Sheila Jackson Lee, a science great

| April 11, 2024


Just ask her. After all, she led the Space subcommittee of the House Science Committee, right?  And we know she never, ever, makes tells a untruth (when her lips aren’t moving.) The latest is, however, noteworthy.

“Sometimes, you need to take the opportunity just to come out and see a full moon is that complete-rounded circle, which is made up mostly of gases. And that’s why the question is: Why or how could we as humans live on the moon? Are the gases such that we could do that?”

Jackson Lee continued making several statements that were questionable. In one statement, she told students the moon not only reflects the sun’s light but also emits “unique light and energy.”

“You have the energy of the moon at night,” Jackson Lee said.

Okay… I already learned much from her that I never knew before. How did the astronauts leave footprints, and land, on gases?

“What you will see today will be the closest distance that the moon has ever been in the last 20 years, which means that’s why they will shut the light down, because they will be close to the Earth, which is an amazing experience,” Jackson Lee said in a live video clip posted to her X account. “You will be able to tell because there will be complete darkness.”

In the video, Jackson Lee tells students not to look at the sun directly, warning them that the eclipse is a serious matter and that looking into the sun directly could mean students not being able to leave on their own but instead being walked out while holding their arm.

But, of course, she isn’t just saying stupid stuff. She’s just a victim of, to coin a phrase, of a ‘vast right-wing conspiracy.’ It’s the republicans make her say that!

“Obviously, I misspoke and meant to say the sun, but as usual, Republicans are focused on stupid things instead of stuff that really matters,” she said. “What can I say though, foolish thinkers lust for stupidity.”

Not her first rodeo, either.

In 1997, Jackson Lee visited NASA and demanded to see the flag that astronauts planted on Mars. She was gently advised that no human being had ever been to Mars because it was so far away.

She then went into a rage and accused the space agency of racism before pointing out her membership on the House science committee.

Luckily, her grasp of history is equally vast:

During the lesson, she thanked the GOP for “giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years operating under a Constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not.”

OK, Ms. Lee – start with a simple phrase: “Shall not be infringed.”

“there are a lot black people who are unintelligent” – Charles Barkley The Atlantic *

*(taken totally out of context but, hey, Barkley just appeared here yesterday. The full context was that intelligent well-spoken blacks had difficulty succeeding because too many blacks are more worried about ‘street cred’ than education or success.)

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Congress sucks

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I find her explanation more confusing than the original statement. Considering the original statement that’s really saying something. If she were actually talking about the sun does that mean that she wants men to live on the Sun? Does that mean that the Sun reflects the moon’s light? There are a lot of follow-up questions too but I’ll just leave this:

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Nothing to crow about and if she lived in Boston it would be nothing to craw about

Dave B

Smart as a box of rocks and the people that vote for her.


She could screw up gravity.


Fucked up like a soup sandwich.


She could fuck up an iron ball!


Another idiot with a life time job in congress. Who’s more stupid? Her, or the the people that vote for her? She makes AOC look like Rhodes Scholar.


At least they were smart enough not to elect her mayor. Her specialty is getting into the piggy bank not running s***.


That may be the reason they sent her to DC. To spread the cost of her stupidity around to make it more affordable for the folks back home.


Hard to believe she graduated from Yale back in the 70’s.

Nevermind, I just figured it out.


After watching the video of her trying and failing to put her eclipse glasses on for over a minute I was thinking she was presidential material.

Forest Bondurant

I watched a video of her admitting she got into college because of affirmative action, and claimed that “The fact that I graduated was NOT a matter of affirmative action.”

I disagree. She was admitted AND graduated precisely because of affirmative action. There’s no way she could have received passing grades because of intelligence because she has always been an imbecile.


I wonder if any loans were forgiven.
And who made them to who. And when.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

My Cousin Richard went to Yale in the 50’s, worked as an intern with “Hydrogen” Bomb Dr. Teller and was an observer on the USS Iwo Jima during the bomb tests. He sent me the activities/insrtuction on what was going on. I gave the papers to one of the Iwo Jima crew members at one of the Iwo Jima class ship reunions who was onboard the ship during the tests. Should have made copies because they are gone.

RGR 4-78

Gasbag talking about science, shows how inept she is.

Old tanker

Something to be aware of. With her speaking skills and faux paus she could be the next dem presidential candidate. She would be a 2 in one. As stupid as biden and knowledgeable as harris she could be both a dem president and vp in one. With a little aoc thrown in.

Last edited 6 months ago by Old tanker

As dumb as she is, she would still be too smart for Obama
to allow it.


Can you imagine the diversity hires? No smart people need apply.

Green Thumb


The city of Houston breathes a little easier.

Prior Service

Lee: “Obviously, I misspoke and meant to say the sun, but as usual, Republicans are focused on stupid things instead of stuff that really matters.”
Republican: “why, yes. We ARE focused on you.”


Classic film from 122 years ago.
A Trip the Moon – 1902

BONUS – Final scene, celebrating a monument to “SCIENCE”.


I’m afraid S J-L would probably believe this one to be a documentary.


Or she would want to BAN umbrellas, you know, as deadly weapons.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The fact she gets re-elected speaks volumes about the American voting public and the quality of partisan political propaganda’s ability to sway and capture the average voter turning them into someone more loyal to their party than their nation…precisely as George Washington predicted in his exit address…

“However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

Sam Bowles

Yes, as relevant today as it was then. BTW, have any of you read President Eisenhower’s speech about the evils of the military-industrial complex. Go ahead and read it, don’t just read the paragraph that everyone quotes.
He specifically warns against government funded science research.
He said the fashionable trends will get more funding and the researchers that don’t agree will be cutoff from funds.


Reminds me of what a drill instructor said “you so ugly they could roll your face in dough and make gorilla cookies”.


I don’t understand how she makes it from the bedroom to the bathroom in the morning.

If it wasn’t for the color of her skin, she’d never been elected.


She is the bad moon rising…in the bathroom on the right. (Apologies to CCR)


If you created a fictional character in a book or movie, and molded that character exactly in the persona and competence level of Ms Sheila Jackson Lee, you’d be called out for racism, sexism, misogny, and every negative, stereotypical thing that could be said about a black woman. But there she is, folks.


Fox News reporting NFL great, O.J. Simpson, has died from cancer at 76. Also, achieved success & fame off the field in movies, commercials, and sports broadcasting as well. Will however be indelibly remembered for the white Bronco chase, and the double murder trial of Ron Goldman, and Nicole Brown Simpson.
OJ Simpson dead at 76, family says | Fox News


A, MF.

Last edited 6 months ago by Roh-Dog
Green Thumb

They set the Juice loose!


comment image

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous

Or just…
comment image


Or in a drink:

Hack Stone

And the sad part is that the killer(s) are still out there. Looking for Kati to make the mandatory appearance on TMZ for the rest of the week.


I’ll keep my ‘heavy as 10-moving boxes’ AR and whatever assholes are ‘represented’ by this clown can keep her.

[Before 2007], Jackson Lee served on the House Science Committee and on the Subcommittee that oversees space policy and NASA.


She’s been a moron for sometime now. Since 1994, where you at TX-18th?

Hack Stone

When asked to comment, Representative Hank Johnson expressed that if too many Space Force troops are stationed on the Sun, it may tip over.


If the moon is mostly gas, why didn’t it pop when Neil Armstrong planted the flag?


It wasn’t in Kubrick’s script?


I was wondering who would run with my setup! Excellent work!


Great Deviant minds…

Also, they’re not even trying to cover it up any more:


Buzz Aldrin is not amused…

Hack Stone

The scariest part is that she is probably the best and brightest in her Congressional District.


…or driven through. (Which I have, sadly.)


Maybe she got her scientific training from Bill Nye?

RGR 4-78

So, she meant to say sun.

That means she thinks it is physically possible to put humans on the surface of the sun, which is patently absurd.


It’s ok if they go at night.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Where is Yale student Frank Merriwell turn of the century (1900) to straighten her butt out.


Dems – TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE

SJL – I aM tHe ScIeNcE!!!!

A Proud Infidel®™

I see her as someone who was obviously passed in school just because of her skin color and gender, ditto with how she has gotten where she is alongside being a compliant useful idiot to the powerbrokers in her district which I’m sure contains some pretty shitty urban hellholes riddled with crime, drugs and violence that are not unlike third world shitholes.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMO Sheila Jackson lee is SO STUPID THAT:

…she once sold her car for gas money.
…she took the #5 bus TWICE to make up for missing the #10.
…she screamed for help when the escalator she was on stalled.
…she once tried to kill a bird by throwing it off a cliff.
…she went to get a ladder when she heard that drinks were on the house.

Skivvy Stacker

“…we have lasted some 400 years operating under a Constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional and what is not.”
America; going strong since 1624.


Hey! Sir Walter Raleigh knew what was up…honestly, I don’t give a fuck if that’s accurate from a timeline standpoint. It’s just funny. 🤣



USMC Steve

Nothing noteworthy about this one, just another blatant black racist flaunting her immunity to ridicule.