Cars are being stolen because manufacturers make vehicles easy to steal

| March 26, 2024

Keith Ellison, Minnesota’s attorney general, shifted part of the blame for auto thefts on the auto manufacturers. He complained that the way that manufacturers make their vehicles contributes to vehicle theft temptation. Ellison said that vehicles should not be tempting and easy to steal, and that addressing crime should be comprehensive rather than just putting people in jail. He also warned that “some of the right-wing” methods for dealing with crime are “wrong” and would return us to the “bad old days.”

From Fox News:

“We need to continue to be aggressive about protecting people,” Ellison said, but added that “some of the right-wing prescriptions for how to deal with crime are wrong and are going to bring us back to the bad old days.”

The far-left attorney argued that addressing crime isn’t just about punishing criminals but also about deterring them. For instance, it is the responsibility of auto manufacturers to make sure their cars are not “tempting” thieves, he said.

“But we have to go upstream, and we got to make sure that the automobiles are not so easy to steal that they are a tempting, attractive nuisance for young people. Right now we are investigating two major automakers because their cars are dramatically too easy to steal for young people,” he claimed.

Ellison continued to take the blame off of criminals, suggesting law enforcement needed to go after others on the “chain of criminality.”

“We have to go upstream on crime and not just say we are going to only deal with the criminals, the people on the street. There are a lot of people involved in the chain of criminality, starting sometimes for people who are members of the country club, resulting in tragic circumstances for victims on the street,” he continued.

He told Sharpton that dealing with crime should be “comprehensive” and less about “throwing people in jail.”

Fox News provides additional information here.

Category: DEI, Democrats, Get woke, Government Incompetence, Society

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“Minnesota’s attorney general, shifted part of the blame”

Key word here is “shifted”. As in stick shift. Drive a stick shift
and you can leave the keys in it.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I was at my dealership last Saturday morning and I mentioned that to a couple of the employees that four on the floor sticks should come back again. I used to drive a three axle job with either 15 or 21 gears with the road ranger axle splitter. Where’s Hondo when you need him??


I don’t know which state has the most ridiculous politicians: Minnesota, or California? This guy is so damn dumb that he blames the cars companies because the cars they make are too nice and easy targets but nothing about future voters errr Dem voters that steal.
Have you seen the Cali State Rep that blames Toyota because catalytic converters are under the car and too easy? She thinks the glove box is where a part of the exhaust system should be located to stop the thieves.
These politicians are nuts, but so are the people that vote for them. I mean who sees this idiot DA as competent? He’s a criminal’s best friend. You get what you vote for.


From 2018 to 2022, it seems Ellison is losing his control.

Remember this is the same asshat that ran up charges on Chauvin and fought the change of venue.

Justice to him is reactionary and state-sponsored thuggery.


Whose fault is it if someone punches him in the face? He makes it so tempting.


Washington has the most ridiculous politician… Gov Jay Inslee (D) just signed legislation called “Strippers’ Bill of Rights”.

“The new law requires training for employees in establishments to prevent sexual harassment, identify and report human trafficking, de-escalate conflict and provide first aid. It also mandates security workers on site, keypad codes on dressing rooms and panic buttons in places where entertainers may be alone with customers.
Most dancers in the state are independent contractors who are paid by customers and then must pay club fees every shift, Zack-Wu said. The new law limits the fees owners can charge, capping them at $150 or 30% of the amount dancers make during their shift — whichever is less. It also prohibits late fees and other charges related to unpaid balances.”

This is the same politician that raised gas prices to auction off carbon credits and was shocked that the higher cost was passed on to the consumer. A gallon of regular is just under $5.00.


Maybe people should drive Yugos, Pintos, Vegas, or smart cars. Make them all manual transmissions.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Pintos were like driving a large can of gasoline when rear ended


Here ya go… I hope


jeff LPH 3 63-66,
From the movie Top Secret…..
Among other puns, jokes, and spoofs…
Top Secret mocked the Ford Pinto.


Last time I saw a Yugo it was in ’98 at the U.S. Chi-Chi’s parking lot in Hanau– a young troop just bought it and had The Club on the thing.

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

My club in my tuna can Hyandi stayed in the car when I got rid of it and bought the 2010 RAV4.

Hack Stone

That’s so he could pick it up and carry the car when it would break down.

Back in the late 1980’s when Hack Stone was sent into exile on Recruiting Duty in the rural Midwest, the SNCOIC of the Recruiting Office drove a Yugo. Biggest prick who ever wore a Marine Corps, and was uniformly despised by Recruiters, school personnel, parents and kids. He was such a lying conniving weasel piece of shit that he was more than qualified to work as an assistant to Phil Monkress. And then he left his wife and kids, and found out that a Yugo is not a chick magnet. So he went out and financed some Toyota SUV that he could not afford. How does Hack Stone know that he could not afford it? Because he asked Hack Stone to lend him money to make his car note. Hack Stone declined. This past December, Hack was able to find out what happened to GySgt Peckerhead. It seems that In Minnesota, when you violate a restraining order, they lock you up.


I wish I still had my Lada Cossack
One of my favorite vehicles I have ever owned. It beat the pants off my Jeep CJ and Series III Landrover when off road.


Bad old days = shops with products on display and cars not broken into and not being afraid to walk down your street.


Remember Seth Rogan’s brilliant comment when his own car got broken into and shit was stolen? Something along the lines of “hey I helped someone out! They needed what I have, so it’s like paying it forward.”

Between “shifting” blame (a keyword in that article) and arguing that the days of law and order were flawed I’d say leftists really do suffer from a mental disorder. (Captain Obvious, over here…)

Cars were never really impossible or difficult to steal anyway — people just didn’t do it because there were penalties. Yanno, “do the crime, do the time?” No one gives two shits anymore because criminals have more rights than victims.

Last edited 5 months ago by Deckie

Even without that particular episode, Seth Rogan is an epic moron


Yeah that was my first thought.

Are the “bad old days” in reference to horse thieves being hung and murderers quickly convicted and executed? If so, then yes please.


I’ve been a follower of this page for well over a decade. It’s been several years since I was a regular commenter, but I lurk regularly. Anyway, I thought I would chime in here since I currently work as a Master Certified Hyundai technician and I deal with these theft cars regularly.

Bottom line up front, it is true that these cars are incredibly easy to steal. If you saw how cheap and flimsy the ignition lock cylinder and housing are, how easy is the break the lock cylinder out, and the fact that the cars don’t have an immobilizer, you would probably agree that the manufacturer really screwed the pooch with such a cheap and easily exploitable design.

Anyway, that being said, the justice system is too lenient on the kids that are stealing these cars just for the thrill of it.


Bottom line up front, it is true that these cars are incredibly easy to steal. If you saw how cheap and flimsy the ignition lock cylinder and housing are, how easy is the break the lock cylinder out, and the fact that the cars don’t have an immobilizer, you would probably agree that the manufacturer really screwed the pooch with such a cheap and easily exploitable design.

Hard cope looks, sounds, and tastes like hard cope.

[T]he justice system is too lenient on [criminals]

fify. You could have just said this and been fine.


When I was a kid me another kid climbed into a giant dump
truck in a quarry and started it up. No key switch, just a panel
with a lot of rubber covered switches, both toggle and rotary.
Never got to drive it though. One of the workers caught us and
escourted us out the gate. We had snuck in thru the woods
next to the golf course.
Fun times.


Kind of like an old farmers pickup. There was a a trick to not only starting them, but to drive and stop them.

The young farmers today just but 90k pickups, claim they are farm vehicles and write them off on their taxes as they depreciate.


Saw one of those yesterday, Odie. Chevy 2500 crew cab diesel, dualies on the rear, deluxe everything. Don’t think it had ever been dirty. With a farm plate on the rear. i think those farm plates go for about $60.00/year.


It’s still not the car’s fault somebody stole it.


Completely agree. The blame lies with the criminals who are breaking into cars and stealing them. Also the lackluster criminal justice system which is to lenient on crime.

As a consumer, do you not have the expectation that your car can be reasonably secured? Do you expect your next car purchase to have door locks? Or would it be acceptable for your car to have no door locks and no reasonable theft protections?


Even if I leave my car in my driveway, unlocked, keys in it, it’s still the fault of THE THIEF. Any car can be stolen, any lock can be picked, cut, or bypassed. Locks only keep honest people honest and slow down a thief. I drive a softtop Jeep, doorlocks are kind of a moot point. The best deterrent to crime is punishment.


I agree with you.


Not to mention the immobilizer proximity sensor can fail and be a PITA to replace, usually requiring dealership intervention as the keys need to be reprogrammed into the system.

Also, replacement keys…
I like my simple ignition(s): I go to the store. I cut a key. I pay $5.

Don’t care if this makes me “sound like boomer”; crank windows, manual locks, levers and knobs for heat, A/C, vent selection, non-auto lights, etc are preferred.

Don’t even get me started on touchscreens BS


I have a 2009 Wrangler and a 1955 CJ-3B. Nobody’s gonna steal the 3B, because (a) turning the key doesn’t start it and (b) the Borg-Warner T-90 is a cast iron bitch to shift even if you know what you’re doing. And the average thief is gonna put it in reverse thinking it’s in first.


Maybe it’s time to revisit some of those wacky post- ’94 ‘ theft deterant ‘ systems
from Sith Ifrika


I liked the under-car flamethrower, me.


I like this option.


They have to cut costs somewhere to be able to afford offering the 10/100k warrenty.


They usually do that by cutting the warranty labor times, then sending out consultants to dealers to figure out why dealers can’t retain technicians.


Bottom line up front, it is true that these rolex watches are incredibly easy to steal. If you saw how cheap and flimsy the glass display cases are, how easy it is the break the glass out, and the fact that the watches don’t have an immobilizer, you would probably agree that the manufacturer really screwed the pooch with such a cheap and easily exploitable design.

Shall I go on?


I think you’re taking this to an illogical extreme. Consumers have the expectation that the car they buy is reasonably secured. If that expectation wasn’t there, then cars wouldn’t have door locks or a keyed ignition switch at all.


No car will ever be “reasonably secured” as long as they have glass windows.


I feel like you’re not truly appreciating just how bad the design is. I also think people are misinterpreting my point because they like to argue.

Multiple things can be true at the same time. These dumb kids shouldn’t be breaking into cars and stealing them. The justice system is also doing a terrible job of deterring thieves by being soft on crime. And the auto manufacturer cheaped out and made a bad ignition switch design which is far easier to exploit than other cars. All of these things are true at the same time.


I appreciate the bad design. I expect sales to drop as customers get tired of their cars getting stolen. I also don’t want more federal regulations requiring a particular level or type of ignition security. If people are aware of the crap ignition and buy it anyway, Insh’Allah, dumbass. You were warned.



Not only do ‘technological innovations’ add expense to a vehicle, if you finance they add even more, at the end of its service life one bad unnecessary part can junk a vehicle.

From an energy stand point, nothing is more expensive in the life of an automobile than production, even when you factor in any gain in fuel economy with a newer vehicle.

The rust bucket is the new Tesla®!

(fight me, haters)

Last edited 5 months ago by Roh-Dog

I see Canada taking the lead on this issue… and demanding that all automobiles sold in Canada have only a push button start, and no door locking mechanism. This way people are kept safe from being hurt when criminals wish to take their vehicle.


And of course no other vehicle is easy to steal. No manufacturer makes their vehicle that hard to steal unless they can do it on the cheap… And even then, no matter how good their or any aftermarket system maay be, the first clown with a tow truck and pair of cable cutters comes by, your car is “Gone in 60 seconds.” No house is that hard to break into. What keeps people civilized and honest? Retribution, in the form of disproportionate payback. Steal a horse? Hang. Worked very well…for far more centuries than Ellison’s will do ( and fail.)

AT1 ret

humm not to lead them into temptation..I think I read that somewhere but they don’t want to talk about it either


Bait car


The dog sleeping in the back seat was awesome.

AT1 ret

I loved SD. the 1st 911 vid was the best.

BlueCord Dad

Trunk Monkey rules…


[Ellison] also warned that “some of the right-wing” methods for dealing with crime are “wrong” and would return us to the “bad old days.”

The jester doth clown himself methinks.
Fucking commie *lack liberation theory marxist fuck who operates like Jeffery had info on him, MFer.

Just to put a bow on this ‘logic’:
Car companies make ‘easy’ to steal car = bad.
States make houses easy to steal (squat in) = good.

Fucking noted, bud. Noted so hard.


Make Judge Roy Bean Great Again…on both sides of the Pecos!

Anna Puma

Chain of criminality?

How about we start with you Kieth?

Old tanker

if that moron with a law degree ever got out of the office and actually, you know, dealt with criminals he would sing a different tune. Same if his own car were stolen a couple times. I am amazed at the level of stupid some people display and still manage to breathe and walk unassisted.


It’s all about the demographic.. if it was primarily white kids stealing the cars, he’d be singing a different tune

Eric (The former OC Tanker)

I would have to ask him: “who ties tour shoes?”


Illinois is looking for state troopers and they are offering 90k per year after successful completion of their training. There are other options from what I read that exempts their training if I read it correctly.

Forest Bondurant

Ellison is the same type of state or local-level attorney that Fairfax County Virginia and DC have. In Fairfax County recently, a guy named Kevin Lopez-Altan was arrested and charged with 12 counts – including rape, attempted rape, abduction, and strangulation. The police described some of the offenses as “heinous”, “monstrous”, and “inhumane”. 

Court documents reveal that since 2020, Fairfax Commonwealth Attorney Steve Descano dropped charges on a dozen felonies and other serious misdemeanors (including assault and battery, grand larceny, assault on a law enforcement officer, and attempting to disarm a law enforcement officer of a stun gun). 

The sexual assault offenses likely would not have occurred had Descano not dropped any of the prior charges.

In January, DC’s Attorney General Brian Schalb said that the city’s rampant crime problem couldn’t be dealt with through law and order, claiming “We cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of it.” 

Cocksuckers. All of them.


Punishment is, has always been, and will always be the greatest deterrent to theft. Would this asshat blame a woman for getting raped because she presented a “ tempting, attractive nuisance”? Douchebag.


If she was white, yes he would…

Hack Stone

Hack just posted a similar comment. You best not steal Hack’s job as Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business.


Your job is safe Hack, I’ve been told I’m far too much of an asshole for media relations

Hack Stone

That never stopped me.


thebesig is SPOT ON on this…👌👌👏👏👍👍🫡

The other irony is that Ellison shared his thoughts with Good Ole Al Sharpton….

How many of us remember THIS story from the late 1980s…😉😎

“Al Sharpton Stands by His Handling of Tawana Brawley Rape Hoax”

Hack Stone

So, if a woman is sexually assaulted it’s because she made herself too tempting for the horn dogs? That one probably won’t fly.

Forest Bondurant

Using Ellison’s logic, it’s the driver’s fault his/her car was taken by force during a car-jacking.

It’s astonishing how moronic and out of touch people like Ellison are.

pookysgirl, WC wife

It does for Ellison’s religion.

Forest Bondurant

As a youngster, I was taught to respect other people’s property and not steal shit.

I also learned that if I break the law, there are consequences.

Ellison is an idiot. You can’t deter people from breaking the law then they don’t have any values.

Since he objects to the criminal justice system serving as a deterrent, I guess the next step is to revive the use of halon, and car manufacturers can design cars that lock the thief inside, then deploy the gas until efforts of stealing the car have stopped. (That may be difficult to do over concerns of ozone depletion and such…)

Alternatively, since EV’s seem the way to go, electrocution is another option.

OnStar can have a feature to inform the thief what is about to happen to them, then alert the authorities to retrieve the body so the owner doesn’t have to.

If there ever was a deterrent, the risk of losing one’s life is a possibility.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Wasn’t something similar the opening scene for “Robo Cop”?

Army-Air Force Guy

Omni Consumer Products are the best!


comment image

Last edited 5 months ago by Anonymous
Forest Bondurant

Yes. Thank you. SFC D beat me to it.

Dennis - not chevy

The car rolled several times and was lying on its side 100 yards off the road. The sheriff’s deputies and fire fighters had to search the area as no one was in the car nor near it.

The next day my wife told me about her very upset co-worker. Was it her car that was found out in the field? Oh, heavens no. The co-worker was angry because the police were looking for her son. The co-worker said her son hadn’t done anything wrong; he and his friends just took someone’s car for a joy ride. The co-worker said she couldn’t see what the big deal was, how dare the cops not let her son have some fun? Isn’t having fun what childhood’s about?


In the halcyon days of the mid-90s, ‘someone I know well‘ spent a little time in Juvey.

About a third of all idiots where there for ‘joy riding’. Many were in there because it was the second offense (first being kind’f a ‘free pass’ if they were just a passenger).

Now I am no fan of incarceration for incarceration’s sake, but if the state can keep them off the streets and impress upon the youth actions lead to consequences, well…

This revolving door bullshit ain’t working but at the same time I don’t want more union workers [struggle snuggling] the state coffer.


I did learn, by way of instruction, how to steal a car by a process called ‘necking’ where the steering column was broken with a tool (usually a screwdriver), the lock tumbler removed, and the ignition switch turned with the tool.

Had to use this once, my buddy lost the keys to his beater and wanted to operate it. The military is a strange place; a white kid from the ‘burbs taught a South Central LA chicano how to boost a car…


That steering column was first used by Generous Motors. Then Chrysler Corp bought into that system because it was cheaper than the column they were using. Then GM got away from that particular piece of hardware, and Chrysler sold themselves to a company with a little common sense.
Then, apparently, Kia, Hyundai and a few others picked up the design of that wonderfully simple steering column.
Seemed back in the day when I was chasing stolen cars on night shift I learned from one of the first kids I arrested in a stolen car that every kid that went through Juvie Detention learned how to “pop the column”.
There was one tell on the old columns, when you popped the column and started the car, about 97 times out of 100, the bright lights came on and couldn’t be dimmed.


Juvie was like Community College. I was a naive kid from the suburbs, but after having my cherished Desert Eagle BB gun in my hand one day and scaring a friend’s little brother, I had a Richmond detective calling the house every week or so for a few months. By that time, I’d dropped out of school but was working full-time making the exorbitant amount of $5/hr. With a planned trip to VA Beach the next day, I finally went with my mom to the police station, where I was informed that I was being charged with Brandishing a Firearm and that the policy of the J&DR Court was to detain anyone charged with a gun-related crime overnight. The detectives even hinted to me on the way out of the building that I wasn’t under arrest, and if I fled they couldn’t pursue me. Nah, scrawny me became the Token White Boy of the overcrowded Mecklenburg facility: Abandoned D.C.: Richmond Juvenile Detention Center | DCist

I learnt–and learnt well. First, I don’t like being restricted. Second, if you’re a genuine person who respects others, you won’t necessarily have a hard time. If anything, I was almost a mascot for that overcrowded place. A brief stint a couple of years later in the county hoosegow taught me to not only know the law but to not trust that someone wearing a uniform or robes has your best interests at heart, or even knows the law.

The outer circles of some of my high school era friends weren’t joy riders, but they did always seem to have the latest cassette or even CD players. I was smart enough to just go to the mid-’90s punk shows and hang out with the graffiti artists instead of engaging with the more criminalistic elements.


She’s absolutely correct, he didn’t do it.

The gun did.



Used to be a huge country bar in Tucson (An Acre of Dancin’ and Romancin’) that was co-located with a rap/hiphop club. Parking lot shootings by the patrons of one club caused them both to get shut down.


Cactus Poon?


No, but I was a regular there too in the 90’s! Wild Wild West. The Gotham was next door.


We had a similar situation, a downtown bar that had a yuppie clientele, until one of the newly hired day bartenders was there the day the guy came in to update the juke box. The new guy happened to be not like the clientele or staff, yo! After the third or fourth call on fights and disturbances in the bar, at night, the owner showed up and asked what he could legally do to get rid of the troublemakers. I told him to arrange a time for the service guy to show up and meet him there, and start loading country music in the machine.
Within 3 weeks, there were no more fight or disturbance calls at the bar. And lots of really good looking young ladies in the bar.


Just wait til the mom of the dindunuffin gets her car jacked. Toss that back at her without looking up from her work.

I think I would keep something reflective to both see if she coming over to whoop some sss or see if her head explodes.


Eradicate personal responsibility, achieve Utopia!

Leftists gonna leftist. F*cktards.


My 1929 Model A Tudor would not be a easy one to steal as how many of todays youth would have any idea which of the two levers on the steering column has to be in what position to start the beast. And then the joy of finding the starter button (its on the floor), Then the thief can attempt to shift the non synchromesh transmission what a fun afternoon.

BlueCord Dad

That is a beautiful car my friend😍


Thank you it was a labor of love restoring the grand old lady!


Learning to shift without a clutch was a fun part of growing up.
The syncro was all in your throttle foot.


I have read that a s10 5 speed mounted behind a flat head v8 keeps that motor in its sweet spot through the gears and is very relaxed cruiser at hiway speeds.

Of course, I think I would prefer the wider tires of a 1934 and later vehicle.

But you do have a beautiful ride there, that’s for sure.


Thanks Odie, the 29 is all stock. 4 cylinders a popping, 3 gears a grinding, and a hissing radiator to boot.


Very interesting 2006 article on Keith Ellison.

Can We Say “Projection”? The Irony…😉

“The Excuses Keep On Coming For Ellison’s Behavior”.

“The Brigade cut its teeth on Ellison’s 40 or so unpaid parking tickets, and his nine moving violations since 2000. Its candidate hit the campaign trail in June with a suspended driver’s license, thanks to his failure to pay his fines. This was nothing new for Ellison, who seemed unfazed. “I don’t know how many prior suspensions I’ve had,” he told the Star Tribune. “I don’t keep count.”

“In dismissing Ellison’s irresponsibility, the Excuse Brigade didn’t even break a sweat. What’s a suspended driver’s license when you’re an attorney fighting for social justice? Sometimes your great work can’t wait (speeding ticket), and sometimes you’ve got to fight for the oppressed no matter how long it takes (expired meter).”

“Ellison’s defenders brushed off their candidate’s $25,000 in unpaid back taxes — incurred some years ago and later paid — in a similar spirit. Let’s face it: When you’re on a crusade to right big wrongs, you’ve got little time for the petty details of personal life — license suspensions or tax liens. Anyway, this stuff has nothing to do with running the people’s business, right?”

“Ellison’s lengthy history of campaign-finance disclosure violations posed a greater challenge. The state attorney general sued him twice over filings, and his record includes numerous warnings, a default judgment and a collection agency. When Ellison accepted the DFL nomination in May, he faced fines of over $2,500, including $1,500 for a “willful” violation that could have been charged as a criminal gross misdemeanor.”




“But it’s Ellison’s history of support for Louis Farrakhan — and the notoriously anti-white, anti-Semitic Nation of Islam — that has set the Excuse Brigade scrambling. Ellison says that his association with the Nation of Islam was limited to 18 months in the mid-1990s — a claim that the Brigade has repeated.”

“But facts are stubborn things.”

“Ellison’s support for Farrakhan dates from at least 1989, when he wrote an article defending “Minister Farrakhan” for the Minnesota Daily. In 1995, he was a Minnesota organizer for the Million Man March, which the Nation of Islam convened. In 1997, Ellison publicly supported the executive director of the Minneapolis Initiative Against Racism when she allegedly called Jews “among the most racist white people.” The Star Tribune described Ellison as a “representative” of the Nation of Islam in an article about the incident. In 1998, when Ellison made his first run for the Minnesota House of Representatives, the paper described him as “well-known in the black community as … a supporter of Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam.”




“So far, the Excuse Brigade has said little about the latest Ellison revelation. A few weeks ago, Nihad Awad, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington, appeared at an Ellison fundraiser, and he and at least one other CAIR employee have donated to Ellison’s campaign. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) described CAIR as an organization “which we know has ties to terrorism.”

“Mike Erlandson, an Ellison opponent in the primary election, criticized Ellison for appearing with Awad, whom Erlandson described as a supporter of the Palestinian group Hamas.”

“Why is the Excuse Brigade pouring so much energy into Ellison’s defense? Any other candidate with half this record would likely be persona non grata in any political party.”

“The truth is plain, if unpalatable. Many are willing to overlook Ellison’s record because they are breathless with excitement at the chance to send the first Muslim — and the first black Minnesotan — to Congress.”


“Police Won’t Investigate Ellison For Abuse; Cite Conflict”

“The Minneapolis Police Department said Wednesday that it won’t investigate domestic abuse allegations against Rep. Keith Ellison due to a conflict of interest.”

“State Democratic officials asked Minneapolis police to conduct an investigation after an attorney with links to the party found an ex-girlfriend’s claims unsubstantiated.”

“Minneapolis police said they won’t handle the matter due to a conflict, or the appearance of a conflict, and they are talking with other agencies to see where they can refer the case. The department didn’t elaborate on the conflict.”

“An ex-girlfriend of Ellison, Karen Monahan, alleged in August that the Democratic congressman dragged her off a bed by her feet while screaming obscenities at her in 2016.”

“Ellison, a deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee who is now running for Minnesota attorney general, has denied the allegation.”

“Minneapolis City Attorney Susan Segal already cited a conflict of interest, because Ellison’s son is on the City Council. She asked Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom to review the case. Backstrom said Tuesday that he would, but only if police investigated first.” .

“Ellison’s attorney, Carla Kjellberg, said in a statement Tuesday that law enforcement has no jurisdiction because Monahan never made a police report.”


Yep….You Nailed It, thebesig…


“Christine Blasey Ford Celebrated By Hollywood Liberals At Star-Studded Book Party: ‘We Stand With You'”

“Hollywood liberals rolled out the red carpet for Supreme Court Justice Brett Kanavaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford as part of her splashy media tour promoting her new book.”


Not could be, but would be.


Ike Turner will vote for him!


Again, you NAILED it…




Everything you pointed out is SPOT ON..

Keith Ellison…Not paying his parking fines, his taxes, his history of campaign-finance disclosure violations, domestic abuse…All projections on his part reference him blaming auto manufactuers instead of thieves…

Thank You for the input..


Check out what he said about the King George Floyd verdict…Oh, the Irony…


2nd time…


Ellison stated:

“I would not call today’s verdict justice, because justice implies restoration. But it is accountability, which is the first step to justice.”

“Accountability…is the first step to justice”


See also “left/libtard” begavior.


“Yo soy pendejo” it should say.



Forest Bondurant

Thought you might enjoy this:

Pew Research: more than half of insane leftist women are literally insane – American Thinker

The “research” also suggests liberal men are predisposed to having mental health issues – which is of no surprise either.


Coulda told them that and collected the “research money”.




Forest Bondurant:

Thank You…Another great read from the American Thinker (Rest In Peace, Poetrooper).

From the article that Forest posted:

“I know, I know, crazy right? Who would have ever guessed that the people who have self-destructive tendencies and most often embrace self-harm—tattoos, piercings, and cutting—had a lurking mental health issue?”

“Who would’ve thought that people celebrating human experiments of sexual and physiological mutilation, many of those on children, weren’t the most stable and healthy individuals?”

“Could anyone have possibly anticipated that the people who think this is appropriate for children, weren’t the sanest and most stable voters?”

“Liberal” women, or the demographic that hates men and want to “smash” the patriarchy… murders their own children because they believe the “reproductive freedom” lies… embraces atheism and doesn’t believe in objective morality… thinks wine, Netflix, and a vibrator is peak female achievement… aren’t exactly stellar examples of mental health—who would have ever predicted it?”


You guys may be hitting on the real issue.The last two vehicles I bought at the tail end of the 20th century (one of which I still own) were manual transmissions. In both cases, the manual was standard and putting an automatic an option in was $1000+ option. Maybe I’m cheap but why pay a grand extra and get poorer fuel economy.

I still have my Honda CRV AWD 5 speed and it only has 128K miles.

Remote start vehicles strike me as another problematic option.


Would a remote detonator be considered excessive as an anti-theft measure?


My opinion only- I’m not advocating for any harm-

BUT, if car thieves would begin to be found in the AM with 2 in torso and one in the dome, a coupled of things will happen- 1. Car won’t be stolen, 2. other cars won’t be stolen by this guy, 3. Other car thieves will be deterred, after it happens enough.

Our whole country is running upside down right now.



So Keith, we’re back to the “she was asking for it because of the way she was dressed” defense? 🤔

John Seabee

Keith Ellison… Poster child for the term “PHUCTARD’

Prior Service

It’s all about discipline. If you can’t manage self-discipline, then society needs to impose it on you and you can’t be a well-adjusted functional member thereof. I walk past stuff I could steal every day—and yet, I don’t. Guess I don’t have that gimme mindset.



“Will Buying An EV Protect You From Car Theft?”

“Studies show car thefts are on the rise in North America, but the criminals don’t seem very interested in electric vehicles.”

“…electric vehicles seem much less likely to be stolen by thieves than comparable internal combustion engined cars. Here’s why that’s probably the case.”

“To understand why electrics may not be attractive to thieves, it’s worth understanding what a thief’s goal is. In the past, it was enough to just get away with the stolen vehicle for its scrap value, taking it to a shop to cut it up and sell the parts, etc. Nowadays, however, it’s more likely the thieves, if organized enough, are attempting to ship and sell the vehicle as a used car in a different market—overseas.”

“With that in mind, thieves likely have to worry about the market they’re attempting to sell a stolen EV in; if its a different continent, and they’re shipping to South America, the Middle East, or Africa or somewhere, it’s likely the local market doesn’t have the infrastructure or general support for electric cars. In other words, if the market you’re selling to doesn’t want the product, why steal it for them?”

“Additionally, electric vehicles, when parked publicly, are commonly also plugged in to a charger kiosk. Simply cutting the cable does not release the vehicle, and the vehicle’s system will detect the charging handle plugged in and keep it locked as long as the vehicle’s doors are locked. That’s a big headache for a thief.”

“And then there’s the inherent security of more technologically connected electric models, which makes them very easy to monitor and even track their location, sometimes in real-time.”


So, their used/scrap value is sh*t…


It’s not the thief’s fault…it’s your fault for having something they want to steal.

Dennis - not chevy

One stick may not be enough. I recommend something similar to what I had on my ’67 IH scout, that should keep the car thieves away. My wife, who could drive stick, couldn’t figure it out. I explained time and again: the transmission has three forward and one reverse gear; you use this stick for that. Keep it in 2wd high range; you use this stick for that. No, that stick is for the hand brake; if you need it for anything beside parking, hit something cheap. They’re probably still sweeping up bits of my transmission along the highway. Fortunately, I was able to sell it for what I paid for it.


Uncle Larry had one, north central PA vehicle so some of the body panels flopped around due to rust. Pretty much unstoppable – didn’t need a lift kit to bounce over them logs!


Please say/send prayers for their Families…

“6 Presumed Dead In Baltimore Bridge Collapse, Says Employer”

“Six people are presumed dead by their employer after the Francis Key Bridge collapsed Tuesday. Governor Wes Moore in a 3:30 p.m. press conference said, “this is still an active search and rescue.”

“Brawner Builders Executive Vice President Jeffrey Pritzker told the Associated Press the crew was working in the middle of the bridge’s span when a cargo ship hit it early Tuesday and crumbled the bridge. He says the bodies of the workers have not yet been recovered but they are presumed to have died given the water’s depth and the amount of time that has passed since the collapse.”

“Baltimore Fire Chief James Wallace said two people had been rescued following the collapse. One was hospitalized and one was not. At least six others are still believed to be in the water. All eight were a part of a construction crew that was filling potholes.”


Not to threadjack but while we’re asking The Boss for His protection:

2 pilots hospitalized after Army helicopter crashes during training exercise in Washington state



Thank You.


“Boxship That Struck Bridge In Baltimore Previously Reported Collision In Antwerp”

“The massive container ship that smashed into a high-traffic bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, this morning had previously collided with infrastructure while docking, according to reports.”

“Container ship DALI collided with the Francis Scott Key Bridge early Tuesday morning, collapsing a portion of the bridge and resulting in what authorities suspect is a mass casualty event.”

“According to previous reports, this is not the first time DALI has struck city infrastructure while transporting goods — a similar but far less serious incident was reported in 2016, according to contemporaneous reports.”

“DALI collided with a stone wall at a dock in Antwerp, Belgium, in the afternoon of July 11, 2016, according to a Maritime News report.”

“The container ship suffered damage and was docked for repairs, but no one was injured in the collision, according to The New York Times.”

“The vessel that struck the bridge was a Singapore-flagged cargo ship. The large vessel then caught fire before becoming disabled.”


That’s just sad news. Unfortunately, people have been trying to politicize it, despite it seeming obvious that it was a pure accident. Condolences to the families of the deceased.


I call this hogwash and a bunch of bull hockey. I’ve got a Matco Master Lock Pick Set I bought from the tool truck in ’98 or so. At the time it could open nearly any automotive door/trunk lock, and also turn the ignition, but even way back then manufacturers had chips in the keys. At the Caddy dealership, if we were cutting ignition keys, we had a special coding machine to ensure the chip matched the VIN to start the vehicle. Oh, and since I sucked at picking locks, I also bought the Grand Master Lockout Set, with everything from the standard Slim Jim to the Porsche Jim. I helped out a few motorists in need back when I kept that in my car. My ’06 GMC astonished me, though, when the ignition cylinder got gunked up and I replaced it, fully expecting to need to reprogram it. Nope, with a small screwdriver and five minutes, you can swap the ignition cylinder on a GMT-800 (’99-’07 Classic) Chevy or GMC and drive off. My ’73 BMW 3.0 had a funky key with divots in it, while the ’89 Mercedes 560 SEC also had locks that were difficult to pick. My ’60 Willys DJ3 and ’78 F-250 were easy to jump start, though, as was the ’78 K5 Blazer. Today, physical keys are increasingly rare–even the beater ’09 Dodge Journey I drive uses an electronic key–but I doubt manufacturers have intentionally made their vehicles easier to steal. If anything, technology has gotten too good…where 30 years ago a key with a chip was sufficient, now keyless systems are likely compromised by barely competent hackers with a phone app. Like many here, I think the key–no pun intended–to anti-theft is simply buying a manual transmission. That Willys was even more theft-proof, being a three on the tree. To this day I regret getting whipped by a BMW (I think, it was some foreign car or another), when I couldn’t get it in reverse. I worked as overnight security at the Berkeley Hotel in Richmond and tripled as bellhop and valet after… Read more »


After reading some other comments, yeah, maybe some cars are easier to steal than others. Key word is steal. Prosecute the thieves and make it to where the joyride or financial gain is not worth the sentence served. I watched an Oakland-area news report on the 1000s of stolen vehicles being dumped around that city. Find the thieves, lock them up, and toss the keys to the jail cell.

Pointing the finger at manufacturers or owners is just shifting blame from the criminals taking other peoples’ rightful property. I’ve spent many hours reflecting on my personal experiences with thieves and burglars and would be more than happy to ensure that the full force of the law is applied in the future. Now, I’m no Internet Tough Guy, nor do I want to do any more jail time (much less prison time), so of course I’d try to avoid confrontation and call my local LEOs who know me decently enough due to my job. Ammo costs a lot, and I’d rather take a nap when the cops leave with the assailant.

You have to be careful when someone approaches your car aggressively, because they’re not always looking to carjack or rob you. As a teenager in the ’90s, I had a couple of instances where some fine young gentleman would walk to my vehicle offering mushrooms or PCP, while one or two other times I had the upstart business entrepreneurs trying to clean my windshield.


Pointing the finger at manufacturers or owners is just shifting blame from the criminals taking other peoples’ rightful property. 

You’ll get no argument from me. Someone here is failing to realize this very fact. (hate to snipe them but I need the vent!)

5 out of the 7 vehicles I’ve owned have been simple keyed, zero stolen (knock on wood).
Do I consider security features when purchasing a vehicle?
Would I?
Maybe… Should I?
I don’t live around dirt bags, drive older vehicles, lock my doors, know my neighbors, the lot has cameras and I’m 1,500 feet from the police station. Don’t really care to worry about ‘security’.

Kia, Hyundai, whoever, did nothing wrong.


I had a ’74 FJ-40 Land Cruiser about a hunnert years ago, had an awesome anti-theft device. 125lbs of yellow-eyed wolf/husky hybrid. If you broke into my house, she’d lick your hand and probably show you where all the good stuff was. But get too close to her truck without me… may God have mercy on your soul.

Not sure which one I miss the most, her or the Toyota.


It’s weird how countries like Saudi Arabia don’t have this problem with the same types of cars amongst their population.


Yes, puzzling.
comment image

USMCMSgt (Ret)

^^^Nice Mameluke hilt.


Most cars from 2014 and later are more difficult to steal if the driver is out of the car because they will not start until the fob is in the car. I misplaced the fob to one of my cars and it wasn’t going anywhere until I obtained a new fob and had it programmed.