Sunday short

| January 21, 2024

I normally take Sunday off, but this was too good not to schedule.

Freshman Max Frost (D, FL) has proposed a bill to remove the Statue of Liberty (and its “give me your tired etc.” poem) because the Republicans are so pigheaded as to not support entry for  letting anyone who wants to come in,

The 27-year-old congressman announced his bill with the image of the Statue of Liberty behind him on a red background.

“I’ve taken the liberty of drafting it for you,” Frost said. “It removes the Statue of Liberty, our largest symbol that tells people to come here.”

Washington Examiner

I wish some of these people would add one word to their thought processes: “legal”. I don’t know anyone who really opposes LEGAL immigrants (disclosure: my mother’s family immigrated a century back) but I know very few who support illegal immigrants – or supporting them.

Apparently Mr. Frost is getting quite a bit of, shall we say, negative feedback.

Category: Democrats, Illegal Immigrants

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Take it down, take it down! If it will do anything to staunch the flow, take it down! Send it back to France and send them all the border jumpers with it.

If you are going to keep it up at least change the name to the “Statue of Indecent Liberties” and add models of Venezuelans crawling over it to get to NYC.

Last edited 8 months ago by 5JC
Hack Stone

As usual, Hack Stone is confused. The Woke Left constantly lectures us that this land was stolen from Indigenous People, and at the same time they say that anyone who wants to enter America should be allowed with zero restrictions.

Slow Joe

Brilliant observation!


If we “stole* their land, would we not be able to put something like this anywhere we wanted without having to go to court?

Hack Stone

That explains the closing scene of the first, and best, Planet of The Apes.

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Hack Stone

Dr. Zaius: The Forbidden Zone was once a paradise. Your breed made a desert of it, ages ago.

Who knew that Dr. Zain’s was speaking of Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom?

Hack Stone

Dr. Zaius. Hack blames his company used cell phone.


Krieger says,


Linky no worky on my end.

Hack Stone

Hack prefers this one.


I got to tour the crown when I was a kid.
Beautiful panoramic view.
You could mount a pair of fifties either end.
Hell, put one in the middle.


I feel sorry for my nieces, nephews and grandkids in that very uninformed, therefore potentially dangerous people will be in charge of what is still a great country.

They will ask, why did you let them do this to this country. Sadly, no good answer will be available.

Is this guy the male version of the squad? Is he trying to get into that very small club? Hopefully, his constituents are filling his email, voice mail or otherwise becoming a burden for his staff with advice to STFU, and go sit at the kids table.


He is afterall named after the lead character in
“Wild in the Streets”
Even without that reference I still see him tortured as a kid with
the moniker “maxipad” or even “tampax” like a kid I knew in HS.


Not familiar with wild in the streets. Will look it up.

And, yeah, Maxipad is a fitting moniker. He does sound like a, well, you know.


Another DEI hire success story…


Except a bunch of retarded voters are the ones who put him in office.


My ancestors came here legally after the Civil War. These ignorant pendejos who climb over the fence to claim asylum from fear of not getting Free Sh*t given to them can stick it.

Last edited 8 months ago by Anonymous


(Word, for those who don’t habla)


It’s funny, but the Spanish I’m learning now won’t get my ass handed to me, with or without my blood still in it.

I learned long ago, way before cell phones translation apps, to not repeat verbatim what some Mexican friends I made after getting out of the service taught me how to say.

I found out very quickly to not, repeat NOT, put Madre behind ANYTHING they told me.

I asked one how to say kiss my ass to a good Mexican friend of mine, I worked with when we were giving each other shit. It does not belong behind the phrase chingo tu. And that doesn’t mean kiss my ass either much to my embarrassment.

We still got along, but I never tried to speak Spanish again. He took into account I was just a white guy from the cornfields of Illinois and we remained friends despite my attempt to speak the language.


I was a contractor for CBP for three years. My Spanish vocabulary expanded greatly. None of it exactly polite. Some of the agents of Mexican descent get a little… colorful sometimes!


A Mexican I worked with recently at my job before retiring got a job with the same organization who needed a bi lingual speaker for emergency traffic issues. I.E., somebody breaking down on a bridge, flat tire, run out of gas etc.
He got called to an incident where the the cops called him asking for an interpreture. He got there, helped as best he could and they were off. The state cop asked what their deal was, he shrugged and said… dunno, they were chinese.


The Handy Troop Guide to Spanish
A Former Military El Paso Resident

Chinga! = F*ck!
Puto = man ‘ho (b*tch, in prison sense)
Virga = d*ck
Chupa = suck
Pinche = f*ckin’ (adjective)
Culo = ass
Besso = kiss
Mi = my
Pinoche = p*ssy
Madre = mother
Tu = your
Culero = ass-er (literally), fag
Pendejo = f*ckin’ retard

May be combined is all sorts of interesting ways. (Pay attention to how locals do this or won’t before having a few and sayin’ stupid sh*t out partying.)

Note: Saying “tue madre” (yo’ mama) in conjuction with anything on this list (let along as the subject or perfomer of an action) can get you hurt bad. Choose wisely.


Thankfully, they took my my whiteness into account. I was still invited to hang out with them and drink beer and such like nothing ever happened. Good friends, good times.


Watching Narcos Mexico, I must have heard “pinche cabrón” a million times. They just LOVED that phrase!


Mexicans whistle the first five notes of “Shave and a haircut” for the same message.


Send the ALL to Max’s house…
Camping on the lawn, sleeping the garage, bunking on his coach because he loves them ALL. Like all shit-libs, he never wants to suffer the consequences of his policy.

Milo Mindbender

The statue doesn’t include welfare seeking, illegal immigrants who only migrate to complain about how badly they have been received, and if we only became more like their homeland we would be a better nation. It also was a greeting to legal immigrants, and a promise that joining the American Dream by becoming your best you would result in a better community. It said nothing of hiding in ethnic ghettos and trying to replicate your homeland, or getting everyone to convert to your religion whether they want to or not, or receiving government assistance, while not making any effort to integrate into the majority of society. I smell a tantrum from the collective left at the end of the election cycle, and dm bracing financially, and grocery wise to help soften the impact. I’m rambling as the coffee soak in.


I smell a tantrum from the collective left at the end of the election cycle, and [am] bracing financially, and grocery wise to help soften the impact.

Wise and prudent, my friend.

Please let everyone you care about to do the same before things go pear-shaped, the ballon goes up, S hitith the F, dogs and cats sleeping together, mass hysteria!

And please do:

Milo Mindbender

My family units by blood and marriage are all kept up to date on the matters as I see them, and have began to see points of intersection becoming clearer. We are well set on the sexier parts now working on food, water, and sustainable energy. It is a beginning, we are not done, but are ahead of the game, and the general population.

Last edited 8 months ago by Milo Mindbender

“…bracing financially, and grocery wise to help soften the impact.

Wise and prudent, my friend.”

Stock up on Freedom seeds and trusted companions.

Sounds like Milo is doing what ever he can do to…Prepare

And it sounds like this politician is doing everything he can do to be an attention whore. He is not proposing this bill, per se. He is proposing that the repugnacunts propose this bill. PHUQUE HEEM!

As David said…most of us have no problem with LEGAL immigrants coming to America to become…Americans. We do have issues with an invasion by a free shit army that is looking to help destroy us. PHUQUE THEEM, too!

Green Thumb

What a clown.


Both of my parents came here legally from Ireland. As an aside, when Pearl Harbor happened, my 35 year old father went to the recruiting office the next day and signed up. Believed (rightly) that he owed the country for at least allowing him to get 3 hots and a cot. The bill he paid was 3 years in North Africa, Sicily, and Italy with a harsh penalty of Monte Cassino.

All my Irish relatives came here legally. Two out of my 4 uncles also signed up, one in the Army, one in the Navy and both saw combat.

My German wife came here legally. See the pattern, chicos y chicas?

We need to do what Eisenhower did: boot them all out. Throw them on buses and haul them all back over the Mexican border. Hasta la vista, bebé! And I don’t care what nationality they are. If they’re Irish or German, “Slan leat” or “Tschüss”!


Quite easy… Here illegally, get deported.

Slow Joe

Why is it so hard to understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration?
My hatred of the woke grows by the hour. Communist mthfkrs!

I need a light beer…


The Donks always devolve to the loudest Communist denominator.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just when you thought someone couldn’t get any more stupid, some politician has a “Hold my beer and watch THIS!” moment.

Fuck. That. Idiot.


That crowd does love to tear down statues after all.


Just like ISIS and the Taliban.

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT IDIOT needs to realize that the inscription says, “GIVE ME your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free” NOT “Give me your pimps, your dope dealers, your hustlers looking for an easy free ride.”


It’s been changed to “Come get your free shit from Joe!”


I am 100% for legal immigration. My wife and I petitioned and paid the fees for her brother, his wife and 2 infants to immigrate from the Philippines.

23 years later we are STILL waiting for their turn for the immigration interview at the embassy in Manila. We put their infants through school and now the son is a Hospital Radiology Technician (Ultrasound – X-Ray – CT Scan – PET Scan – MRI) an Emergency Medical Technician and a EMS Instructor for the Philippine Red Cross and the daughter is a Physical Therapist.