Soltz attacks Elizabeth Cheney

| October 19, 2009

Last year, girlie man Jon Soltz, famously, after the Presidential election, sent a note to Melanie Morgan addressing her as “Stinky Hag“. So, we already know that Soltz has some sort of personality disorder that makes him hate strong women (or any woman, as far as I know). Today he chooses to attack Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, for the terrible offense of forming a partisan organization (not like Soltz has ever done that) named Keep America Safe (offensive isn’t it?). Here’s part of their mission statement that Soltz opposes;

Keep America Safe believes the United States can only defeat our adversaries and defend our interests from a position of strength. We know that America has, for 233 years, been an unparalleled force for good in the world, that our fighting forces are the best the world has ever known, and that the world is a safer place when America is trusted by our allies and feared and respected by our enemies. Keep America Safe will make the case for an unapologetic approach to fighting terrorism around the world, for victory in the wars this country fights, for democracy, freedom and human rights, and for a strong American military that is needed in the dangerous world in which we live.

You’d better put down any liquids you might be consuming at the moment before you read this quote from Soltz


Liz Cheney has no experience fighting wars and gets details wrong when she tries to look like she knows what she’s talking about.

Exactly like Jon Soltz looks when he tries to discuss things he doesn’t know anything about – things like wars, combat…you know things that happen outside of the motor pool. Here’s another spew alert – don’t say I didn’t warn you;

More importantly, though, is that despite her tough bluster, Liz Cheney is an incredibly weak person. Weak people see everything in black and white, and take the easiest path.

Knowing Liz Cheney, Soltz knows weak people, too. Weak people spend three months in Iraq and then hide out at Fort Dix for 13 months “teaching” other soldiers how to deliver MREs. Weak people sling spittle during a YearlyKoz convention at a young buck sergeant speaking of his experiences in Iraq. I guess Soltz’ masters at MoveOn needed someone to attack Liz Chaeny and all they had was Soltz. I picture him banging the keys of his keyboard with one of those toy hammers that squeak. I suspect that Soltz is MoveOn’s version of IVAW – a veteran that they can aim at their intellectual betters that barks on command. This is who Soltz respects – Bill Perry, VVAW liar and IVAW advisor; Soltz/Perry Good luck with that, Soltz. Feel free to email me and call me names, too. Better yet, send me your home address – it’s the only thing keeping me from getting your records.

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would somebody rip that 82nd. patch off of that jacket for me?


My Bad. I spewed. WHO took the easiest path? Effing moron.

AW1 Tim

Moron. An apt description of the “man” in question. Works on so many levels, that.


“Weak people see everything in black and white, and take the easiest path.”

Classic IVAW palp.


I would recommend a change in the post’s title. Soltz has never attacked jack shit!


Jonn — Great Job On This Post !!!

I’ve said it 100 times, but I’ll say it again. That is … I’ve always wondered how Soltz could remain active in the Army Reserve and never again deploy to the OIF/OEF theater since 9/2003. Soltz did a three month tour back in 2003 and was never again called upon to serve in the theater of operation … all while he actively drills in the AR every month and even had a company command (from what I’ve heard.) I also hear that Soltz claims PTSD, but chose to remain active in the AR on a non-deployable status … I can’t back that up because it is 3rd party information … but I would love to know if there is any truth to it. It is amazing how this guy (Soltz) can stay active in the AR component and trash the former Commander In Chief on television, trash the current mission of the US military, almost on a daily basis, and never be reprimanded. Now he wants to carry the jock strap of the new Commander In Chief .. Why? simply because he’s a Democrat. How does he get away with it?

Where is Soltz on Afghanistan? Wherever the Democrats are on Afghanistan. Of course Jon Soltz won’t be serving there himself .. because somehow somebody someway has prevented him from deploying for the last 6 years … amazing.

I also suspect that Soltz’ passion for the repeal of “don’t ask don’t tell” has something to do with Soltz being in the closet himself. Time will tell.

Old Tanker

I would recommend a change in the post’s title. Soltz has never attacked jack shit!

aw c,mon, I’ll bet he attacked his chair in the motorpool with ass alot…….maybe even his desk with the heels of his boots….

Old Tanker

I would recommend a change in the post’s title. Soltz has never attacked jack shit!

aw c,mon, I’ll bet he attacked his chair in the motorpool with his ass alot…….maybe even his desk with the heels of his boots….

Old Tanker

ooops, sorry about the double..


Sounds like Soltz is MoveOn’s bitch.


I know guys who will pull the patch off the jacket and his hair from his head the first time they see him. When the bikes roll in he’ll have to hide under momma’s skirt. Looks like someone has been pulling on his ears a lot so someone is right about how he avoided combat duty.


“Soltz Attacks Class I supply closet; sticky buns, Otis Spunkmeyer muffins hardest hit”


“I picture him banging the keys of his keyboard with one of those toy hammers that squeak.”
I love that description and can just picture it! LOL!