Happy ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’

| March 31, 2024

White House Doubles Down After Declaring Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’


White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre has doubled down after President Joe Biden declared Easter Sunday “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

Jean-Pierre’s statement on X Saturday followed overwhelming backlash to Biden’s animated affirmation of the controversial holiday as the same day as the holiest Christian holiday.

“On Transgender Day of Visibility, the Biden-Harris Administration honors the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans and reaffirms our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect union where all people are treated equally,” Jean-Pierre posted.

Biden’s proclamation – issued on Good Friday, another sacred day for Christians – announced that “transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our nation” and called for the passage of the Equality Act. That law would codify Democrats’ embrace of gender identity, the made-up concept that one can identify as a sex other than what they were born as and become that sex. Democrats have tried to pass the bill for years but have yet to get it across a president’s desk.

Christians across the nation spoke out after Biden’s declaration went viral.


Not a political strategist, but some of Joe’s Handlers thought Trans Day should be celebrated at the White House on what is the holiest day in Christianity. Trannie optics should play well with the children’s Easter Egg Roll on the White House lawn. About those eggs- at the “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event, WH officials declared eggs “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”

Who thought it a Good Idea to alienate just about every Christian in the country to pander to the 1% weirds? Brilliant! I imagine this decision will come up as a discussion point among the chattering class and be used to repeatedly bludgeon the Biden re-election campaign.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Napoleon Bonaparte

Category: DEI, Points-and-Laughs, The Stupid is Strong

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AW1 Rod

Just the latest act by the doddering old idiot and his nutjob administration.

And along those lines…..



This need to be shouted from the rooftops.


I can see this old fart Joe when he meets St. Peter:
-Joe, you gotta lot of red ink on your ledger. The Lord is forgiving but the trannie thing on Easter is the last straw…
-What? The tranny on my ‘Vette is crapped out?


Make “blowing a tranny” mean car trouble and not diversity and/or a porn genre again.


Ditto ‘getting covered in Tranny fluid ‘ used a mean an afternoon spent in the garage


Usually when you’re in a spot or position when it’s part way out, and you can’t just drop it to get out of the way. Fun times.


i got a job in a cabinet shop , a diverse workplace had a trannie there, my friend was a delivery driver ,one weekend we were comparing notes he said he had blown a trannie in the work truck, and i busted up laughing he got a little pissed , said that wasnt funny, I said well where I’m working it means something totally different. Then I told him about our diverse workforce .




God will not be mocked. Just another slap in the face to all believers.

Just watching ol Joe walk around lost most of the time, he probably doesn’t realize what he’s doing. They took him out at night to show him the pretty lights and he ooohhh’d and aahhh’d appropriately.


Makes you wonder if they are doing this stupid crap just to continue to make Biden look like the idiot he really is, while in reality its 0-Bama calling all these shots.


“extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans”

We need a special National Cemetery to honor such sacrifice.


The local waste management site has room.


So do pig pens

Old tanker

Stocked with wood chippers right next to either the dump or compost pile.


I say the dump. Why poison the good soil?

A Proud Infidel®™

There is space available in the HAZMAT Landfill, just-sayin’.


Dang it, everybody beat me to it…or a case of brilliant minds and all of that. My mobile device was blowing up with text messages in re of The True Reason for this Holiday.

For the last six (6) years, as of 29 March 2018 the FIRST stroke, I’ve been told I’m lucky to be able to wake up everyday…the Chancre Mechanics telling me then that if I made two (2) years I’d fool them. Now-a-days, I wake up and try to figure out which Chapter of Revelations we’re in.


My dad had a serious health issue in March of 2000. I flew back from Korea on emergency leave, not really sure if I was gonna take him home from the hospital or attend his funeral. According to my sister, he woke up around noon on Easter, looked around and said “Sonofabitch, I’m not dead!”. Doc gave him maybe a year, he said nope. Stuck around almost 4 years. It ain’t your time yet, KoB!

Prior Service

Up in Montana, they call it the train station…. Y!

A Proud Infidel®™

It’s just Biden and the D-rat party CELEBRATING PERVERSITY to kiss up to the far left once again.


Jesus wept and satan smiled.

Green Thumb

And the Apostles got shitfaced.


And Democrats got on the bacha bazi:
comment image


I keep hearing this as proof positive that Lyin’ Buydin is no longer there and is nothing more than a ventriloquist’s dummy for the Looniest of the Lefties, as Dear Uncle Joe would never stoop this low. This, uttered by those who can no longer justify having voted for this unraveling of society.

Here’s a newsflash for you – Buydin has always been nothing more than a mouthpiece for whoever was going to enrich him politically and financially. Buydin is, was and would be perfectly fine with the complete disintegration of society, if he actually knew this was happening. Which I sincerely doubt. His sycophants tell him he is loved, everything is great, he is in charge, and he believes it. Because that is his character, always was.


Buydin…. the lights are on but nobody’s home.


This is a man who showered with his pre-teen daughter. Any dementia or sycophantic political deals are just cover for the fact that he has always been an evil man.

He’s not “just a mouthpiece,” he’s indicative of everything wrong with American political culture.


Just so everyone knows….
The idiot Biden did NOT pick the day for TDoV.
He also didn’t pick the day for Easter.

TDoV day has been March 31 for 15 years.
And as any Christian should know… Easter varies every year.

Holidays collided this year.
Nothing more.

BONUS – Tomorrow is April Fools’ Day.
No pronouncement by anyone necessary.

Prior Service

If Easter varies (and, yes, it does), then so can the made-up day which exists simply by proclamation. Sorry, but 15 whopping years is not quite the precedent that 2000 years is, but hey. This was preventable, but wasn’t. The only three reasons are stupidity, total lack of awareness or blatant disrespect.


Well, if they had made TDofV April 1st, nobody would believe it, and consider it a joke (which it is).

And is TDofV an actual holiday, or something more along the lines of a black Friday type of holiday. You know, made up.

But it Easter, it’s a day of joy, and I’m not going to spoil my day arguing about it.

Be blessed and enjoy time with family and friends.


He picked a side. A losing side I might point out. Christmas was never really a legitimate holy day, however Easter is. The attempt to make it secular is more leftist idiocy.


I saw something like this a day or two before, and decided not to post about it. What you mentioned crossed my mind. It so happens that this year, the first Sunday of Easter landed on the same day designated for “Transgender Day of Visibility.” Easter has been a movable religious holiday since the first millennium.


Will there be an April Fools’ Day Open Thread?

It could be good,
a time and place for many
to (try to) out April Fool everyone else.


TDofV dates should be easy to find and post. Is it also a floating holiday, or has it been set in stone 15 years ago.

Funny tho, I don’t recall hearing of this holiday until this morning.


Easter 1991, on the sand in Saudi Arabia, was ALSO March 31.



Did Saudi Arabia celebrate TDoV this year by lighting up their mosques to show their support this year?

Supposedly, this day of “recognition” is only 15 years old, so I’m sure they’ve had time to plan accordingly.

I hope everybody had a great Easter with family and/or friends.


Uh oh. You just ruined several rants. Prepare for incoming.


“Nothing more.”

I choose to think it shows that God has a strange sense of humor; like the Duck-Billed Platypus.


MarineDad61 is holding up pretty well today.
Especially compared to Commissar,
who ran it down his own rabbit hole.


This is such manufactured outrage.

Biden didn’t “declare” Transgender day of visibility.

Transgender day of visibility was established by a LBTGQ activist in 2009.

Biden merely acknowledges that it is a thing that the LGBTQ community “celebrates” and most in the community don’t.

The activist didn’t pick Easter. Just the 31st.

Because Easter is tied to the lunar calendar it changes dates every year and eventually landed on the 31st.

If anyone should be outraged about Easter being “hijacked” by the Trans community once every few decades it should be Pagans since Easter is a Pagan holiday.

Hell they should be pissed Christians hijacked Easter is well.

But since Christians celebrate Easter using most of the symbology and trappings of its Pagan roots they are pretty much acting like Pagans over the holiday anyway.


However, Doddering Joe decided to recognize Transgender day of visibility. He may as well have “declared” it with his statement. He is simply pandering to a microscopic percentage of people in this country who suffer from a mental illness.

Anyone with half a brain cell knows that transgenderism deserves treatment, not validation. Transgenders need our compassion and help, not affirmation.

In AA, which I’ve been a member of for 40 years, we call what Joe did with his pronouncement “enabling”, Joe Biden, Enabler-in-Chief.

His actions deserve our disdain and just adds to our contempt of his actions while President.


Easter is actually tied to when the first full moon occurs after the spring equinox based on the Church’s calendar. This decision was made on a backdrop of a solar calendar. 

Also, “pagan” (paganus) as used by the ancient Romans meant outsider, backwoods, nonbeliever, behind the trend, etc. When they used it to describe non-Christians, it was an attempt to describe other religions as “out of vague.” The pagans themselves would’ve considered those outside their religion as “pagans.” Speaking of which, the pagan religions borrowed, stole, etc., religious concepts from other pagan religions.

Everything, however, was based on what was in the sky during certain times of the year. These religious practices were centered on astronomical, meteorological, etc.,

As for the Christians adopting Easter over the Jewish Passover, they did so due to symbolism. Throughout Scripture, one of the symbols used to describe God’s law, by extension, Jesus (embodiment of the law) was the sun (light). The sun rising in the east is symbolic of light (what God wants us to do/life) defeating darkness (sin/what is right in our eyes). They used spring as a symbol of renewal (committing to return to God’s law).

The Pagans did not always have the same interpretation as Christians did.


Ya know what would make them extremely visible?
Willie Pete


People are more upset about the Biden administration’s decision to place the transgender day above Easter. Add in the fact that the White House’s Easter egg decorating event specifically stated there would be no overtly religious symbolism allowed, people are understandably upset with the puppet in chief. Yes, it’s just poor timing that the days coincide this year. It’s also poor behavior by your Lord Master Obama’s faithful minion. You’re a fraud. Happy Easter. You’re dismissed.


Yep! And He and His Disciples have been telling us to…Prepare

comment image


Blame Carter for the lack of religion etc. on eggs – that started in ’78.


I’ll blame Carter for ‘78. He’s not president in ‘24.


“Biden didn’t “declare” Transgender day of visibility.”

He absolutely did.



And, God is watching.


Christians celebrate Pascha which predates the pagan Saxon Easter ceremony by several hundred years. There isn’t any type of rites of worship that are held in common. The fertility rites with the eggs and the bunnies have nothing to do with the church and no true Christian church will have them in their church. Some people enjoy them as a past time but they hold no religious significance that anyone follows today.

If pagans did still follow that than Biden would be in hot water as originally they did hold significance and he would be overtly celebrating a religious rites with their symbols despite a strict order not to.


I agree that it’s “manufactured outrage”! It was manufactured by the current administration as a thumb in the eye of millions of Americans, Both Christians and non-Christians. Same with the mandated rules for the Annual Easter Egg decoration/art contest. All of this on a Christian Holiday(regardless of trying to spin it as a Pagan holiday! It’s a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.)


I just replace “White House Administration” with “vile, wicked, and evil enablers” at this point.

There’s idiocy and then there’s deliberate wickedness done in order to completely dismantle the country. I think we’ve had more of the latter lately.


I saw this topic elsewhere, and decided that it was a “non-argument.” Easter is a movable holiday that depends on when the first full moon after the spring equinox occurs. This is based on the Church’s calendar. 

As MarineDad61 pointed out, March 31 has been designated for this day for transgender visibility years ago. Others have tried to argue that perhaps this other day should be moveable. A better argument would have been to move it to June, the month designated for LGBT. Or, not take issue with the coinciding.

Why? Easter is 50 days, not just a single day, and can start as early as March 22 and as late as April 25. Shift the 50 days accordingly. 

But, should we haggle over when this day occurs, and the fact that it coincided with Easter this year? Arguing this very point, on Easter, misses a major point of Easter. It’s not about the day itself, spending time with family, going to church, looking for painted eggs, etc. It’s about committing do doing what is morally right (life) at the expense of allowing ourselves to be driven by the beast (death/right in our eyes) within us. This is the real meaning of Easter and the celebration of resurrection. A person that abandons the crooked paths in favor of walking the straight path is metaphorically described as “returning to life” aka resurrecting. 

If Biden placed emphasis on Transgender, and did not do much for Easter, that is another point that could be made against efforts to paint him as a “religious man.” 

There are other “day of” recognized on March 31, including Anesthesia Tech Day, Cesar Chavez Day, Eiffel Tower Day, International Hug a Medievalist Day, etc. 


I always love it when liberal groups invoke Cesar Chavez when demonstrating for the rights of illegal aliens. I don’t think they quite understand how ol’ Cesar felt about illegals.


“iVete a casa, putos!” he’d tell them.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

What do you mean “he’d” as in he “would”…he DID and was not shy about siccing his goons on them.


They were scab labor in his eyes.


Well, I was being nice.


Biden is a pagan and Lars is wrong or Biden is an idiot and Lars is wrong. Either way it is the same thing.

Green Thumb


I wonder if they will have LBGTQ eggs?


Someone tried to tell me unfertilized chicken eggs are neither male or female. Because they won’t be hatched into either a hen or rooster. I started to explain…then realized I was the crazy one for thinking someone with this level of stupidity could be educated beyond their ignorance.


Probably not enough crayons for that task

A Proud Infidel®™

No Barney suit could explain that either.


OK, was that a crack intended for Marines since we purportedly eat crayons? Or as my 2 year old Granddaughter calls them – cayons.


It would appear that Joe actually did declare that today is the day of visibility. He probably doesn’t know that he did, but that’s a different discussion.



“day of visibility”

The exhibitionists must be masturbating in the streets.


Folsom Street Fair


Luggage handler of the year 2022.


“…honors the extraordinary courage and contributions of transgender Americans.”

Okay, I’m waiting.


Yeah. Let’s hear that list of notable accomplishments…




Assistant Secretary for Health.
Gotta be fair.


See your ASoH and raise you a baggage thief.


That’s not a transgender, it’s an orc in a dress.


Bradley Manning, after he got caught.


Bruce Jenner, after his (step-?)daughters started stealing the spotlight, but before he later regretted the whole thing?

Some might consider becoming a South Park parody more impressive than winning gold in the decathlon.


Also, this regime said they “are in the image of God.” Clearly, the most absurd statement ever.




Serious question…

Why don’t I see you all posting outrage over Trump advertising the Bible he is peddling as “the only Bible endorsed by Trump.”?

That seems to be a pretty outrageous thing to do during the week of Triduum/Passover/Easter.

Peddling altered and “endorsed” bibles for a large profit margin is problematic no matter time of the year it is.

Also, why is every Trump event/speech televised on right wing media in a window with advertising like home shopping network grift?

It says a lot that most of the stuff being peddled during his speeches is crypto, commemorative coins, insurance scams, and other notorious grift products.


Then get the msm to cover his speeches and they can do away with the little ads in the window that you complain about.

But that would mean they couldn’t chop up his speech to fit their narrative 🙂

The horror.


Trump peddling bibles is silly, I’ll give you that. Now, if you can please point out where it’s altered, I’d appreciate it. My understanding is it’s a bible originally promoted by Lee Greenwood. It contains the lyrics to “God Bless the USA”, along with the US Constitution. I’d call those “additions”, not “alterations”. So, enlighten me, oh grand Commissar, show me the alterations the evil orange man made. Smart money says you can’t. Because you’re a fraud.


Apparently, the cuttlefish’s claim of “altered” is the fact that Lee Greenwood caused this version of the King James edition to include as an appendix the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.


The MSM happily genuflected while fellating the Biden campaign by promoting, participating in, and televising the recent NYC fund raising extravaganza. But that’s different.


It also says a lot that even those grifters won’t besmirch their good names by advertising with Democrats.


Meh….If it were pocket Constitutions you would be even more


Trump sells bibles, Biden sells out the country. I’ll take “A” thank you very much. I don’t care if he added a couple of extra chapters to Genesis just like Ben Franklin did, I’m not buying one because I don’t need another.

I’ve never watched a Trump speech on right wing media so I’ll take your word for it till I do. But glad you are trying to learn.


Franklin added to Genesis? Didn’t have that on my bingo card!


Apparently, it was a clever hoax that Mr. Franklin enjoyed carrying out. That’s entirely believable!

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D

He actually added two chapters. The second was in opposition to slavery. He would use it to make persuasive arguments and then people. Would check their Bibles at home and not find it.

Major Tuddy

Gotta admit, the Commissar makes a valid point on the Bible thing. That said, how is the rest any different from, say, a football team, rock band, or athlete selling similar items?

It’s called ’merchandising’.


Could it possibly be that it’s one of the many Bibles out there that are written for understanding? So it me be an NIV etc! It’s the one he likes so it’s the one he endorses.

Kind of like the Biteme endorses the holidays that he likes!


It’s a King James AFIK. Just never expected to see Trump selling bibles. Just seems odd, but hey, it’s America and he can do that.


Agreed. It’s about like me selling them. I’m not that great at following it!


Somebody has to sell the Bible or it wouldn’t be the all-time best-selling book.

Hell, plenty of those publishing houses that sell it are owned by Jews.

Had the timing worked out different, I’m sure even Herod would have jumped at the chance to publish them.


I, for one, don’t really care if it’s just a coincidence that yet another meaningless “day of [insert foot here]” happens to be on the same day that Easter falls on this year. It’s about the appearance, it’s about the lack of care for certain communities, and above all, it’s about the message.

The FJB Admin could have been more strategic in issuing the proclamation, beginning with not issuing it on Good Friday. I’m not religious, but many Christians take their observances seriously, albeit to varying degrees. The local Catholic churches have been jam-packed Friday and today, while my Baptist neighbors had a large family gathering Friday and will be having another today after church. Devoutly religious sorts are doubtlessly outraged by this, while even more casual Christians are likely not impressed by the visuals. Two of the most important observances in a religion and they are tainted by a proclamation from a supposed Catholic celebrating a lifestyle that most don’t agree with.

Let’s consider alternate scenarios, where the President declares a proclamation celebrating a “First Responder Day of Visibility” on May 25th (oops, that’s St. Floyd’s Death Day), a “National Fast Food Appreciation Day” during the month of Ramadan, or a “Celebration of Cotton Day” on June 19th. All would be tone-deaf at best and would spark outrage by many groups just as today’s “celebration” does.


“National Pork Appreciation day” and “Bourbon Week” should be held during Ramadan.


Dude, that’s every day and every week around here. However, with me it’s more of Whisky Week. I’m rather Catholic in my tastes when it comes to spiritous beverages. 🥃


The same at D’s Cantina. Whisky week allows for more variety. Occasionally, it’s rum day. And it’s always beer thirty.


Nothing like a fifth of good holy water.


They are. Just depends upon the year.


Especially if a mosque is next door to a BBQ joint. Make it combined micro distillery for whiskey and bourbon, cigars (or other adult products) with live blues bands on the weekends. No budwieser products allowed, but maybe some craft beers allowed for “taste testing”.


Kind of reminds me of one of my business plans:
I was going to open a sawdust joint called “The Drunkery”, which would focus on selling “hard liquor for men who wanna get drunk fast.” Next door, I was going to have an eatery named “Hangovers…A Restaurant.” Down the street, I would have my combined sports bar and laundromat “Suds and Suds”; I wasn’t sure if the services on offer would include laundry drop off or if it would be self serve only. Maybe when I retire!


I was considering a “Hooters” type establishment, I was gonna call it BB&B.

Beer, Burgers, and Boobies.

Last edited 11 months ago by SFC D
Major Tuddy

There is (was?) a laundromat / bar in Ohio called Dirty Dungarees.

I went once. Interesting place.


There was a bar in Gainesville, Fla., home of U. of Fla., called “The Library”. Had to bring my own books, though.


And it must be upwind from the mosque for “environmental purposes”.


Well said.


Don’t stand near any celebrating left/libtards because of lightning today.

Major Tuddy

This bovine scatology is precisely why I no longer take the wokies seriously.

I refuse to acknowledge this, never mind respect it. We’ve given these freaks enough visibility.

Next up: Minor-Attracted Person Day. You just KNOW that it’s gonna happen.


Good God…..


How dare Biden do this? On this Holy Sunday where the Easter Bunny was crucified by the Romans


I thought the Easter Bunny saw his shadow so it’s one more week of NCAA basketball


I hope not. There’s hockey on.


Except the White House proclamation says he signed it. Maybe the other Biden instead of the POTUS impersonator made and signed the proclamation. No one knows who is really behind that curtain.


Yup, I posted the official proclomation above, after that guy said Joe didn’t do it. I don’t think Joe knows he did it.


Smoke and fire are highly Visable?

John Seabee

KJP, i.e., Satan’s Mouthpiece.