Michigan homeowners offered $500 a month to house illegal aliens

| March 27, 2024

Michigan is finding itself overwhelmed when it comes to housing illegal aliens and other aliens in their state. To help ease the pressure on state resources, they’ve stood up a program for homeowners. If they take in qualified “newcomers,” they could get up to $500 a month based on immigration status and household income.

From Breitbart:

According to the state, those eligible include, refugees, asylees, special immigration visa holders, victims of human trafficking, Cuban and Haitian entrants, Afghan nationals, and Ukrainian humanitarian parolees.

Others who qualify include individuals who arrived under the Family Reunification Parole Process for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Colombia, individuals with a pending asylum application, and other immigrant individuals on a case-by-case basis.

Amy Hovey, executive director of the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, claimed the program would help migrants “build a new life here.”

“This program is truly a win-win, as it addresses the most pressing barrier to refugee resettlement by meeting housing needs while setting up families for success with increased employment and opportunity,” Hovey said in a statement issued when the program was first revealed.

The program is being paid for with $4 million from the state-funded Michigan Housing and Community Development Fund

Michigan became the final destination of migrants from Democratic Republic of Congo, Syria, Sudan, Burma, and Ukraine, taking in more than 700 in 2022 alone.

Breitbart provides additional information here.

Category: Democrats, Illegal Immigrants, Society

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Hack Stone

Why would people who entered the country under the Family Reunification Parole Process need to be housed? Wasn’t the point of their entrance into the country that they would be living with family members who already reside here?


comment image




Don’t look behind the curtain!

Hack Stone

$500 per individual or per family? Hack Stone is confident that legislators have written the proposal so that there would be no abuse of the system and people would not take advantage to unjustly enrich themselves.

A Proud Infidel®™

You mean unscrupulous types without mailbox doors might say, put them up in a tool shed out back? Yes, I have seen that.

Hack Stone

It’s a win-win for homeowners, as they can make a bundle on parking and concession sales generated by hosting cockfights in their basements.


Not to mention their cut of the bookmaking action!


Don’t forget the “home business ” aspect. Kind of like a 24 hour pharmacy with a drive up service.


All the bathtubs full of cheese.


Or….go the H.H. Holmes route and open up a boarding house that always has a vacancy or two. They ARE ‘undocumented’
After all 🤣


I used to like watching his program ” Holmes on homes”, but my local cable provider rebundled different channels, and they want extra for the diy channel. I wasn’t paying the extra money for 1 or 2 programs.

Hack Stone

Chris Plante from WMAL talked about that about two months ago. The lady was “hosting” an “immigrant” from Haiti, pretty much ganged pressed her into becoming her Hazel or Alice The Maid. Wondering if she knows anything about “birthing babies”.



Democrats in 1860:

“We had to bring them here like this. They’ve got nowhere else to go. It’s a better life for them here this way.”

Democrats of 2024:

“We had to bring them here like this. They’ve got nowhere else to go. It’s a better life for them here this way.”

Hack Stone

$500 a month to allow this guy to sleep in the same house as your 12 year old daughter? You would be fool not to take advantage of that.


Execute on sight. No trial necessary.

Body farms gotta be supplied for LEO training.


C’mon man, it’s not like they will do anything unseemly, like cannibalism.

Hack Stone

If he offers to work the barbecue grill this weekend, it would be best to politely decline. Unless you have a hankering for a Manwich.

A Proud Infidel®™

Weeeeeel, just how many of those from Haiti or elsewhere have documented vaccinations, y’know like what the libtards were screeching for us to have as well as legit ones?

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Take in aliens? Presumably “vetted” by the state? Not only “NO”, but “HELL NO”. Not only do I doubt the veracity of the state’s vetting, but just as sure as the sun rises in the east, there will be so many strings attached to this (KOFF!) “win-win” (KOFF!) that a homeowner may as well become a fly and jump into a spider’s web.
Win-win. Suuuure. A “win” for the state. A “win” for the alien. That accounts for both “wins”. What’s left? A big fat “LOSE” for the homeowner.

Hack Stone

Trying to figure out how two sides can win. For someone to win, someone else has to lose. Haven’t we already seen instances where “unhoused undocumented immigrants” were placed with host families, who were subsequently killed by their “guests”? What vetting was conducted in those cases,


I believe the Democratically accepted term is “newcomers.”


It is now the only approved word defined as describing them in the official D-rat “Newspeak Dictionary.”

Forest Bondurant

Speaking of “vetting”: No doubt someone will take up the states offer and sponsor some of these “guests”. If they do, they ought to make sure their immunizations are up to date.

Considering a vast majority of illegals come from 3d world countries with substandard healthcare, they’re probably bringing with them all sorts of diseases that this country hasn’t had to deal with over the past several decades (measles, mumps, Hepatitis A, Tuberculosis, etc.)


I believe Chicago has had a few reported cases of measles, but I think they were reported in error. As in, we didn’t want that to get out.

Sam Bowles

Chagall, dengue fever, severe Tuberculosis, polio.

Sam Bowles

Chagas parasites. No cure exists. Must have complete organ transplants, heart,lung, intestine, kidney , liver to survive.
Unknown in the USA, 20 years ago.


I think I read somewhere about a case or two of malaria.


Plague, Ebola, no big…


There is a reason places like Ellis Island were built.


Now that you mention it, Michigan is seeing the beginnings of a measles outbreak. Centered mostly in the democrat strongholds of Detroit, Dearbornistan, and the rest of the suburbs.
Coincidence, I’m sure.

Forest Bondurant

If it were up to me, every Democrat that goes to a polling place next November gets to cast their ballot, but cannot leave until they are issued an illegal transplant (or two, or three) that they must take home and sponsor indefinitely. It would be compulsory and they would have no say in the matter.


Cast a vote, get a migrant. 1 migrant per vote cast. It will be easy to see who voted multiple times.

Make them like green stamps.. collect 10 lawn maintenance workers, trade 5 of them for a cook or a maid. Collect the set, this offer void where prohibited by law. Not available in their country of origin.


“ The people that voted for Donald Trump did so partly motivated by Trump’s desire to secure the border”

Exactly right! Thank you Sir!!

Is it just a coincidence that this is announced as the problem of “squatters” seems to be growing?

Forest Bondurant

Politicians (here’s looking at you Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer) and bureaucrats like Michigan’s State Housing Development Director (Amy Hovey) should first lead by example and host illegals in their own homes before asking voters to do it.

They set the conditions for this, so let them deal with the consequences.

A Proud Infidel®™

$5 Billion to complete the wall and NYC now spends twice that every month to house illegal aliens!


Once you got ‘em — you can never get rid of ‘em.

My own realtor in CT even said, “if they ask, always always always say helllll no.”

Squatters in the making.. eventually the states will try and force this shit down us peasant’s throats.

Just send them all the fuck back. Adios.


You forgot to add mother phucker after adios.

Hack Stone

No one seems to address how hosting “non-family members” in your domicile will impact your homeowners insurance, HOA regulations and local zoning ordinances. That $500 will be the most expensive money you ever “earned”.


6000 extra per year you can now be taxed on as well. What if they start looking up or downloading kiddy porn on YOUR computer. Do you think law enforcement is going to believe it’s not yours? I mean, your house guests no habla english.

Forest Bondurant

“Just send them all the fuck back. Adios.”

Attached is the German version of your sentiment. I’m sure lots of you know what “Guten Heimflug” means, but I’ll translate anyway. Basically, “Bon Voyage” or “Good flight home”!

This poster from the NPD caused quite a stir in very liberal Deutschland when it appeared at bus stops, etc. I still laugh out loud when I see it.

Last edited 5 months ago by MustangCryppie

“I still laugh out loud when I see it.”

And now I will, too. Thanks.


Go Home


That’s exactly right. Once you let them in, they’re “residents” and have the right to be there. Then when they trash the house, smoke pot in the living room, eat all your food, park their hoopties on the lawn, “borrow” things that subsequently end up in pawn shops or for sale on ebay and you object, there’s nothing you can do because they live there.

In six months or so we’re going to start hearing sob stories about the homeowners who had to move out and abandon their homes to the “newcomers” because living with them was intolerable but they were unable to evict them. It’s going to last for years.

On the plus side, it’s virtually guaranteed that the idiots who fall for this scam and are victimized are the very soft-headed liberals who voted for open borders and sanctuary policies in the first place, so I won’t lose any sleep over it.


And a new, related wrinkle: I just read the proposal. The $500 a month is only for a year. So after the year is up the government stops paying you for the people living in your house, but they’re “residents” so getting them out requires you to start civil eviction proceedings which can take a year or more to wend its way through the court system and cost tens of thousands in legal fees.

So even if the “newcomers” are ideal houseguests, it’s very likely you will end up having to spend more to get them out than you received in “rent assistance” in the first place.

Forest Bondurant

After a year, Michigan courts will probably reclassify
“newcomers” as a protected class and consider them “disenfranchised victims” because of “capitalist white xenophobe racist policies” and dismiss civil eviction proceedings (because they’ll most certainly will have dropped or dismissed any criminal charges committed by them against the homeowner or the community up to that point.)

Homeowners will have no recourse because redistribution of property and erosion of rights is the desired end state of these lunatics.

Forest Bondurant



They suspended evictions for the Covid “crisis”, so they will probably do so again for the migrant crisis after another year or so of this unchecked Drang Nach Norden.


I can see it now. Let’s say you accept the 500 a month from the grubermint, now little Jimmy can get those braces. But wait, does that also mean you just entered into a contract with the state to provide housing? Will your house meet the acceptable state minimums for habitability? Handicap accessibility? Bedroom/bathroom requirements for all living there? How would you evict if your new friends started tearing up what you are providing? What if you sold your house and moved. Are you required to take them with or ensure they have a place to live? Or, do they go with the house when you sell.

So many questions, only 1000 word limit.

Hack Stone

Inquiring minds want to know.


What a deal. Where do I sign up?


Awaiting the news reports of illegals changing locks on doors once owners leave.


You would have to take them everywhere to prevent that. Vacation (may require a bigger vehicle), boating( may require a bigger boat), errands, golfing, fishing, hunting. Don’t let them do yard work lest you be labeled as one who hires illegals and pays them nothing in return.


Boating you say? Be a damn shame if said “newcomer” were to fall overboard.

“Man overboard!”

“Quick, throw him an anvil!”

Hack Stone

What if the nautical challenged does not self identify as a male? You’ll be hauled in front of a judge for the crime of misgendering. By the time you get done shouting “Nonbinary Gender Fluid Individual who goes by the personal pronouns of xi/zer overboard!”, the confused individual will be in the belly of a Great White Shark, who is obviously racist, since anything white is racist.


Sounds like a self-correcting problem to me. The only person who could complain would be fish food. 🤣


If they sink smelling like cologne, do the fish leave them alone 😏


Damn, I remember that old saying!🤣


Not. Fucking. Happening.


I’ll just stick this right here…as a reminder…

comment image?w=515&ssl=1


$500 a month is an insult.
$5000 a month is tempting if I don’t live there and they keep the
place clean, mow the lawn and vote for Trump.
$50,000 a month and I don’t care who lives there or why.


Let me do the math: in 2018 $500 bought a lot more stuff. I decided to forego a voluntary third year on the Trail for $500/mo. (that’s $875 total counting SDAP) for the sake of my sanity. At the time it was just me and my dog in a little loft apartment in GA. In 2024, $500 is supposed to entice me to risk my family and home to house criminal invaders? I’m on track to fully own my home in under 10 years, have my wife and three teenaged daughters with me now, and to boot have another dog and two cats.

Don’t get me wrong, I can always use some help around the house, and I like to cook large meals, but inviting strangers that will be difficult to communicate with into my home is not happening. Besides, with the current state of things, how does this affect the rights of the homeowner? As other commenters have mentioned, will certain guidelines be established requiring that homes be opened for inspections or more intense violations of privacy? As a gun owner, will be I held accountable if my safe is broken into and a gun used in a crime? Do I come home from work one day to find the wife and kids in the driveway after they went shopping and came home to find the locks changed and our “guests” claiming the house as their own?

$500…laughable. $5k will rent my shed, and I’ll even put power and a camp toilet in it.


Virtue signalling is worth more than your family’s safety, comrade– or are you a no-good, migrant-phobic “racist” who can’t afford to live in Martha’s Vineyard like your progressive betters?

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous

A free $500.00 a month???

They don’t eat much, do they?

Sure, open your home to a possible threat!! What could go wrong?


Not here. I didn’t allow it, didn’t want it, don’t agree with it. Ain’t paying any more than the slimy politicians allow my tax money to pay for!


Didn’t ask for it, don’t want it, won’t pay any more than some slimy politicians will allow my tax dollars to go for! Come out to my front yard out in the middle of no-where! It ain’t the US border. A lot different outcome!

I’ll leave you alone,,,leave me alone!!!!!!


Please, PLEASE do a followup on this…i’d love to see how many people actually take ‘advantage’ of this shit.

Hack Stone

The shit won’t be getting real interesting until the one year government stipend expires and the homeowner tries to encourage them to move on. Anyone who thinks that this is a good idea should watch Pacific Heights first.


I’m certain everyone has been reading about the squatters stealing homes.
If you invite an illegal in, you will have to evict them in court.
Which is a long and costly process.
You are also forced to pay for the utilities of the people you are evicting.

And we have all heard of the newcomers who have murdered their host family.

Although if they will work for free, it would be nice to have an unpaid slave


All good until they start pissing in your kitchen sink and the family dog gets pregnant.


Are the Koreans coming too?


Hopefully the ones of the “Rooftop” variety.

Green Thumb

What could go wrong?

Hack Stone

How much time and bandwidth do you have? 🥴


Wonder if this “problem” is in the Upper, or just the Lower half of Michigan?


Mostly on the southeast side of the Lower Peninsula, you know, Detroit and it’s ‘burbs, Ann Arbor, Pontiac, Flint, Saginaw. Mostly Wayne, Oakland and Washtenaw counties.


Speaking of migrating…folks are leaving the counties that (((voted))) for sniffy, creepy, gropey, joey…


jeff LPH 3 63-66

The problem of people invading our country and wandering around is to have everyone that voted in open borders put these peeps up in their homes


Leonel Moreno, the TikTok migrant parasite who urged squatting appears to be on the run from ICE.
‘Migrant influencer’ urging illegals to squat in US homes on run from authorities: report | Fox News

A Proud Infidel®™

Hopefully he gets his ass straightened out during shower time in some facility, knowhutimean?


How’re those voting machines working out for ya’, Michiganders? 4 million buys a lot of unpostmarked ballots, jus’sayin’.

Can this resident of Connect-it-can’t have $500 of building permits waved so I can build a War Veteran and his awesome wife a house?

Five-Hundred United States Currency Certificates would buy me some much need lumber, and I ain’t asking for a monthly neither.

What if I identify as a ‘newcomer’ who doesn’t understand inglush too good, can I poop on the front lawn of the town hall and suggest they be raysis if they don’t like the ‘cultural enrichment’?

Maybe I should direct these questions and so many more to Amy Hovey who had the audacity to “claim[] the program would help migrants “build a new life here.”

Wait? We can build here?

X to doubt.

Old tanker

How many is the governor housing in their mansion???

A Proud Infidel®™

$500 a month? who does one send a bill to when they trash the place?