Kokesh to Sheehan; at least the neocons were honest

| November 13, 2009

I don’t know how they managed to squeeze their massive egos into the same recording booth, or even into the same bandwidth, but Cindy Sheehan interviewed Adam Kokesh this weekend on her show “Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox”. Kokesh admitted for Sheehan that he’s still a member of IVAW (even though he won’t admit it publicly anywhere else) and sounds a bit nostalgic for the Bush Administration;

Well I’m a Constitutionalist. I’m a non-interventionalist. I’m still a proud member of Iraq Veterans Against the War and I support the mission of Iraq Veterans Against the War. I’m also a proud member of Veterans for Peace and I think that the mission of the organization Veterans for Peace is even more applicable now when we see the kind of hypocrisy of the Democrats. It’s almost worse than what we had when the neocons were in charge. The neocons were easy to hate, they were brazen and upfront about it and had this swaggering machismo whereas what we see under Obama now is this really disgusting deceitfulness that has some people with really intense mixed feelings.

He sounds almost like the Republicans after the Soviet Union collapsed, doesn’t he?

Nothing new, really about Kokesh’s disdain for Obama, though. I taped him calling on Obama to end the war at Code Pink’s “Shoe Bush” protest on the day before the Obama Inauguration, and then again he and I talked about the Obama policy before the March on the Pentagon last Spring. But he’s become a Paulian Republican espousing “nonintervention” (which is really isolationism) and some kind of anti-corporate capitalist agrarianism. In other words, he’s a populist with competing ideologies – he mouths the words that brings cheers but don’t stand up under intellectual scrutiny.

I’m sure the company that rents out the Ron Paul blimp is calling him everyday.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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“Kokesh For Dog Catcher” is the position he should run for. If elected he could start by rounding up Code Pink and putting them in the pound. Doubtful anyone would come and adopt one though.


“I’m a non-interventionalist. I’m still a proud member of Iraq Veterans Against the War”

Non-interventionist + IVAW = contradiction, Kokesh, IVAW is a tentacle of the ISO & socialists, “progressives” and commies have a hard-on for “internationalism”, which is left winged imperialism.
My Libertarian ass is chapped over U.S. foreign policy, but I can’t hop on the train with the left, too many damned nanny-statist, imperialist and bureaucratic meddlers. Plus history proves that the commies will murder any non-believers if they get control of the show.

A Heros Friend

IVAW=A big pile of s**t…it don’t matter how you paint it or dress it up…if you just scratch the surface,it’s STILL a pile of s**t…


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