Daily FGS

| December 22, 2023


Greenfield PD: Man arrested after assaulting woman before being shot
The incident happened around 1 a.m. Wednesday in the 1500 block of North Melody Lane, south of Interstate 70 along North State Street.

GREENFIELD, Ind. — Greenfield police arrested a man who allegedly assaulted a woman inside a moving car early Wednesday before being shot.

The shooting happened around 1 a.m. Dec. 20 in the 1500 block of North Melody Lane, south of Interstate 70 along North State Street. The Greenfield Police Department said a 44-year-old man was shot in the arm “after what detectives believe was a domestic dispute.”

The man was allegedly assaulting a woman inside a moving car near a grocery store.

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Thanks again to Gun Bunny and Old Tanker.

Finally, a good prosecutor knows that her job is to enforce the law without fear or favor. Likewise, a Supreme Court Justice must interpret the laws without fear or favor.
Amy Klobuchar

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Nice write up on the Ka-Bar.
The serrated edge version is the perfect Christmas gift for
anyone presently incarcirated.


That would be illegal of course.


So is a heck of a lot of the stuff that gets into the prisons.


I’ve owned a couple. I can see why they’ve maintained their popularity over the decades, though I never carried any of mine. I used to keep my Gerber Mark II strapped to my vest, but later just stuck with a pocket folder.


Ran into a Black Straight Edge at an estate sale a while back. Almost broke my arm getting the $2.00 they wanted for it out of my pocket. Had the case and the issued sharpening stone with it.

Ladies, when he is abusing you, do NOT depend on a piece of paper to protect you. “When it’s time to shoot…shoot!”

Doing what Officer Friendly asks you to do will generally keep you from being perforated.

“Amy, what you gonna do…I think I’m fed up with you, for a while maybe longer…” Apologies to Pure Prairie League


OK, KoB, I am officially jealous of your estate sale find.
But glad for you to have it.


Used to carry a Buck 110 folding hunter.
“Used to” a lot things…..


Carried an M3 fighting knife new-made from an original manufacturer (Boker) in Afghanistan. (Army’s WW2 equivalent of the Ka-Bar, much nicer than the M9 bayonet.)
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Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

I had one of those.
Very nice knife.


I’ve seen an amazing “cell-made” knife discovered in the cell of an inmate in TDCJ. I believe it is on exhibit in the Texas Prison Museum in Huntsville, TX.
Using a small length of hacksaw blade, the inmate cut the blade from angle iron of his bunk – about 8″ overall. Then took Hershey’s chocolate wrappers he bought in the commissary and melted them in layers to make an impressive handle. He sharpened it on the concrete floor under his bunk (where the marks would not show).
All in all, a very impressive and well-made fighting knife. Fortunately, it was found before he could use it.

As for serrated edges, I am Not A Fan. They make that portion of the blade useless for most tasks. The given raison d’être is to cut cordage or webbing (e.g. seat belts). For rescue from a burning vehicle I have a folder that has the entire blade serrated – and is only useful for that purpose. For all other knife chores, I want a standard edge entire. The serrated portion reduces my working area on the blade unacceptably.


True. Geneva Convention purists will note the serrated edge = sawtoothed bayonet for “war crime” hassles (or excuses thereof) by bad guys, too.

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous

FWIW, I am not a signatory to the Geneva Convention, nor an official representative of a signatory.


They do make a U.S. Army version (so stamped on the blade) for those inclined.


On the suspected domestic assault, I have this advice: men, lose the “tough guy, I’m the only one, she’s going to do what I say, let’s take things personal” mentality. No woman is worth your life or freedom. Let me reword that, no argument or disagreement with a woman is worth getting into a physical altercation and risking life or freedom. If someone tries to harm my wife or daughters, there’s no limit to what I’d do to protect them. If my wife goes psycho and starts getting physically abusive, I’ll have to swallow my pride and try to deescalate or just leave the situation.

Of the two 2-54 Infantry Drill Sergeants that self-deleted while I was on the Trail, one was a big Black guy who always had a smile on his face. His wife was tiny and bipolar, and despite her showing her instability at FRG meetings and such, no one in the command ever took the time to ask the DS if he needed some outside help. One night, she was hitting and slapping him, he ended up having enough and laid her out with a single punch, and the command just went full steam ahead on making an example of him. Yanked from his position, the night prior to his court martial he went to one of the ranges on Main Post and pulled the trigger, leaving his wife (who might have been able to get better help had leaders reacted to her public outbursts) and two children.


“No woman is worth your life or freedom”

Cept mom.

RGR 4-78

Unfortunately, through the years, I came into contact with a large number of “moms” who were complete s%&tbags and raised their children to be the same way.


Concur. (My ex said FRG stood for F*in’ Reject Group, too.)

Last edited 11 months ago by Anonymous