Thursday things
Six Republicans have introduced a bill to rename Washington’s Dulles Airport after Donald Trump.
Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., the House GOP’s chief deputy whip, introduced the bill Friday along with six cosponsors.
“In my lifetime, our nation has never been greater than under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump,” Reschenthaler told Fox News Digital.
Think folks who have been around more than the last few years might dispute that. Maybe he’s only 16? Oh, yeah:
“Any reference in any law, regulation, map, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the airport referred to in subsection (a) shall be considered to be a reference to the Donald J. Trump International Airport,” the brief bill said. Fox News
And naturally someone will make a boatload of money doing the renaming of signs, letterheads, etc. These idiots have nothing better to do with their time? Yeah, that question’s rhetorical.
Remember March 21 when there was a charge by over 300 illegals immigrants in El Paso on the Border Guards? Gonna love this… released.
Judge Humberto Acosta made his ruling on Sunday, March 31, during an online teleconference bond hearing in which he accused the El Paso District Attorney’s Office of not being ready to proceed with detention hearings for each defendant, according to the outlet.
“It is the ruling of the court that all the rioting participation cases will be released on their own recognizance,” Acosta ordered. Fox News II
Kinda thought this one smelled a bit – ten days is a very short time, legally speaking. And it seems the DA, Bill Hicks, is unhappy. Normally early hearings are arraignments and bond hearings, right?
Hicks explained that he spoke with the judge and wanted to avoid several hearings on Easter Sunday and his office requested a reset of those hearings, hoping to move them into the week.
He said that while the district attorney’s office was not prepared for trial, it was ready for bond hearings.
“The judge summarily denied all of the motions to continue in one motion, in one hearing … we categorically deny that the state was not ready to proceed,” Hicks added. Newsweek
Not a clear picture at all: The El Paso DA’s office has been a bit chaotic for several years – had the same DA (Jaime Esparza) for 25 years, then two since 2020. One was forced to resign. The office has a reputation of having one of the largest backlogs in the country. On the judge’s part, in 2022 he dismissed 268 cases in one day, also alleging Hicks’ predecessor was unprepared. CBS4 Seems to me the judge is a bit quick to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Compare and contrast: 300 people assault Border Patrol and attempt to breach the border… versus the bunch of idiots breaching the Senate January 6 2021.

USS Boxer
We’ve mentioned the USS Boxer’s woes here repeatedly. Well, she finally sailed.
A Navy official confirmed to that the Boxer set sail for her deployment on Monday. The official also confirmed that the ship would not leave the San Diego area before taking on a complement of MV-22B Osprey aircraft.
The barely-ungounded CV-22s Ospreys on a ship that has made a recent career out of bad maintenance and leadership. What a great combination – good thing sailors aren’t superstitious.
And the Air Force is introducing cold-weather incentive pay for their folks stationed at 7 bases where the temps bury themselves in the winter.
Locations that qualify for the incentive include North Dakota’s Cavalier Space Force Station and Minot and Grand Forks Air Force Bases; Alaska’s Clear Space Force Station, Eielson Air Force Base and Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson; and Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana. II
Apparently this duplicates an existing Army program. Pretty sure they didn’t have this back in the bad old days of winter REFORGERS.
Category: None
Kid just got a snow day from school today, two days ago it was robins of spring.
Winter and spring battling out here as well. 80 Monday, golf ball size hail (again) on Tuesday, barely into the 40s since.
Our guy, Guy didn’t just kiss the ass he shoved his nose in all the way to the rosebud and began grabbing for a reach around.
IMO, a proposal to rename Dulles is a waste of time and resources, especially since the idea will die on the floor. Instead, Republican lawmakers ought to focus on more important things and deliver on promises they’ve yet to keep:
That’s just for starters because the list goes on.
That would require some actual work and a willingness to put their words on record. They’re not going to poke their heads up when it opens them up as a target for a game of whack a mole.
A vast majority of them are too busy getting wealthy off of our labor to go poking those bears.
This would happen but the prosecutors do not want to commit ‘suicide’ 2 weeks later
Jus’ sayin’…Prepare
“Suuuure we’ll release those that stormed the border……back across that same border. And we’ll do it so that they’ll never storm any other border ever again. BRING UP THE TREBUCHET!”
Hardly a precision weapon. Caltrops are much cheaper and much more effective.
When you put the illegals IN the trebuchet, precision is not that important as long as they clear the fence.
“cold-weather incentive pay for their folks stationed at 7 bases where the temps bury themselves in the winter”
Loring AFB never should have been closed.
The jet fuel pipeline from Bangor is still intact.
And speaking of Bangor, never should have closed the HF site.
Trump 2024 or it’s all over.
Instead of renaming the airport, just open the books on the Dulles brother’s, one in the State Dept. and one in the CIA and we can trace how far we have fallen. J.F.K. nods slowly…
Enough with posturing and playing “F” “F” games. Do your damned job, stop president dementia and his open border disaster as well as tighten the budget buy stopping funding of places that hate us.
If the repubs did half the crap they say they want to, things would be a hell of a lot different now and maybe, outside of california, folks could afford food, rent and other bills to be paid.
They lost me when after years of “repeal Obamacare” night and day, they were asked to lay out their replacement plan…and had nuthin’.
The USS Harvey Milk…named after a gay child rapist.
Sshhhh, that will ruin his gay martyrdom.
Actually, it’s just the street cred he needs to lock in the status. You have to remember to switch your thinking 180 when speaking about them.
I like Trump’s policies. I don’t particularly care for him as a person but I appreciate what he does for the country and his willingness to fight back against Demedia. (He will definitely get my vote—which is cast for how I want the country to go, not for Mr Popularity.). That said, it’s too early to name an airport after him and they are dumb to try it right now. Ten years from now it’ll be obvious, but right now is just dumb. Wasted effort and dilution of horsepower on dumbness.
Concur 100%. I will admit to really enjoying the poke in the eye this is giving the dems, though. My inner 12 year old is laughing.
I have always said nothing should be not for anyone still living (as they do with postage stamps). It gives me a severe case of the giggles when I pass something named after someone who just stepped on his own dick, or farted in church, or committed felonious mopery. I say wait until the honored person has died and has no chance to boo boo things up any more. Of course, future generations will scoff at our ignorance; they will have calmer and kinder names for insects, fish, critters, buildings, cities, rivers, … oops, they’ve already started. Never mind.
I agree, even though I like Trump.
Not Dulles. Let’s stop with renaming memorials, altogether.
Plenty of new sites in need of new honorees.
They should do it. They will have to change it back in a year or two but they deserve the embarrassment and public backlash of their stupid attempt to gain favor from Trump.
Self serving fucks pandering to a malignant narcissist in the hopes his vanity will be stroked enough to off them an appointment in his administration.
And administration that will never happen because Trump is toxic and has cost republicans more elections than any Republican in at least a century.
But has he cost more than Obama? That dude had Democrats dropping faster than O’Biden’s Bidenomics cratered my investments.
On a side note I copied your post into word and then edited out all hyperbole, logical fallacies, and simple name-calling. What was left just said “they..should…favor …Trump. At least a century.” Not sure if you meant it that way or whether it was a Freudian slip. If this looks familiar, it’s also how Demedia selectively edits Trump to create the ridiculous caricature which doesn’t really exist. Just like the Clinton, Obama and Biden characters I don’t like also don’t fully exist (but are close!).
(Commissar must be on Spring Break.)
By the way, if the pharmacies in your neighborhood haven’t shut down because of crime, you might benefit from it.
Or this one…
Malignant narcissist? Seriously look in the mirror. Your lack of self awareness is astounding.
Tell ya what I miss about Thursdays…The Thursday’s are for Cooking Thread. RIP, Mi’Lady Lioness!
All of the above posts would fit just as well on The Stupid People of The Week Thread…or The WTF Thread…
I’m not her and could never hope to fill her shoes, but try this when you get a chance:
I’m sure you use rosemary to season certain meats and marinades. Well, as springtime comes, don’t toss out those rosemary sprigs after you’ve stripped all the leaves….
Sharpen those bare rosemary sprigs and use them as skewers for shrimp (peeled & deveined). Melt some butter with some minced cilantro. Place the skewered shrimp on the grill and cook until pink, brushing regularly with that cilantro butter.
I got $7.00/mo for hardship duty pay for Ft Wainwright AK in 1974-76.
We had to buy our own long johns.
40 below zero and we had to buy our own friggin’ longies…
All our Arctic equipment was leftover from the Korean War. We even got C-Rats from Korean War supplies.
Tail end of Vietnam, one of the absolute worst times to serve.
But I did.
Before I went to Team Spirit in 88 I was told how cold it was. The PX in Kaneohe did not sell long johns so I got mom to send me several sets. I was the only guy around nice and warm in my long johns. I am waiting on my hazardous heat pay from Yuma.
Yeah, this guy isn’t old enough to remember Ronald Reagan. Trump was an average president. He did a few things right, he did a few things wrong. I don’t get this Trump worship.
Crazy stuff hear
i want my back pay from my time at Minot lol