Black Harvard Professor needed armed security after his study found no racial bias with police shootings

| February 17, 2024

Roland Fryer, a Harvard Economics Professor, published a study that didn’t find evidence of racial bias when it came to police shootings. His study did find that Blacks and Hispanics were more likely to be manhandled, beat, or subject to nonlethal force when compared to other races. However, when it came to police shootings, Blacks and Hispanics were less likely to be shot than Whites. Fryer received pushback from some of his colleagues, including an urging to not publish his study.

From Fox News:

When Fryer claimed the data showed “no racial differences in officer-involved shootings,” he said, “all hell broke loose,” and his life was upended.

Fryer received the first of many complaints and threats four minutes after publication.

“You’re full of s–t,” the sender said.

Fryer said people quickly “lost their minds” and some of his colleagues refused to believe the results after months of asking him not to print the data.

“I had colleagues take me to the side and say, ‘Don’t publish this. You’ll ruin your career,'” Fryer revealed.

The world-renowned economist knew from comments by faculty that he was likely to garner backlash. Fryer admitted that he anticipated the results of the study would be different and would confirm suspicions of racial bias against minorities. When the results found no racial bias, Fryer hired eight new assistants and redid the study. The data came back the same.

After the report was published, Fryer lived under police protection for over a month. He had a seven-day-old daughter at the time and went shopping for diapers.

“I was going to the grocery store to get diapers with the armed guard. It was crazy. It was really, truly crazy,” he said.

Fryer, who became the youngest tenured Black professor at Harvard at age 30, was suspended for two years from the university in 2019 after he allegedly engaged in “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. He continues to deny the allegations.

Fox News has additional information here.

Category: SJW Idiocy, Society

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A Proud Infidel®™

But of course the left is going to go full Nazi while projecting it onto the right, that’s their typical MO every time!


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The real complaint wasn’t so much that he was right, but that he did his own research and didn’t copy it from somebody else.


The accepted approved view is more important than doing actual scholarship, comrade!
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Woah, it’s a good thing we don’t have with that today. We are completely a moon.


You fool– police are racist nazis or you’re an evil RethugliKKKan! /sarc


Everything is raycist…EVERYTHING!

Is it raycists to have black cast iron frying pans or raycists to NOT have black frying pans? Do the Fan Belt Inspectors shoot white dogs before they shoot black dogs? What am I doing with a black and white dog? Or is he a white and black dog? Another dog is white with a black nose? A solid black kitty cat eats here every night…after dark….with a black and white kitty cat…and a peach colored kitty cat.

The Good Perfessor is being persecuted because he is not toeing the party line and has left the Plantation. Can’t be having that.


What the Perfessor is doing now…
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I was working as a millwright many years ago at a coal fired power plant during an outage, sitting in the break room eating lunch, when a guy walked in an yelled to about 150-200 people “Hey y’all, I just got fired for calling a stupid Son of a Bitch, a stupid Son of a Bitch!”.

Always stuck with me. He wasn’t wrong! He was also a good worker and the “stupid SOB” wasn’t!

They were union and we weren’t!

That’s either where we are as a country, or where we’re headed.

On a good note- we(me and my family) were at church for Ash Wednesday and the Pastor (I feel like he is a staunch conservative, but has to keep it cool), said “the world is crazy right now, but just like Esther(of the Bible) we are here, at this time, for a reason!”

I have felt better for that last few days after hearing that!

God bless all of you, my friends of the net! I pray that you all find peace and happiness, and that your service is rewarded with appreciation, anffe and honor!

Green Thumb

Dude needs an oozie.

Spray them bitches!


In 2022 there were 19,196 homicides in the US. Black victims accounted for 10,470 victims. Of those the police shot and killed 225 or about 2.1% of all homicides.

So of the remaining population of 8726 homicides, the police shot and killed 872, right around 10%. So it appears at least in 2022 that the police shot everyone other than black people at five times the rate. Without doing a deeper dive into the numbers or the other years, which I believe have similar numbers that are fairly consistent.

Now I am no statistician. But an anomaly that large has to be noticeable. And likely that is why the professor did his own research.

One could make a number of arguments as to why this is true.

One could argue that black people are murdered at a much higher rate and the violet offenders are killing each other before the police encounter them.

Police may be patrolling in smaller numbers in neighborhoods that are predominantly black and therefore end up in less contact with violent offenders, requiring less use of lethal force.

Lots of other arguments out there. But one argument that holds no water, is that the police are killing black people at a higher rate than other races, cuz they aren’t.

A Proud Infidel®™

I remember reading a study back in the 1980’s which said that urban Black males had about a 1 in 20 chance of getting murdered.


And about 80 to 90% of the time the killer is another Black male. Rarely is the person wielding the murder weapon a white person.

Green Thumb

10 times higher in Memphis.


The narrative must be maintained. Truth, much like gender, is fluid. There are no absolutes. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.


You will be assimilated.

I’ve got 5.56×45 reasons why not, absolute-ly.

Can’t lie, the schadenfreude is off-the-chart too sweet here.


Anyone who disputes the Prog “truth” that blacks are unfairly targeted by LEO’s and “The Man” must be cancelled.


Don’t forget being jacked-up for their freaky sex life that left/libtards were okay with before they did:

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

You publish that, then you ain’t …you know – the thing!

-Josef teh Potatus-

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I first thought that something was fishy about fryer untill I fully read the post. To bad that the post wasn’t posted on fryday

Hack Stone

Hack Stone shared a statistic with Chris Plante and his WMAL (Washington DC market) audience. Statistically, an African American male stands a better chance of surviving an encounter with a Law Enforcement Officer that an encounter with Democrat fundraiser Ed Buck. Run the numbers and prove Hack wrong.

Green Thumb

This man needs to hire “Turd” Bolling of the Ambassador Worldwide Protection Agency (both national and international).

With “Turd” Bolling’s extensive experience in the Military Forces and his “Law Enforcement Officer” claims (and subsequent bust for LEO impersonation), his less than stellar services would come cheap.

Fryer must be hurting a bit (financially) from Harvard’s BS, so Turd “Bolling” would be a deal.

I suspect “Turd” Bolling probably could not handle a warm bottle of piss, much less security of a random ballsack, but it’s Harvard. Should not be that hard.

To quote “Turd” Bolling: “Chrissy, he he, I can neither confirm or deny, he he, that I be a fat sack of shit and like to lie, he he”.

Maybe he will bring Reginald Henson along for a ride….


Turds are tapered on one end to prevent assholes from slamming shut.

Prior Service

Well, I read this about four hours ago, but couldn’t stop laughing at the delicious irony long enough to post about it. Holy cow this is so funny.


Guess who suspended the young Black professor for two years? Claudine Gay, the President of Harvard who was forced to resign because of her pro-Hamas actions and testimony before Congress. She doesn’t have a problem with some forms of discrimination.


It wasn’t for “pro Hamas” actions. It was for condoning anti-semitism and violence against Jewish students at Harvard.
I’d like to hear more about the charges against him. They just toss that out with no background. Maybe he was wrongfully accused, maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he accepted the suspension rather than have the “Barbara Streisand Effect” (mentioning something you don’t want to talk about gets people talking about it) kill his career.


No she survived going killy on the Jews. It was the plagiarism they got her fired. Now that is f****** irony right there.

Green Thumb

I saw that a lot in academia.

They have a tendency to pick and choose who against and what exactly discrimination is.

Very subjective.


Go along with the get along.

Old tanker

The loving tolerance for free thought and reality by the left….. again.


We have a right to their approved opinion. /sarc