National Museum of the USAF hit by tornado

| March 1, 2024

On Wednesday, the National Museum of the Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio was hit by a suspected tornado, right in a restoration hangar. For those of us who love vintage aviation, the photos are heartbreaking.

The Warzone has the scoop and all the photos.

Among the aircraft you can see laying damaged are an F-104 Starfighter, an F-15 Eagle, the Boeing J-UCAS demonstrator, a P-80 Shooting Star (or a T-33 Shooting Star), and several radial engines.

Category: Air Force, Historical

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Hopefully they can get funding needed to make a full recovery. It took New England air museum decades to recover from the hurricane that devastated it in the 1970s.


I didn’t know there was a N E air museum.


In Windsor locks Ct right near Bradley airport. It’s very well done seems well funded. Sikorsky, Pratt and Whitney, Hamilton Sundstrand, etc have been supporters and they have from what I hear an excellent group of volunteers of former military, civilian and industry retirees. It’s worth checking out if you’re ever up that way.


Collings Foundation in Stow MA has quite a collection.
I got to fly aboard their B-17 “909” with my dad a few years
before it was lost in a landing mishap.

Sad to see another “Fortress” lost.


Nicely restored static B29 at NE air museum


The 909 was a tragedy, loss of life and a beautiful B17G. I went to see it and the other collins foundation aircraft as they toured New England and NY every summer. I still have pictures of my kids walking through it. We went every year it was a part of the summer routine.


+1 for the NEAM.

CT has a couple jewels, that may be the crown.

Old tanker

There is also the Pima Air Museum in Tucson AZ., where tornados are exceptionally rare and hurricanes are not allowed.


How about cyclones?

Last edited 6 months ago by 26Limabeans

Mostly monsoons and dust devils.


No tail twisters?


Is that like a titty twister?


Sad to see those old birds damaged. I was just at The National Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola, FL. We could spend the whole day there. I’d love to go back the National Air & Space Museum at the Smithsonian, but that would mean going to DC. No fucking way I’m going anywhere near that Deep Blue shithole.


Not a lib but CT is far from a shithole and barring the cities which aren’t great even in red states CT has a very high standard of living and per capita income is excellent even adjusted for state and local taxes. There’s definitely some problems and it’s not cheap to live there but all in all it’s a good place to live.


I think he said DC was a shithole, not CT. I may have re read it wrong, but that was my takeaway.


I read it quickly and got it wrong, my bad.

Last edited 6 months ago by Av8or33

I read too quickly on occasion as well. Usually right before I insert my foot in my mouth. Glad I’m not a dairy or pig farmer.




I’ve been to all three- Pensacola, Wright, and Tucson. Beautiful planes. Took my son to the first two- we need to show the younger generations what our parents built. (My dad built the PBY before the war).


I’m not too terribly far from The Museum of Aviation that’s outside the gates of RAFB. It’s a place I take out of town guests to go visit and is a FIRST (ht2 CW) Class Facility. From what I understand the aircraft there have been restored to flyable condition. Many would just need a quick pre-flight and some JP put in ’em. I’ve visited the Museum near Offutt in NE. The restorers there also know their business. I have all the confidence in the world that the restorers at WP will have everything put back together and in good order soon.

Mother Nature does not discriminate. She is also one of the ways that God shows us who is still in charge.


Let’s not overlook the Confederate Air Force, big brother!


Was honored to know and do business with several members of The Dixie Wing back when we could still call it The Confederate Air Force.


Visited them in Midland TX once as I passed by. Got my dad a CAF ball cap, he wore that thing till it fell apart.

Mike B

Some of the damaged birds, were static displays that were in very poor condition and repossessed by the AF from civilian displays and some statics that were returned to the Air Force, and were stripped of parts and awaiting scrapping.

Always sad to see an old aircraft in derelict condition. But if you’re going to lose one better it be one of them, versus a good one.

Been to Pima Air Museum, Pensacola National Naval Aviation Museum. Eglin AFB Air Armanent Museum, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum. Always a good time at those places.

Got to fly on the B-17G (44-83514) Sentinel Journey when I was a young Airman First Class.

More information on some of the damaged birds.

USAF Retired

Last edited 6 months ago by Mike B