Veteran’s remains stolen

| November 17, 2009

Norbert Otto Schmidt, a Korean War veteran who died this last summer, was being transported by his family to Arlington National Cemetery a few days ago, when someone stole the carry-on bag which contained the urn with his remains;

I hate DC – seriously.

Category: Blue Skies, Military issues, Society

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WTF, over!!!!!!


There are few times in my life when I am speechless. This would be one of them. I hope like hell that Heroes remains are returned and SOON.

Damn. Just damn.


What HELL. I can’t believe it. Just horrible.

AW1 Tim


Agreed. I’ve waited until now to post, because anything I would’ve said would likely violate some TOS and get me banned.


Any leads? I am currently in DC and will be glad to go unleash an EXTRA LARGE can of whoopass!

B Woodman

Whoever stole the bag was obviously going for something else. Will HE be surprised when he opens it & realizes what he’s got. Maybe he’ll have more then two brain cells to rub together, hear the news, and return it. OR, he could be an utter stoner & snort the whole thing.

Frankly Opinionated

The slimy sorts who would steal a “bag” don’t give a ratzass about anyone’s personal feelings. Most likely, once he discovered that it was an urn, he inspected the urn for pawn value, and dumped the contents on the ground. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for him to show some decency. Meth/Crack/Heroin addicts have no sense of decency, and are much like barack HIMSELF obummer, in thinking only of themselves.
Those who stole the bag are the guilty ones, but a part of the reason this happens is because most Americans believe wrongly that the police are here to prevent crime, when in fact, they are only here to catch the bad guys afterwards. Only when Americans learn once again that it is up to the citizenry to prevent crime will this malady disappear. We used to hang horse thieves. That was before the Sheriff, before the arrest, before the trial………..
How many Americans would stop a shoplifter? Stop someone beating on someone else? Stop a Jihadist, (Oops, we just experienced the real answer to that one, didn’t we?). By law, and properly so, police cannot intervene before the crime. It is up to YOU to stop this shit from happening.
I really feel for that family, but wonder why Mr Schmidt was sitting alone, available for some lowlife to grab him.
“Never Forget Ft. Hood Texas 11/5/09!”