Protesters at Kyle Rittenhouse event – no justice, no peace

| March 22, 2024

Turning Point USA (TPUSA) hosted an event at the University of Memphis that featured Kyle Rittenhouse. School administrators threw a wrench in TPUSA’s event, including changing the seating and admissions requirements on the day of the event. Instead of TPUSA’s getting 50 seats, they only received 8 seats. At the same time, the administrators provided information to the protesters about the extra seats so that many protesters could attend and then stage a walkout.

From Fox News:

TPUSA’s college chapter at the university invited Rittenhouse to speak about the Second Amendment and self-defense, but the event spiraled into chaos when some students disrupted parts of Rittenhouse’s Q&A and chased attendees leaving the campus, video captured at the event shows.

According to TPUSA, the university took “unprecedented actions to undermine our event,” after previous ticket holders were alerted before the event that their seats were no longer reserved and that they would have to rebook.

“Seizing control of seating arrangements and the ticketing system – on the day of the event – has never happened in our many years of campus organizing,” TPUSA spokesperson Andrew Kolvet said in a statement. “This abrupt change will result in hundreds of disappointed students whose tickets will no longer grant them entrance into the venue.”

TPUSA said that “despite being promised control of 50 seats,” the organizers were restricted to only a single row of eight seats.

Kolvet said the organization “gathered credible information” that school administrators leaked the new ticketing information to protesters in order to fill up seats to stage a walk-out.

Fox News provides additional information here.

Category: Second Amendment, SJW Idiocy, Society

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Leftists gonna leftist.


Betcha more than one was packin.


Yeah, we already know their justice is mob justice. That is what got the ball rolling. Rule of law only works when it supports their ends.

A Proud Infidel®™

AND they only get bold once they outnumber their intended victim by at least 10 to 1, stay strapped.


We should be able to start shooting these cockroaches.
In the face.
With CS/tear/pepper ball guns.


Ozium air sanitizer.
“Cleans the Air You Breathe” , “Eliminates Odors”

Comes in an easily concealed spray.


Do they still make that? It came in handy for covering up odors in the barracks, before and after a run to the local dive Mexican restaurant, which BTW, had the best food anywhere.


Yes, they do. It’s more expensive than other brands
but it works like a charm on my dogs gaseous vapors.
Just don’t breathe the stuff as it is worse than CS.


I think in about 8~9 months, the other side is gonna start playing by the new rules. And the lefties aren’t gonna like it.
We can call it “It was the time of fuck around and find out”.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

What else is new with these A-Hole leftists


We need more of Kyle’s type of Justice.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yep. Too bad Kyle wasn’t allowed to pack.
Would have been fun seeing the chickens scatter.

He should’ve just walked up to the podium, smiled, and yelled BANG!


They would have needed an hour to cry in a ‘ safe space for BIPOCGBT’


Rule 5.56

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I think TPUSA needs to talk to FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression) and sue the college.
Maybe even stage a (riot) or two, kicking over stuff. Two can play the “bad boys and girls” game. Make the college think “whoa, maybe the people we’re f**kin’ with aren’t such pansies after all”.

AW1 Rod

Memphis is a fucking shithole. Carve it off, and give it to Arkansas.


Hell! I doubt Arkansas would want it!


I’ll just stick this right here…
comment image


Now be fair. He wasn’t just shooting at a crowd. He only shot the pukes trying to kill him.


The hilarious irony of all this was that these idiot protestors called Rittenhouse a racist. HUH? Last time I checked, the douchebags he shot were all WHITE.

Here is what was posted by some jerk when they doxxed the head of the TPUSA chapter: “Let him know how you feel about this decision to provoke black students by inviting a racist murderer on campus.”

You can’t fix stupid and these days I would say the vast majority of our country is terminally stupid.


If you don’t shoot me you ain’t black.


Moreover, one of Rittenhouse’s best friends is Black. But then everyone connected with the BLM commie gang is a compulsive liar and race agitator.


But…..he only plugged the lighter shades of Lefty shit.
How does this make him a racist?
If a black or brown man shot the exact same people in the exact same circumstances, they would still be a hero.
I guess the same people who support and avenge Fentanyl Floyd have no issue doing the same for a pedophile.


You sir, are correct.