American Air Force team allegedly assisted Israel with targets

| January 16, 2024

The US was reported to have flown surveillance drones over Gaza as an effort to assist Israel with hostage recovery. However, a Freedom of Information Act request revealed the possibility that a US Air Force team also assisted the Israelis with targets. The deployment guidelines provided to Air Force intelligence teams caught Lawrence Cline’s attention. He was an intelligence engagement officer in Iraq and noted similarities between their guidelines and what he did during his deployment.

From The Intercept:

“I’ve directed my team to share intelligence and deploy additional experts from across the United States government to consult with and advise the Israeli counterparts on hostage recovery efforts,” said President Joe Biden three days after the Hamas attack.

But several weeks later, on November 21, the U.S. Air Force issued deployment guidelines for officers, including intelligence engagement officers, headed to Israel. Experts say that a team of targeting officers like this would be used to provide satellite intelligence to the Israelis for the purpose of offensive targeting.

“They’re probably targeting people, targeting officers,” Lawrence Cline, who served as an intelligence engagement officer in Iraq before retirement, told The Intercept. Targeting intelligence refers to the identification and characterization of enemy activities including missile and artillery launches, location of leadership and command and control centers, and key facilities. “What I can see is we’ve got a lot of global assets in terms of satellites and the like and the Israelis have a lot in terms of more localized radar coverage.”

The deployment guidelines were issued by the Pentagon’s Air Force component command for the Middle East, Air Forces Central, on November 21. The document provides deployment instructions to air personnel sent to the country, including an “Air Defense Liaison Team” as well as “airmen assigned as the Intelligence Engagement Officer (IEO).”

Intelligence engagement officers, Cline explained, coordinate intelligence between the U.S. and partner militaries. When deployed in Iraq, Cline, who now works as an instructor for the Defense Department Counterterrorism Fellowship Program, recalled that he and other IEOs comprised a small team who spent “probably three quarters of our time working with the Iraqis, the other quarter checking in with headquarters,” adding that “it was sort of half and half a liaison and advising.”

The Intercept has additional information here.

Category: Air Force, Israel, Terror War

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Real world training at its finest. Now…if they would just use that training to launch drones for intelligence gathering and targeting toward OUR border and use OUR Military to do what should be their primary job, ie…defending the US.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Little by little, we (US) are being led into another WW that has nothing to do with our national interests.

USMCMSgt (Ret)


(One of their highest aspirations is to be martyred, right?)


Israel is an ally. Why wouldn’t we provide assistance?


More of a dependent than an ally.

Amateur Historian

Yeah, like with most of the world. 😕


I would rather support israel than some other places we are giving “assistance ” to. Ukraine, the Palestinians for humanitarian reasons to name a couple.


Very good point


Well, the Israelis fight like their lives depend on it ..because it DOES. In general, I’ll support anyone who fights the Saracen and wins. Fuck Islam, fuck the Mohammedans. Que viva Rodrigo Díaz de Bivar.

Skivvy Stacker

With the way Cotton Eyed Joe is playing this one I gotta think he’s either building a nice nest egg for his grand kids, or he actually thinks he can take it with him when the Devil calls him home.


The Devil has a place ready for him and his. If I don’t make the cut to go to heaven, I’ll torment him and his for all eternity. It’d be worth going to Hell to torture that cocksucker. I’d smile on my deathbed knowing I’d get to fuck with him. Phony Catholic son of a bitch.

Last edited 7 months ago by MustangCPT