On the Subject of Jackass “Journalists”…

| October 14, 2009

Following TSO’s post below highlighting the musings of his favorite idiot journalist Dahr Jamail, I couldn’t resist this bit of drivel from my favorite jackass journalist, Seymour Hersh.

While many believe that Obama’s current waffling over Afghanistan is based on his inexperience, indecisiveness, piss poor selection of advisors or purely political posturing; we are apparently all wrong.

“A lot of people in the Pentagon would like to see him get into trouble,” he said. By leaking information that the commanding officer in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, says the war would be lost without an additional 40,000 American troops, top brass have put Obama in a no-win situation, Hersh contended.

Just as soon as he blames the Pentagon for Obama’s lack of leadership he inadvertently pulls back the curtain and tells what is the real root of the problem…politics.

“If he gives them the extra troops they’re asking for, he loses politically,” Hersh said. “And if he doesn’t give them the troops, he also loses politically.”

The journalist criticized the president for “letting the military do that,” and suggested the only way out was for Obama to stand up to them.

“He’s either going to let the Pentagon run him or he has to run the Pentagon,” Hersh said. If he doesn’t, “this stuff is going to be the ruin of his presidency.”

Naturally Hersh solves Obama’s problem for him. It is a brilliant strategy as usual.

The only way for the U.S. to extricate itself from the conflict, Hersh said, is to negotiate with the Taliban.

“It’s the only way out,” he said. “I know that there’s a lot of discussion in the White House about this now. But Obama is going to have to take charge, and there’s no evidence he’s going to do that.”

Okay, for those of you keeping score, it’s the Pentagon’s fault that Obama’s rhetoric has written checks that he can’t politically cash. But why?

Because they are RAAAAAAACISTS!

“They think he’s weak and the wrong color. Yes, there’s racism in the Pentagon. We may not like to think that, but it’s true and we all know it.”

What a complete idiot.

Category: Politics

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A Jack and water for COB.

Next it will be Rush’s fault for wanting to own an NFL team. See, that money could go to higher taxes, which could fund more soldiers, which (if we only had them and could afford them) could go to the Sandbox.



Seymour must have found this when he was looking for proof of Cheney’s death squads from the JSOC, who have been mercilessly tracking him, day and night.
What a Maroon…


Have any of these idiots who claim racism in the Pentagon ever noticed the number of senior ranking military personel who are not white? Does Collin Powel ring any bells? How many CSM’s, COL’s, and flag officers are of a background other than white? I have met a fair number over the years.


So President O’Bumbo’s jackass mouth wrote checks his hummingbird ass can’t cash. Worst president in history and worst there will ever be. All mouth, with someone else’s words. A puppet on a string and hundreds of fools take turns pulling the sting. He dances to all of them.

Just A Grunt

“If he gives them the extra troops they’re asking for, he loses politically,” Hersh said. “And if he doesn’t give them the troops, he also loses politically.”

Hey Seymour, can we drop the rhetoric about whether it is a win/lose politically scenario and think of this in a win/lose militarily? Of course not, to liberals everything is politics, and people are simply tools used to achieve their real goal of power. He ought to go to a two-way shooting range sometime and tell if he is wondering about the political implications of winning or losing.

B Woodman

Sheesh! This is why “he” was elected to the most powerful political office in America, to MAKE THOSE DIFFICULT DECISIONS. Yes, “he’s” always going to piss someone off because of a decision “he’s” made, but at least “he” will have made a decision.




Sy Hersh, America’s most renowned investigative communist!


Hersh is the the only one who doesn’t get what a moron he is.


Yeah, 1st Cav, Hersh is in good company, you know? Matthews, Maddow, Olberman. Uh, I need a barf bucket.


Cannot believe he did not blame Bush. They must be getting bored in the “ones” camp.