DOJ: Diverse Army Officer Corps a National Security Imperative

| January 31, 2024

Biden DOJ asks Supreme Court to allow race-based admissions at West Point

By Kaelan Deese

The Biden administration on Tuesday responded to a request by a student group seeking to block race-based admissions practices at the U.S. Military Academy, telling the Supreme Court not to block affirmative action policies at the school.

U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, arguing on behalf of the Justice Department and West Point, told the justices that a “diverse officer corps is necessary for an effective fighting force,” adding that such diversity requires a “limited consideration” of race in selecting cadets at the academy.

“For more than forty years, our Nation’s military leaders have determined that a diverse Army officer corps is a national-security imperative and that achieving that diversity requires limited consideration of race in selecting those who join the Army as cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point,” Prelogar wrote.

The government’s filing is in response to last week’s request from Students For Fair Admissions, or SFFA, the group that sued and succeeded at dismantling affirmative action in college applications last year at the Supreme Court.

SFFA, led by conservative legal strategist Edward Blum, asked the justices on Friday to block West Point from considering race in its admissions process, saying that military academies should follow the same standard set by the justices in its 6-3 decision against Harvard University‘s race-based practices.

Washington Examiner

For four decades the best and most qualified applicants to our military academies have been passed over in the name of Affirmative Action. From observing the Senior Officers currently in leadership positions and the condition of our forces this is very evident.

Category: Big Pentagon, Diversity, Points-and-Laughs

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Four decades ago was about the time that things shifted. Prior to that, academy graduates made about 92% of the general officer ranks. That number has slowly drifted downward. Now we are at less than 20%.

In the past, If you wanted to be career Army you went to the academy. If you just wanted to do a few years and get out you went ROTC. Now that whole paradigm has reversed. Academy graduates want to go find another job after 5 years if not sooner.

Last edited 7 months ago by 5JC
Green Thumb

Very true.

Furthermore, I have seen a few LTCs turn down COL and Brigade command due to this bullshit.

It is not just recruitment at the lower levels that is hurting, it is retention up top as well.



Green Thumb

I have seen this dude many times over…..


He’s all over Fort Hood, I can tell ya that.

A Proud Infidel®™

YOU MEAN Fort [the] Hood?


Grand Theft Auto: Killeen!

Last edited 7 months ago by Anonymous

What happened to abilities regardless of race? Is Joe saying if you ain’t white, you ain’t smart?

Slow Joe

That’s exactly what they are saying.
Nobody is more rayciss than a liberal.


Another candidate for the SPoTW Thread. Diversity IS NOT our strength…Putting the most qualified person in the position IS our strength. IDGAF if the person is white, black, red, green, yellow or purple…or what they “identify” as. If you cannot do the job, no mater what the job is, you should not get the job. It is that simple.

Our foreign enemies are laughing their asses off and rubbing their hands with glee. Our domestic enemies do not realize that when we are defeated, they will be the FIRST to be placed against the wall and shot.

The only diversity I want to see in our military is a diverse group of weapons, in the hands of qualified people, to bring the dam dam down on our enemies.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Years ago, my Friends son who graduated Fordham University in nyc scored almost 100 on the nyc FDNY exam and due to the minority quota system at the time he wasn’t accepted. I think he’s still a Lt. in NYPD.

Forest Bondurant

Same discussion, just worded differently…

“White males need not apply” is what they’re actually saying because of ‘reasons’ (e.g., there are not enough senior officers “of color” and still too many whites.)

In the months (years?) to come, the Army is likely to wonder why it still struggles to meet recruiting and retention goals.


Roh-Dog is his natural habitat. Notice the diversity in weaponry he is using to defend the North Wall. Good -Dog!

comment image


Poor paw discipline.


Stop action photography. Making the follow up shots. Notice the slide is racked to the rear. Next round is being chambered

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

(where did he get the opposable thumbs?)

He watched Huckleberry Hound too many times.


Where ya think the term Dog Face for soldiers came from?


Joe Biden? No, that only applies to Pony Soldiers.


Willie and Joe.


comment image


The action should be open then. Only Democrats shoot without looking down their sights, usually with the pistol sideways.


Makes the bullets go faster, and looks cool too.


Them dronesz never stood a chance ‘gainst 3 inch #4 turkey loads!

Theys ain’t good eat’n tho, no madder how much Sweet Baby Ray’s you puud on’m.


Yeah, agreed. To me smoke should do most of the heavy lifting in the flavor department. Pineapple juice, brown sugar bath and/or precook (I know that’s a sin in some circles, sometimes you in a hurry ya’ll), then low n’ slow with saws.

Mixing up stuff cuts into beer drinking, and that ain’t no fun.

Famous Dave’s too. The Georgia Mustard made me a convert to the seeded sauces (sorry Carolinas!) for drizzle, not basting.

Last edited 7 months ago by Roh-Dog

The democrat marxists broke the military but still go out of their way to start as many wars as possible…


Diversity is a great thing but it cannot and should never be allowed to replace competence. The allegations are true, I’m one of those old-school types that listened to Dr. King and believe that the content of one’s character is far more important than the color of one’s skin. Deal with it, I ain’t changing my tune.


Mark (teh Woke turd) Milley when he was still the CSA conveyed that point at a TRADOC promotion ceremony to pin 4th star on Paul Funk. To paraphrase ‘Soldiers will follow a leader who knows what he or she is doing. They will not follow a leader who’s a ‘box of rocks’ regardless of their rank or positional authority’.


Oh, they’ll follow them. Either because they have no choice, or to watch the next fuckup.


This is not going to go well. At all!!!

Prior Service

This ignores that it is setting up for the following problem of branch within the service. Infantry and armor officers are far whiter than are the logistics branches, and it has always been that way. So when you force minority X into academy A, then force minority X into branch 1, and force Whitey into Branch 2–then neither are happy and both vote with their exit from the service. (Or they do what the females who have been involuntarily branched infantry or armor do, which is fail the tests at the schoolhouse and get rebranched.)

Given that we are hemorrhaging junior officers, why are we deliberately setting conditions to worsen that?

There are enough highly competent minority NCOs who serve as a great example on a daily basis for anybody to see leaders who “look like I do” (for the record, I hate that phrase) and worry about eking out one more minority assistant staff officer at Bn.

I’ve got a wild idea. Set a standard. Enforce that standard. Promote from within those who want to compete against that standard. And don’t care about the color or gender of those that choose to compete. Have confidence that everyone within that population meets standards.


A level playing field? It just sounds so unfair. How about a 10 yd head start?


“A diverse Army officer corps” is NOT a national security imperative. Finding the best and brightest minds, be they male/female or black/white/brown should play no factor into the decision. Basing decisions on checked boxes such as gender, nationality, or race only weakens the cadre as a whole as has us in the situation we are in now.


If you are going to kill the meritocracy you have to kill all of it.


Don’t give the left/libtards ideas, please,
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A Proud Infidel®™

I saw it begin during the Clinton Curse in the early 90’s during my AD days which gave me the attitude that I couldn’t ETS fast enough! Going forward to when I came back in to the NG after a 9-year break in service when I saw QUOTAS being promoted “just because” and it came to an end before I retired when I saw some DUD Officers and NCO’s who were promoted JUST BECAUE of their ethnicity or color, GOD HELP AMERICA!


Just what the military needs O-1’s with no common sense and that have been fully indoctrinated in Left wing radical, critical race theory and Progda propaganda. They will make great leaders, especially in combat.


40 years? How many wars/conflicts has the US been involved in in those 40 years? What’s our win/loss ratio? Sounds like ‘diversity’ didn’t really help all that much.