Holiday Open Thread

| February 19, 2024

Happy Presidents’ Day! This day started as a day to honor George Washington but evolved to honor all those who served as president. This day is officially referred to as “Washington’s Birthday” according to the Office of Personnel Management. Many states also designate this day as a state holiday. Hoping everyone enjoyed the weekend and hoping that the related sales match something you needed to purchase.

Category: Open thread

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Better lucky than good! Had just caught up on the overnight dispatches, when the call came down for a FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION FIRE MISSION…Time On Target…Rolling barrage assault for a HOT!

Bacon infused cat heads, cheesy grits with red eyed gravy, and hot Irish coffee for all hands!


Yeah, well, I gotta work. Time to fire up some coffee…Segundo.


Bacon infused cat heads, yummy! 🙂


A BIG BOOM! CONGRATS! to our very own, beloved King of Battle!


Tanks!.ninja….It is Good to be The King…not only The King of Battle, The King of all I survey from the Veranda of Firebase Magnolia, but most importantly…THE King of FIRSTs! Suck it up, CW, get yore mind offen deadlines and Lois Lane…put yore mind of EARNING the NEVER Awarded Title of FIRST Commentor on a Vaunted TAH Open Thread.

In order to render proper respects and Honors to The Father of Our Country, with a nod to Grand Pappy MacClendon who served in the F&I and Rev War with George, The Gun Bunny took advantage of an Overstock President”s Day Sale on some replacement twin mattresses for the upstairs maids (or guests) of Firebase Magnolia. Matched pair of Cool Gel, Memory Foam, springy ones. Tho George Himself never slept near here, The Honorable Marquis De’ Lafayette did lay his head in the immediate area AND where is just outside the wire of FOB Hawkins Hill or what could have been the 18teens house that sat there until ‘Cump’s barn burning, chicken stealing, pillaging, white trash came thru on their Retreat to The Sea and torched the place. So, if the Spirits of George and The Marque do come around, they will have a comfy place to rest and relax. Same holds true for any of the Miscreanted ‘weeds or Adorable Deplorables that happen to Grace These Grounds.

BTW…gabn/gabaf/rtr/hbtd! Carafe of The House Wine and cookie?




2nd Attempt….


Absolutely not true. Everyone knows that the T-Rex were pacifists (except at mealtime) and conscientious objectors. There were some who served, but as unarmed medics. The LaBrea company (California National Guard) were known for their unwavering courage on the battlefield.

Hack Stone

Admins lulled Hack into a false sense of security.


Here you go, Mr. Stone….



2nd Attempt.


3rd Attempt.

Y’All enjoy your holiday and the rest of the week.


Not first, but still present.


If Trump were President today there would be riots but at
least the Post Office would be open.


And there’d be Mideast peace. Just sayin’.

With the Abraham accords, there were just two more peace treaties to go.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

The MIC would be crying, as well as politicians who are heavily invested in them.

jeff LPH 3 63-66



One of those holidays that us peons outside of civil service don’t get. However, it’s a nice quiet day and no traffic!


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that True the Vote doesn’t actually have any evidence of ballot stuffing to back up its claims:


So, just so I can get this straight, the organization which has promised to publicly release all this information for folks, and hasn’t, now rolls off a few buzzwords about geospatial intelligence and that’s why it can’t provide the data being asked for and you … you just believe them? Oh, god bless you.

First, their lawyer says it would take ‘multiple servers’ processing their ‘massive quantities of data’, to which anyone with half a brain would laugh and say, “Utter bullshit!”.

Second, and more importantly, you cite their response, but fail to note they didn’t just say that about the data, they said that about everything. The SEB said, “Hey, by the way, can you tell us how to contact the researchers and investigators you contracted?”, and TTV said, “Uh, no, we don’t have that. How about the contact info for that central “John Doe” witness? Nope, not that either. Well, how about the network of NGOs that were doing the ballot stuffing? Nope, no contact info on that either. What about the fuckin’ bartender from South Carolina that they said was a part of this? Nope, magically, they don’t have any records of that person’s contact information either. Amazing!

And third, clearly your vaunted PSYOP training, which you mention every god damn thread out of some child-like need to be taken seriously, clearly didn’t cover how the AP -that’s the Associated Press, mind you- works. Of course there’s a fuckton of articles now that the AP published one – that’s how affiliated news agencies work.

You’re a successful mark for TTV, just please tell me you donate to them so I can laugh harder.


You go girl


Don’t forget to vote this time.


I’m not saying LC’s arguments are true or without their own issues, but you continue to rely on the same argumentative fallacies you have consistently espoused in the past.

For example: argument from (including your own, incidentally an extension of begging the question) authority, you straw man his argument (by misrepresenting his claim) by positing releasing information to the FBI is the same as a public release of such, clear false dichotomy (as exhibited by your insistence on boiling down an argument to a yes/no binary), ad ignorum due to your insistence that your premise must be true just because there is no compellingly (to you) sufficient counter, replete non sequitur, post hoc références to the AP, etc.

Cue the ad hominem attacks.

Last edited 7 months ago by Hate_me

Ignore the accents in “references,” please. I have several different language keyboards on my phone, which seems to make autocorrect even more annoying.


That just signals your unwillingness to improve your arguments.


Please, keep telling me the same thing. Also, please explain the meaning behind your memes – that’s always helpful.

It must be such a burden to know you’re so much more intelligent than everyone else.


It’s like being handed a barrel of fish and a shotgun.


Did you honestly expect me to read all that nonsense?


Please elaborate. I’m almost grasping your point.


Orders of magnitude and all… this suggests that the more you talk, the more truth enters into the equation.

Not especially consistent with the evidence.

Last edited 7 months ago by Hate_me

This is fascinating. Continue.


Go on, then.


At this point, it’s just cruel, Hate_me – you ran circles around him, and his response is memes. I tend to approach thebesig like the neighbor’s little kid. Sometimes you point and laugh, sometimes you just tell them they’re wrong, and when they reply with gibberish, you just pat them on the head and say, “Sure, sure.. you win, of course. Good job.”


It’s out in the open. I’m guessing some big money developers got spooked and needed reassurance. The guv of New yawk has said the quiet part outloud.

Time for her to stammer, and attempt to walk balk what she said. The truck drivers that are refusing to deliver to NYC should broaden their protest to the whole state of New York.


Everybody else, you have nothing to worry about unless you cross us!

(Great election year message from Democrats. /sarc)

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

Please don’t. She doesn’t care about dairy farmers’ votes and genuine, hardworking patriots depend on those trucks for their livelihood.

Both the conventional rural New Yorker and the Amish consistently votes against democrats but their vote doesn’t matter in that city-driven state. Hurting them doesn’t hurt Hochul, at all.


Maybe he should watch “2000 Mules.” But he won’t. He is merely a more polite version of the Marxist mollusk 🦑.


sure thing


Present-ly fighting a headcold. (I ‘spect grandkids shared)

Y’all enjoy the day.


You can’t say they never get you anything 😊


Best pic ever

Commissioner Wretched

Fabulous photo! And very well done, too, considering it was about 100 years before Photoshop was invented.

TR never rode a moose through a stream. An enterprising photographer combined a photo of a moose crossing a stream with TR riding a horse, and … presto! Instant best pic ever!

I love the photo!


4CHAN V0.1


Almost everything that is possible with Photoshop, today, was within the possibilities of dark room photographers in the past (even the program’s layering system is built on analogue photo-editing technique). One might even argue they Photoshop is a step back, as every image must be digitized and pixelated before it can be altered.

Like making a copy of a copy, information is inevitably lost with each iteration.

At a certain point, the answer to hi-tech invariably becomes lo-tech. If you own a darkroom, hold onto it.

Slow Joe

Dang it…


You mean we even get to celebrate Biden too?? Yippee


You could…

Democrats Concerned Biden May Be Too Old To Finish Destroying Country (Babylon Bee)

At a secret meeting of high-ranking party leadership, Democrats expressed grave concern that President Joe Biden may be too old to complete their party’s mission of the utter destruction of the country.

Like a chicken celebrating the Colonel’s 11 herbs and spices.



Some are happier than others.


Chelsea is evidence that she did at least once.

A Proud Infidel®™

And Hillary was on top, know why?
Because Bill can only fuck up.


Nicely played.


I thought Chelsea was Webb Hubbel’s kid?🤣


Paternity test or it didn’t happen..


Are any of you buying Trump’s $20 Chinese made sneakers for $400?


If they ever get out of the hell that is the Port of Oakland.

Cartels and gangstas have you begging for the mafia yet?


You watch waaaay too much right ring propaganda.

There are far more dangerous US cities than Oakland.

And far more dangerous small towns.

And Port of Oakland is open. It rarely closes, and when it does it is because of a strike, or occasionally, a badly led protest.


Enjoy your progressive Bay Area utopia. I understand housing is becoming more available as people leave.


Tiny-home shelter to open on a contentious Eastlake development site (

Dozens of unhoused people who’ve lived in tents and parks around Lake Merritt are preparing to move temporarily into private, heated tiny homes on a large, city-owned lot nearby in Oakland’s Eastlake neighborhood.

City leaders and advocates gathered Monday morning for an open house at the new emergency shelter site under rainy skies that demonstrated the urgency of moving people indoors. 

The amount of money going to construction companies to build coffins would only be ok for the most ardent of boot licker.

Hence he defend.

“All glory to the state”, eh fuckface?

The greatest part is that you’ll never be able to decrease the population of homeless because they’d have to fire ‘case workers’ and the state doesn’t shrink, comrade.


Are you kidding me? The reason we won’t solve the housing problem is because the market continuously reaffirms that this is one of the most desirable places to live in the US and housing prices reflect that.

And 1/3 of our homeless are not even from the state. If you are homeless and could chose to be homeless anywhere, California is a prime choice. If you like warm weather then LA area, if you like cool weather, then the Bay Area.

And unlike many red cities, Most California cities do not violate the constitution by trying to criminalize homelessness.


Don’t forget plenty of free shit, and legal drugs..


And open (and free) public restrooms. Pick a sidewalk, any sidewalk. Somebody will be along eventually to play mom and clean up behind them.


And by free shit, he means there are maps to find shit!


housing prices reflect [this is one of the most desirable places to live in the US]”

That’s funny.

The price may be up (nominally), but it ain’t value.


Yeahhhh he doesn’t quite understand that asking prices aren’t the same as value. If your property is overpriced and nobody’s buying, the value is essentially zero.


“The reason we won’t solve the housing problem is because the market continuously reaffirms that this is one of the most desirable places to live in the US and housing prices reflect that.“

Yet California, the Bay Area and Los Angeles in particular, are hemorrhaging people. Businesses are fleeing San Francisco and Oakland because of crime. Commissar, California doesn’t criminalize anything but lawful gun ownership. Everything else gets a free pass, no bail.


Near no one can afford to move, banks won’t cut mortgages, building codes shifting like desert sands, energy efficiency standards that are too expensive to implement, high property taxes, high cost of living, the impending implosion of the state budget, the impending implosion of CalPERS (now with more leverage!), the impending implosion of muni bonds, the impending re-implosion of shipping from overseas, etc…

Cali is going to get some major lumps in this next downturn.

I just wish they’d stop and assess just how far they’ve slid down the slope before lighting the rocket boosters oblivion.


Nothing like using resources/effort on graffiti to say “I’m broke and need a ‘living wage’ to eat.” /sarc


They can’t move because demand has outstripped supply at the local U-haul.


And yet housing prices are up 7.3% year over year.

The reason we have a housing problem in the Bay Area is because so many people want to live here.

If you believed in capitalism you would think the market is telling you something about how living here is better than the vast majority of the country.


So how’re housing sales? I do believe in capitalism. I believe an increase in prices without a corresponding increase in sales means your economy is in a collapse and there are a metric shit-ton of empty buildings.


You watch waaaay too much right ring propaganda.

That number is effectively zero.

There are far more dangerous US cities than Oakland. 

And far more dangerous small towns.

Don’t deflect. We’re taking about that shithole.



Peaceful (below).


Sure, bring a horn to a knife fight.


Police departments all of the country recommend a lot of dumb things in social media public safety announcements. Most of the time the person running their social media has no law enforcement experience.


But it’s from CNN, the most accurate progressive news station ever! You don’t trust them? You’re no liberal if you don’t trust CNN!


He isn’t a liberal; he is a progressive aka communist/marxist.


Dude, you literally regurgitate propaganda on daily basis here. Verbatim.

You buy into every single right wing propaganda narrative as fast as they are manufactured.

Even you pathological and cultlike admiration for Trump is the result of brainwashing.

Hell, I bet you even admire Tucker Carlson for interviewing Putin.


“…cultlike admiration…”?

Who is my favorite Trump:

Warp Speed Trump?

Or $6T for keeping people home for a bad cold Trump?

Maybe hiring Cocaine Mitch’s Chicom handler wife for a cabinet position Trump?

Naw man, my favorite is Bumpstock Ban Trump.

Doctor Jack Shit Esq. was right about you, Lars.

PS I do admire Tucker, he at least has balls to “shake hands with the devil”. Where’s the rest of the press?

And don’t say Gaza cuz they ain’t.


Why shouldn’t he interview Putin? If Rachel Madcow scored that interview, you’d be fapping to exhaustion.


That air horn is a terrific idea; it will help witnesses or police find the victim just
as he bleeds out


You can honk out SOS.


There are far more dangerous US cities than Oakland.” and every damn last one of them is run by demonrats


You weren’t supposed to notice that unsaid part of his statement.


That’s kinda like saying it’s the smallest turd in the shitpile.


They’d look awesome next to your Che Guevara huaraches.


Funny thing is, Che was a honky. He HATED “mestizos” and he wrote down his loathing of Mexicans in his various and sundry diaries. And don’t get me started on what he thought of black people. The man was a stone cold racist. But hey, he took a good picture…


Yup, he parents were Irish emigres and he spoke English at home– actually Ernest “Che” Lynch, Jr.– Guevera is the name of his ancestor who washed up in Ireland after the Brits sank the Armada.


Yep, quite a few of those Armada castaways. I mean, why not stick around in Ireland? Catholic people who hate the English. They’d fit right in. 🤣


We know, you’d rather spend $500 for Nikes wit LeBron’s name on em…

Green Thumb

You mean LaChina James…

A Proud Infidel®™

Wisdom has chased you during your life and you have avoided it every time.

Herbert J Messkit

Montana NG recruiting poster includes picture of wwii national soldiers.


Here’s SSG (SFC?) Hy having the fun at’m:

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog

F*ck… kids, use the Internet on your iPhone-umpteen to research something beside porn (especially if your grandpa or granduncle is German) first.

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

P.S. For you young’uns who don’t remember anything past last week, these here were the bad guys:
comment image

Green Thumb

Not suprised.

Lack of spotchecking.

Herbert J Messkit

Correction Nazi soldiers


Tha stooped is getting worser in SWA/Red Sea.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this will be used by Dear Leader & Co to reinstate “[Bad person/people]’s price hike” talking points ‘gain.

These morons will never learn.

Mike B

Here’s a story on a fucking douchbag scammer, hope they take his ass over the coals…..

USAF Retired


That one seems locked for me.

Here’s another article from

Edit: [That guy is a] turd.

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog
Mike B

Yeah that’s the turd…..

Thanks for the working link. Fox News sites are becoming a pain in the ass.

USAF Retired


There’s no ‘i’ in this ain’t hell

(low-key your welcome)

Green Thumb

That’s a turd with a capiltol “T”.

Or quite simply a “a huge, steaming old-ass pile of Phil Monkress”.

Green Thumb

The Phil Monkress is strong is this clown….

Probably Phildo’s uncle or such….


Boys, I’m late to this thread. I’m drinking beer and listening to Sabaton. I feel like I could do anything at this moment.

Green Thumb

Then call up Phil Monkress and ask him for clarification of his Native American, Law Enforcement and Navy SEAL claims.

Tough one….


Fun with AI.
This is the PARROT AI generator / AI Donald Trump page.

On a PC, limited to 100 typed characters.
On the cellphone app, you can voice create up to about 25 seconds.

Yes, it works.
FREE use limited to about 12 MP4 videos,
with watermarks.
$29 gets anyone going in a major way.


Here is a working example of PARROT AI.

When you make a video,
it is SAVED with your own special URL link,
just like this, that you can EMAIL or plop anywhere.

Also, you can then download this video as a small filesize MP4.

Have fun !!!

Commissioner Wretched

Normally, I don’t post any trivia on Holiday Open Threads, but this one leads to a goodie … in the very, very early days of my trivia column, I did a two-parter listing one trivial fact about each of our presidents. This followed the 2016 election of President Trump. I offer them here as my contribution to the HOT. And my Rats of the Cong to the King of Battle for his HOT Firstness!

Presidential Trivia, Part I
By Commissioner Wretched

Last week, we had our once-every-four-years national headache event, also known as the presidential election. Whether your candidate won or lost, you can be comforted in the knowledge that, no matter what, trivia goes on!

In honor of the election of our 45th president, I’ve made this week’s Did You Know…? all about presidential trivia.

None of this will get you an invitation to the White House, of course, but it could make you look a little more knowledgeable while you’re standing in line to vote next time.

So, without further ado (and what the heck is ado, anyway?), we’re off! Trivia items for the presidents are listed in the order in which they served.

Did you know …

… George Washington was the only U.S. president to have held a commission in two national armies at the same time? He never resigned his British army commission, so during the Revolutionary War he was a colonel on one side and a commanding general on the other.

Commissioner Wretched

… John Adams was the first President to live in the White House? When he moved in, the paint on the walls was still wet.

… Thomas Jefferson was the author of the Declaration of Independence? His personal library of over 6,000 books was the basis for the Library of Congress.

… James Madison was the smallest man ever to serve as President? He stood 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed 102 pounds dripping wet.

… James Monroe is the only president to have a foreign capital city named after him? Monrovia, the capital of the African nation of Liberia, is named after our fifth president.

… John Quincy Adams was the first former president to return to government service? Adams served as a member of the House of Representatives after leaving office as President.

… Andrew Jackson once killed a man in a duel? The men fought over a matter of honor regarding Jackson’s wife, Rachel.

… Martin van Buren is credited with creating the term “OK”? It was a reference to his home, Old Kinderhook, in New York.

… William Henry Harrison served the shortest term of any President? He was in office exactly 31 days, dying of pneumonia a month after his inauguration.

… John Tyler had the most children of any President? He was the father of 15 (and two of his grandchildren are alive today!). (N.B. – only one survives today [2024]).

… James K. Polk had his wife, Sarah, work as his secretary? She volunteered and took no salary for her work.

… Zachary Taylor almost did not find out he’d been nominated?  In those days, mail was paid for by the receiver, not the sender, and Taylor refused to pay for the letter informing him of his nomination.

… Millard Fillmore helped fight the fire at the Library of Congress in 1851? The members of his Cabinet also served as firefighters.

… Franklin Pierce had the first central heating system installed in the White House?

Commissioner Wretched

… James Buchanan was the only President to never marry?

… Abraham Lincoln grew his famous beard after an 11-year-old girl told him he should? She thought his face was too gaunt and thin.

… Andrew Johnson was elected Senator from Tennessee after his term in office, but died before he could take his seat?

… Ulysses S. Grant smoked 20 cigars a day?

… Rutherford B. Hayes was nominated for Congress while serving as an officer during the Civil War?

… James A. Garfield was able to write Greek with one hand and Latin with the other hand at the same time?

… Chester A. Arthur was already ill with Bright’s Disease when he took office? The kidney disease killed him a year after his term ended.

… Grover Cleveland was the only President elected to two non-consecutive terms? He’s considered the 22nd and 24th President.

… Benjamin Harrison was the grandson of the 9th President, William Henry Harrison?

… William McKinley was the last Civil War veteran to be elected President?

… Theodore Roosevelt hated the nickname “Teddy”? His friends called him “T.R.” (if they wanted to remain his friends, anyway).

… William H. Taft never really wanted to be President? His ambition was to be Chief Justice of the United States (and he did serve in that capacity too). He was also the first President to own a car.

… Woodrow Wilson was President of Princeton University before becoming President of the United States?

.. Warren G. Harding was the first President to have a radio in the White House?

… Calvin Coolidge once cost a dinner guest a bet? At a dinner, a woman sitting next to the normally quiet Coolidge said she had bet another man $50 that he could get the President to say three words to her. Coolidge looked at the woman and said, totally deadpan, “You lose.”

… Herbert Hoover and his wife would speak Chinese to each other, when they wanted to keep their conversations private?

Commissioner Wretched

.. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt and of T.R.’s niece, Anna Eleanor Roosevelt – whom he married?

… Harry S Truman was the first President to give a speech on television? He also would take long walks around Washington while in office, sometimes trying to evade his Secret Service protection detail.

… Dwight D. Eisenhower had never held political office before being elected President? He was also the only President to have served in the military in both World War I and World War II.

… John F. Kennedy was the first President to have served in the U.S. Navy?

… Lyndon B. Johnson was a teacher before he entered politics?

… Richard Nixon was the first President to visit all 50 states while in office? He also made the first “interplanetary” telephone call, speaking to astronauts on the Moon in 1969.

… Gerald Ford once worked as a fashion model for Cosmopolitan and Look magazines in the 1940s?

… Jimmy Carter was the first President to have been born in a hospital? He is also a sixth cousin of Richard Nixon.

… Ronald Reagan once worked as a play-by-play radio commentator for the Chicago Cubs?

… George H.W. Bush was the youngest pilot in the history of the U.S. Navy? He joined the Navy and was commissioned at age 18 and fought in the Pacific in World War II, surviving being shot down in 1944.

… Bill Clinton was the first President to have been a Rhodes scholar? He also played saxophone in his high school marching band.

… George W. Bush was a part owner of the Texas Rangers baseball team?

Commissioner Wretched

… Barack Obama hates ice cream? He worked at an ice cream shop as a teenager and developed a dislike for the product.

… Donald Trump will be the oldest person ever to assume the Presidency on a first term? Trump was 70 when he was elected on November 8. The previous holder of that record was Ronald Reagan, who was 69 on his first election.

Now, some other trivia, again keeping with the Presidential theme:

… during his acting career, Ronald Reagan was having such a bad stretch of luck that he took a gig as a stand-up comic at a Las Vegas casino? (“The bombing begins in …”)

… John Quincy Adams gave the first Presidential interview to a woman reporter? He didn’t want to and had ducked the reporter for weeks, but she found out about his habit of skinny-dipping in the Potomac River, and “ambushed” him there. She swiped his clothing and held it from him until he agreed to the interview.

… Grover Cleveland was the first President to marry in the White House? His bride was the daughter of his law partner. He was 47; she was 21. Their daughter, Ruth, was the namesake for the Baby Ruth candy bar.

… while in the Navy, Richard Nixon won about $6,000 in poker games (he had a classic “poker face”) and used the money to finance his first Congressional campaign?

… Calvin Coolidge slept 10 hours a night, and took an hour-long nap every day?

… Warren Harding once lost the White House china in a poker game?

… Ulysses Grant got the first Presidential speeding ticket? He was ticketed for riding his horse too fast down a Washington street. (The arresting officer said he’d waive the ticket for the President, but Grant told him to do his duty.)

… Chester A. Arthur was one of the sharpest dressers of his day? He also took late-night strolls around Washington.

Now … you know!


Barack Obama hates ice cream

Yet another reason to dislike 0bummer.


Glad you made the Executive Decision to post up some trivia for the HOT, CW. You’ll get my vote anytime.

Found an old school photo of you. You learned your lessons…well!

comment image

Commissioner Wretched

Well, King, I do rather well at trivia when I get the opportunity to play. I’m not much of a social animal, though … but then, life is full of little trade-offs.


He never resigned his British commission, which would make him a traitor…🤣