Daily FGS

| April 16, 2024

Benelli M4 Tactical

CCL holder shoots back at gunman on Near West Side

By Will Hager
CHICAGO – A concealed carry license holder returned fire after being shot at during a drive-by Monday morning on Chicago’s Near West Side.

The 35-year-old man was sitting on the curb with a female around 2:42 a.m. when someone in a dark-colored sedan started shooting in the 500 block of South Jefferson Street, according to police. The man, who has a concealed carry license, pulled out a handgun and started shooting back.

There were no injuries reported in the shootout. Area Three detectives are investigating.

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Fox 32 Chicago

~43 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, so this is in the noise.

Low speed chase.

Thanks once again to Gun Bunny and Old Tanker for today’s links.

Before all else, be armed.
Niccolo Machiavelli

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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“A concealed carry license holder”

In Chicago? I’m shocked.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

OJ meets Killdozer.

OJ met Satan last week.

Shitcongo…the Windy City from all of the boollitts flying back and forth.

Nice boom stick shottie…Niccolo…grins.

Hack Stone

43 people shot in Chicago in one weekend, not even a holiday. We need to crack down on the Ultra MAGA White Supremacists terrorizing the inner cities.


Holy shit! You’ right!

‘Those are rookie numbers…’



Somewhat off-topic, but still stupid… left/libtard educators suspend kid for saying “illegal alien” in school:


I suppose “ignoramus drones” in response would not help.