good commander.


Learnin’ how not to be a ‘ho… it’s a two-way street, not all of which is on the guy’s part. Just sayin’.

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous
Skivvy Stacker

George Carlin said it: “Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms.”

A Proud Infidel®™

He looks and sounds like someone the US Army will be better off WITHOUT, just a-sayin’, I wonder if he wasn’t indoctrinated someplace like UC Berzerkely?


HAMAS would find him pretty


Scream like a goat, boy…

Last edited 9 months ago by Anonymous

Gonna suck when payday comes around and nothing happens in his bank account.


So he resigned over personal convictions? I can respect that. I actualky share some if his concerns about our blind support for Israel, who would not hesitate to throw the US under the bus if they gained an advantage for it. Politicians who criticize Biden for holding up shipments of bombs to Israel, proudly exclaim their role in holding up support to Ukraine.
I’ll celebrate the day Hamas dissappears forever, but that doesn’t mean I have to agree with everything Israel does, or pledge our blood and treasure to them.

Burma Bob

I’m kind of baffled by just how much power Israel and it’s various organizations in the US has over the US government. It’s like Israel feels it’s entitled to lots of free stuff and money from the US, without having to pay any taxes. I did not see any Israeli units present in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan fighting alongside American units. Netanyahu shows up uninvited to bitch on American soil when his $10 billion a year is threatened. And yet, Israelis have a lot of stuff we don’t have in the US: starting with universal healthcare and low-cost education. All of the trouble Israel has with its neighbors seems to be self-inflicted, driven by the country’s desire to grab land any way it can. By continuing to support Israel whether it’s right or wrong, we show bad faith towards other MENA countries. HAMAS’s major fuckup here was to provide Israel with a tailor-made excuse to kill every last Palestinian it possibly can; and also blame America when we question this.


You are barking up the wrong tree here bud.