Daily FGS

| December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas Delta Whiskeys and Whiskettes.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Merry Christmas (yes, I said Christmas) to all! Honestly, I don’t care if you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, X-Mas, Holidays, Hannukah, Solstice, or anything else. Just enjoy this time of year and spend time with your loved ones.

Me? I had to make a poem this morning because I had no idea what to buy the wife. So, there’s some pledges for dinner, concerts and movies, me getting rid of some crap, and her getting a shopping spree. I might be in trouble…


Good thing it’s mostly warm in your AO, fm2176…that dog house can get mighty chilly.

This is how Santa Roh-Dog does it…



If some of the crap you’re getting rid of are tools, don’t sell them for what you told her you paid for them.