Drag Queens Against the War

| November 13, 2009

I’m in joke-overload at the moment after reading an article in Huffington Post by Stephen Funk another IVAW member who didn’t serve in Iraq or Afghanistan. Funk is obviously doing his level best to make the IVAW into a larger caricature of itself than it is already;

In the first show I debuted Consuelo Sintetas (named after my grandmother) [Editor’s note: sin tetas is Spanish for without breasts. I’m sure his grandmother is proud.], in the second a dozen other veterans joined me to “Make Drag, Not War!”; a night of anti-militarist performances by IVAW members and a talented cast of performers including Suppositori Spelling, Raya Light, Garza, Miss Rahni, Lil Miss Hot Mess, fAction, and SF Boylesque.

Of course, Drag Queens Against the War is a far more accurate description of the membership than Iraq Veterans Against the War, and it would probably give them more media exposure, but if this is their way to legitimize the organization, I don’t think it’ll work. And I’m not sure how Army Sergeant would fit in at this point.

Besides, the anti-war movement already has representation of the drag queens – Code Pink.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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A Heros Friend

Jonn…since the asstards at IVAW are broke as hell,maybe,just maybe,they are trying to get a NEA grant for “Live Art” performances…it’s just SO Robert Maplethorpe…Tax dollars for garbage art!


Where’s Pelosi??

AW1 Tim

When I heard that the IVAW group was going down, I just naturally assumed it was a financial & morale thing. However, with this whole transvestite biz, I guess I misunderstood the term…..


Just read the wikipedia entry on Funk. What a bunch of crap. Someone, probably Funk himself, wrote a whole paragraph noting that he deserted before the UNSCR on Afghanistan and therefore may have been justified in accordance with the Neuenburg principal on disobeying illegal orders.

You will have to look at the history page to read what it said. I just deleted the whole exerpt. Sorry, my rage got the better of me.

I expect to see re-edited shortly, knowing IVAW and their ilk loves to troll wikipedia.


As far as what AS would od if the changed the name to be more in line with the demographics of the group (i.e DQAW, I imagine like she has done with everything else that doesn’t fit in with her delusion of what IVAW is. That would be to ignore what happens, try to convince everyone something else is actually going on and we don’t understand it, or try to justify it with nonsensical reasons.


My edit lasted two minutes before someone changed it back. I don’t know if I am mentally prepared for an edit war on wikipedia.


For the moment, my edit has won the day. As a note the “controversy” section to Funk’ page was added by Boyd Reimer, a Canadian with the War Resisters Support Campaign.


Check fire, Jonn.

B Woodman

Where’s the eye-and-mind bleach? The images, the horror. . . .


My second edit lasted another 15 or so minutes before being reverted. Trying to avoid an edit war, I just marked the section biased and using weasel words and started a discussion thread regarding the use of the Neurenburg Principal pre-emptively.


“Suppositori Spelling”, hey, B Woodman, can I borrow some of that eye-and-mind bleach?


[…] This Ain’t Hell has the blog headline of the weeek! […]


Even people in the anti-war movement around here in Atlanta are starting to lose respect for IVAW. They are becoming just another blanket progressive movement, only leveraging their dubious status as “Iraq” veterans to give themselves credibility. Even if one believes “don’t ask, don’t tell” is bad policy, marching in LGBT parades has fucking nothing to do with the Iraq war or the three points of unity of IVAW. It is just an example of them trying to be the blanket heroes of the progressive movement.


[…] Ain’t Hell gives us four examples that shows the left’s hatred of the military. Especially by those who’ve never […]

AW1 Tim


I absolutely agree with you. This has all the earmarks of trying to get more “face time” and nothing to with the stated objectives of IVAW.

By trying to be all things to all people, they are diluting their product and turning folks off left and right, as it were.


[…] Drag Queens Against the War – This Ain’t Hell […]


[…] Drag Queens Against The War? Huh? This ain’t Hell…. drags (sic) the story […]


I think a more accurate name for Funk would be “Consuelo Sancojones”


Oops “Sincojones”.

(sorry Jonn, No Habla de lingo. LOL)

NR Pax

I had the misfortune of reading his Wikipedia entry. What annoyed me the most is that I served at that Reserve Unit in San Jose before moving north to Lathrop. I could have easily had to deal with that wankstain if I hadn’t moved.

Guess he didn’t read the Reservist manual like I did. Yes, Princess; the Corps can mobilize you and the only thing you can do is deal with it.

Henry Massingale


I wish to be allowed to share a concept with you people United States Of America.

From the date of September 11, 2001 I have watched this Nation slowly die and this war has taken on a thought, a concept, that makes me feel unsafe.
I asked the big what if and why, and this is it, ” Why do the people of the United States Of America grow weaker because if a dollar and the Arabic Drug Empire grows stronged to the point that now another 40,000 men and women of the United States Military is leaving for the war, why is there a hands off policy, that will not allow the destruction of these popy fields ?”
The people we are at war with seek the death of every last man, woman and child in the world in order so that their chosen few can re-populate the world.
These people such as this looked for bio- war fare within the shippment of their drugs to full fill the laws of their god.
This is so hard for my mind to understand that, why ? comes to me all the time.
Join Us in the International Boy Cott Of The Arabic Drug Empire
Henry Massingale
for main page click on this link below
http://www.fascmovement.mysite.com or look for page1 american dream on google.com and see the thousands of stories all over the net and our Supporters that are now friends.