23 Oct 83

| October 23, 2009

The Armorer reminds us of the date and the attack on the Marine barracks in Beirut. He also lists the casualties from that day. Their webpage at Arlington Cemetary.

MaryAnn at Soldiers’ Angels Germany blog reminds us that They Came in Peace. Camp Lejeune marked the day. The State Department statement on the anniversary.

Col. Timothy J. Geraghty, USMC (Ret.), recounts his experiences that day in the New York Post. Fraternity brothers of one casualty from New York State mark the day.

Laughing Wolf at Blackfive remembers a friend.

Two days later, we invaded Grenada.

Category: Blue Skies

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Old Tanker

Methinks we should have invaded elswhere that day also…….


I was swearing in that day and learning lessons left and right.
Amen. And God rest the souls who gave it all.

A Heros Friend

I lost to many good friends that day…what a f**king waste of outstanding men and American warriors…if only the BLT was full of politicians instead of Marines!!! God bless them and thier families…may they continue to rest in peace!