Biden rescues Poland from Russian hordes

| October 21, 2009

The Washington Times reports that just a few weeks after the Obama Administration shut down the Bush Administration’s missile defense plans for Eastern Europe, and after we listened to the “experts” tell us that a submarine-based system was more effective anyway, Joe Biden waded into the shallow end of the pool and promised the Poles an Obama missile defense plan of the ground-based genre.

Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk emerged from a lengthy private discussion to announce that Poland’s participation in the missile defense system was, essentially, back on — though in a new format that involves delivering a smaller number of defensive weapons in 2018.

Mr. Tusk said through a translator that he considered the revised proposal “a very interesting idea.”

“We are ready to participate in this project,” he said.

The hastily arranged vice presidential trip, which also will include stops in Romania and the Czech Republic this week, was intended to soothe relations and reassure the fledgling NATO members that the missile program was not being scrapped, and that the evolving policy should not be viewed as a snub or a weakening of U.S. security commitments to states in the region.

Apparently, New Europe wasn’t buying the math of the sub-based plan, so Brilliant Joe had to go over and explain it to them. So where are the Leftists who normally protest these things?

Somehow, I wouldn’t consider this reassuring if I were Polish;

Noting NATO’s collective security pledge, Mr. Biden said: “An attack on one is an attack on all. And this strategic assurance is absolute. Absolute, Mr. Prime Minister.”

“Make no mistake about it,” he continued, “our commitment to Poland is unwavering.”

Well, our commitment won’t waver unless the Russians tell us to waver.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy

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Just A Grunt

Now if somebody can just keep Russia, or anybody else for that matter, from lobbing a couple missiles until 2018 everything will be cool.

B Woodman

Reminds me somewhat of the policies of the ancient Egyptian pharohs. The new Pharoh would come in, and immediately start erasing the name and disassembling the works of the prior pharoh.

Looks like The One is attempting to clumsily erase Bush’s name and policies. Even though he has either nothing else to put in its place, or will put the same thing in its place- just later, and now with HIS name on it.

Does he REALLY think we have such a short memory as that?
(What? A butterfly? Where? Ohhh, pretty. . .)


2018? Just like “The One”, to promise something you don’t have to deliver, 6 years after you’ll be out of office ( I can hope).


Cool move. President O’Dumbo stabs them in the back and Slow Joe delivers a box of used bandaid’s.

AW1 Tim

If I were the Prime Minister of a European nation, and just heard Joe Biden saying “trust us”, I’d be calling up ALL of my reserves and going on a DefCon 2 setting as soon as I could grab the telephone to give the orders.

This frikkin’ administration is acting like the the 3-stooges, without any of the comedic parts.