Daily FGS

| March 11, 2024

RIA 5.0


Ohio man found with hammer at US Capitol, tased and arrested, police say
Christopher Snow, 33, allegedly became combative with officers when the hammer was spotted in his backpack

Louis Casiano
An Ohio man was tased and arrested Friday after allegedly trying to get into the U.S. Capitol building in Washington with a hammer, police said.

The suspect, identified as Christopher Snow, 33, was being screened by U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) at around 3:40 p.m. at the Capitol Visitor Center, where his backpack went through an X-ray machine, authorities said.

A USCP officer noticed a hammer inside the bag, police said.

“When the officer attempted secondary screening to look inside the bag, the suspect attempted to grab the bag and became combative,” a police statement said.

Several officers intervened to stop Snow and a struggle ensued, police said.

Officers then tased Snow and took him into custody.

The hammer was found in the bag, police said.

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Fox News

U.S Capitol Po-Po guarding the ramparts! The rest of DC is a free-fire zone. Thanks again to Gun Bunny and Old Tanker for the links on a slow news day.

Great ideology creates great times.
Kim Jong Il

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

That Rockwell Arms 5.0 looks interesting.
Made in Utah, you say?
I’d like to stop by the factory and buy one.
(Gotta find the factory location first)

Gun Stories did a segment on the 5.0 as well as a factory tour.


“The hammer was found in the bag, police said”

I’ll bet the guy was hammered to begin with or at least half in the bag.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

RIMSHOT for Beans, I’ll leave the puns on this post to you.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Was Mr Snow humming “If I Had A Hammer”?

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Ya beat me to it as I was thinking of adding in Peter Paul And Mary along with Trini Lopez. Anti war song from penned in 1949.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

I KNEW there was another song trying to get out;
“Bang Bang Maxwell’s Silver Hammer”


I wonder if he was looking for Mr Pelosi?


Wonder if he is now in the DC gulag, awaiting his trial sometime three years from now.


Probably getting his balls peened.


He should get released soon, I’m sure Paul will vouch for him that he is friends with Nancy and just returning some… marital aides


If I could afford to buy unique guns, I would start with the KRISS Vector (in .45 ACP), than probably the FK BRNO field Pistol (although now it appears to be called the PSD in multiple calibers (7.5 FK, 10mm, .40 S&W, and 9mm with barrel change). It would then be a toss up between this RIA 5.0 and the Laugo Arms Alien.

The only problem is being able to plunk down a few thousand for each gun and availability at this time.


Don’t run from and/or shoot at the popo. You’ll just end up tired…dead tired.

Figured everybody would like the story on the dood getting “hammered” by the Capitol popo. Maxwell sez…”That ain’t a hammer…THIS is a hammer!”

I don’t think that the average NK Citizen would think that Dear Leader’s ideology created any great times for them.

I guess if one has to have a sissy punk 9mm, it may as well be made of mostly metal.


Big fella made a pretty good run before he got dropped.


A big ol’ middle finger to all my 03XX and 11X Brothers out there:

Happiest (officially unofficial) Infantry Day!!
