More hyperbole from VoteVets

| October 22, 2009

VoteVets is tossing away more money this week on a radio ad that reminds me of the insidious ad they did in which they claimed Senator George Allen had voted against supplying the troops with modern body armor. disputed the veracity of that ad, and now it’s my turn to dispute the veracity of their latest ad.

The ad targets Pennsylvania State legislator, Daryl Metcalfe who, they claim, called veterans traitors. Here’s the script of the ad from Vets Voice;

ANNCR: Traitors. That’s what State Representative Darryl Metcalfe called decorated Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Traitors. Pittsburgh resident and Iraq war veteran Chuck Tyler.

Chuck Tyler: Representative Metcalfe. A lot of my friends never made it home from Iraq. Dishonoring us dishonors their memory. We deserve better – and so does Pennsylvania.

ANNCR: Metcalfe was attacking members of Operation Free; veterans whose goal is to make America more secure with clean energy and cut the flow of oil dollars to those who would do us harm. It’s a goal the Department of Defense, the CIA, and the National Intelligence Council all share.

Chuck Tyler: I’m not a traitor sir. I’m just a veteran doing what’s right to protect my country.

ANNCR: Call Representative Darryl Metcalfe at 717-783-1707 and tell him to resign – because attacking America’s patriots is the most unpatriotic thing you can do. A message from Operation Free. Paid for by Vote Vets Action Fund.

I’d never heard of Operation Free, so I had to track them down. This is from their “Why We Care” page;

Here are our core motivational principles:

* We need to get America running on clean energy.
* Clean energy reduces our dependence on the foreign oil.
* Oil ties our hands in foreign policy, funds terrorists, and entangles America with hostile regimes.
* Our Federal government is considering legislation that promotes clean energy incentives, and people need to understand why this helps our security.
* Getting energy that is CLEAN, DOMESTIC, CHEAP, and SAFE is going to take some real work, so we need to start now.
* It’s our patriotic duty to do everything we can to keep our nation safe and secure: clean energy is one of those efforts.

I take away from the reading that they think we can run our country on unicorn urine starting next week if only we all wish real hard. Well, anyway, Operation Free is on a cross country tour to get us all to wish for people to start using unicorn urine – by the way, their cross-country tour is on a bus, which I don’t think runs on unicorn urine.

Operation Free contacted Mr. Metcalfe – a veteran himself – to meet them when they came to his area – Cranberry Township near Pittsburgh. Mr. Metcalfe fired off an email to them;

“Subject: Re: Veterans for American Power Bus Tour coming to your state

As a veteran,

I believe that any veteran lending their name, to promote the leftist propaganda of global warming and climate change, in an effort to control more of the wealth created in our economy, through cap and tax type policies, all in the name of national security, is a traitor to the oath he or she took to defend the Constitution of our great nation!

Remember Benedict Arnold before giving credibility to a veteran who uses their service as a means to promote a leftist agenda.

Drill Baby Drill!!!

For Liberty,
Daryl Metcalfe
State Representative
Veteran U.S. Army

The emphasis is mine.

So yeah, he called veterans who would lend their names to propaganda traitors to their oath.

I called Daryl Metcalfe to get his side without the hyperbole. What he told me was that he vehemently opposes the “cap and tax” program that Operation Free is promoting on their hypocritical bus tour. He told me that he opposes it for the same reasons that the rest of us oppose it – it will cause damage to our economy and bankrupt the nation.

Mr. Metcalfe says cap and trade is unconstitutional and because veterans swore to protect and defend the Constitution, veterans who trade on their service to support un-American legislation are traitors to their oath. Of course, the “to their oath” gets left out of the VoteVets commercial. It serves their purposes better to make it sound like Metcalfe called all veterans traitors to their country.

In response to the overblown hyperbole, Daily Koz called Representative Metcalfe a “loon” in order to elevate the debate;

What are the odds Metcalfe will have his own radio show, become a commentator for Fox News or have his own column at World Net Daily before the year is up? I tell you, it’s loons all the way down.

So, HuffPo got huffy, and numerous lefty blogs have their respective panties twisted; Think Progress joined in. So you just knew the MoveOn-monied VoteVets had to waste some cash on a pointless commercial.

But, ya know, there’s another Pennsylvania politician that meant what he said when he called Marines murderers who VoteVets should have got upset about – but instead they endorsed him for re-election.

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I mentioned hearing the ad votevets is running in Michigan, imploring Sens Stabenow and Levin to be good little marxists and vote for Cap-and-Rape. As if those two maroons need encouragement. As I said, if this was a class project in a middle school, multi-media class, the author would get a D-, or lower. Poorly narrated, poorly written, and the classic greeny talking points. I notice they don’t mention drilling in the US, or offshore. That, too, would reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Dicksmith and votevets seem to think that lowering our dependence is a good idea, why not include that? And no mention of the cost, in new taxes, or jobs lost?


The ad is also contaminating the air of South Dakota. As if I didn’t despise them enough already!


Another vet against VoteVets. My goodness, they could not possibly be more obnoxious.

If you don’t believe in anthrogenic global warming, it’s because YOU HATE AMERICA! Not only that, but YOU WANT OUR SOLDIERS TO DIE!

Energy independence is a great idea. It won’t come over night and it won’t come at all if we allow liberal democrats to block all FEASIBLE forms of energy.


Funny you should mention these assholes at VV. I listen to a Philly station via itunes radio. I heard a campaign ad that made me want to call you on the spot. They have some action committee but the ad was ridiculous.
I’ll see if I can find it…
Decontamination and a a barf bag are in order.


[…] and Trade as of October 23, 2009 October 23, 2009 Stop Cap & Trade Legislation No Comments More hyperbole from VoteVets – 10/22/2009 October 22nd, 2009VoteVets is tossing away more money this week on a […]


Dude, I can’t believe you’re defending this douchebag. The plain fact is that no legislation is that simple. It’s not like they’re promoting “HR Tear The Flag Down And Use It For Toilet Paper; Afterwards Rape The Eagle”. For him to call vets traitors (and being a traitor to your oath IS being a traitor, adding those three words doesn’t make that any nicer) because they happen to believe in a piece of legislation he doesn’t, is reprehensible.

WTF, over.


AS — I agree to a point. It makes it a bit easier for me because at least Metcalfe served in the Army unlike a lot of the chickenhawks that usually talk like him.

My opinion is that Vote Vets is a group of liberal hacks and ass kissers … but not traitors.

For example, Soltz is against Republicans having an opinion on foreign policy, energy, and military affairs, at the same time he thinks the mucisians have it down pat:


AS, would it then be fair to title it “HR take from the people, line Gore’s pockets, and the governments, so we have more power”? Would that be a fair characterization of Cap and Tax? Remembering that businesses don’t pay taxes like those being proposed, they just pass the costs along to the customers? And, no, it has nothing to do with national security.


UpNorth: Let me be honest. I haven’t looked into Cap and Tax at /all/, on /either/ side of it. I have less than a clue about whether it’s good or bad. But I’m saying that whether it’s good, or whether it’s bad, there’s probably honest people on both sides who believe it’s good for America, and it’s not fair to simplify a debate by saying “You hate America/You’re a traitor to your oath/You’re a bad veteran” if someone disagrees, whatever it is.

OnNow: Yeah, that’s a point, he is a vet, and so it’s more of a family fight than an external fight. It makes it still a jerk move, but less of one.