Daily FGS

| April 23, 2024

Desert Tech MDRX

Albuquerque police investigate two homicides 12 hours apart

By Matthew Reisen
The Albuquerque Police Department was called to investigate separate fatal shootings late Friday and Saturday morning, including one in which a young man allegedly killed his mother’s ex-boyfriend in self-defense.

APD spokesperson Franchesca Perdue said the Saturday shooting is being investigated as a justifiable homicide.

“An 18-year-old male said he shot his mother’s ex-boyfriend in self-defense as the armed man threatened to kill family members,” she said.

Perdue said police responded sometime before 8:30 a.m. Saturday to a shooting at The Ridge apartments, near Tramway and Copper NE.

She said the ex-boyfriend was found shot to death, and the son was taken into custody for questioning.

“Detectives are investigating the circumstances that led up to the shooting,” Perdue said.

The other shooting happened around 9 p.m. Friday.

Gilbert Gallegos, another APD spokesperson, said police responded to a double shooting at the Cinnamon Tree Apartments in the 7200 block of Central SE. He said a man was pronounced dead at the scene, while a woman was treated at a hospital.

Gallegos said someone refused to exit an apartment, and the SWAT team and crisis negotiators were trying to get them to surrender.

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Albuquerque Journal

Tuesday two-fer in Albaqu, Albique, Albuquah, somewhere in New Mexico.

Female University of Chicago student disarms masked man who tried to rob her on walk home from class: report
Chicago police have arrested two juvenile suspects in connection with a series of robberies near UChicago’s campus last week

By Audrey Conklin
A female University of Chicago student reportedly disarmed a robbery suspect who approached her on the sidewalk and demanded her phone as she walked home from class on Wednesday.

The 21-year-old student named Madi told WGN that she was walking her usual route home from class on South University Avenue when a masked man approached her and demanded her phone, the outlet reported.

“He flashes the gun towards me and I kind of just go blank, I throw the phone behind my hands, we get into this tussle, and he eventually gets the phone from me,” Maddi told WGN. “I was grabbing maybe for my phone, maybe the gun, it’s really a blackout moment for me, and I realize that I was able to grab the magazine out of the gun.”

Madi reportedly threw the magazine into a bush and ran, according to WGN.
The Chicago Police Department on Saturday announced that they have arrested two juvenile suspects in connection with a series of robbery incidents near the UChicago campus last week, but it is unclear if the suspect who approached the female student was one of those arrested.

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Fox News

Two juvies arrested in Chiraq? They’re already back in the ‘hood. Thanks again Gun Bunny.

The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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I call BS on the second story. Chicago has some of the strictest gun laws in the US and it’s illegal for a minor to possess a firearm, so there’s no way two teenagers would get a gun. Even if they found one, they’d think of Eddie Eagle and tell an adult right away. As for the alleged robberies, we’ll cut to the single moms’ statements: “He’s a good boy, ain’t never did nothing wrong, and will be going to college to be a doctor. That white girl saw them playing hopscotch and made up the story because racism.” For further evidence of the innocence on these mischaracterized young men, here’s a photo [taken three years previously]. Disregard the TikToks they posted last week flashing money and guns and talking about slanging and banging.

Last edited 5 months ago by fm2176

Issue everyone a Bullpup to keep the pups in check…and the ne’er do wells.

Idiots are everywhere and more so in the grubermint!

Stuck in the dentist office. Looks like they will relieve the swelling in my wallet.


A CPD officer, in uniform with a plain civilian jacket over the uniform, on his way home from work, was shot and killed, likely due to a carjacking at around 3am near one of Chiraq’s city parks. He was shot “multiple times”, his vehicle and wallet and badge stolen by his murderer(s) Not a safe city, at all. .